Okay, so, this is a short series on the Korean War. I will try to portray everything as accurately as I can, and I hope you enjoy the story!

I don't own Hetalia! end /AN/

It had been a stormy day, but never had a day been brighter for South Korea. He had been exhausted, sore all over, and unable to see out of his right eye for the swelling, strength buoyed only by news of the Allies' successes against Japan. His brother was just as bad off, bruises decorating his body and a slight limp in his walk. Japan had seemed nervous that day, not responding to North Korea's taunts with violence as he usually would. In fact, he hadn't bothered to hit either of them throughout the day for their defiance, an unusual thing indeed. It filled both brothers with hope, and it turned out, they were right to be hopeful.

America had burst through the doorway, gun pointed at Japan. "Let them go, or I'll have to use force!" And before Japan could properly respond, Russia was standing behind him, brandishing his pipe. "Da, and you wouldn't want that..."

But Japan grimaced, drawing his sword. "They're mine, they're mine, and they'll always be mine," he hissed, turning so his back was to neither of the advancing foes. North Korea pulled South Korea close to him, intending to protect him from any crossfire, wrapping his arms around him protectively. America grinned, cocky in the face of his foe.

"I don't think so!" and without further ado, he shot, narrowly missing Japan as the other moved fast as a ninja, sword swinging for America's head. It was met, however, with Russia's pipe, as the large country blocked the stroke. Russia smiled eerily as he forced back Japan's blade. Japan glared back, eyes narrowed in concentration as he tried to win the battle of wills between them.

America shot again, but Japan broke free of Russia and deflected it, then slashed Russia across the forearm. Russia winced, momentarily stunned by the pain, but swung at Japan's head all the same. Another gunshot, and Japan was clutching his knee, backing towards the exit. He was retreating, though South Korea knew he would never call it a retreat. The second he disappeared through the doorway, both of the large nations turned their attention to the Koreas.

"You look horrible!" America exclaimed, looking South Korea over. He grabbed a skinny arm, shocked by the extensive bandaging. South Korea blushed, feeling a little self-conscious. "Well, it's not exactly my fault..."

Russia was checking over North Korea, though more quietly. He brushed back his hair, examining his face, then he clicked his tongue. "You are not in good condition." North Korea held his head high. "It happens when a savage nation occupies you."

"Well, you're both free now," America pointed out, causing both Koreas to look at each other, expressions hopeful and wondering if it were too good to be true, after all this time. Japan had kept an iron grip on them, forcing them into the kimonos they wore now and beating them when they spoke in their own language. Now, it would finally be over? America chuckled, having gotten some similiar reactions from nations he helped to free. "Now, don't get too excited, you still need to recuperate from the war; I'm going to help you-"

"I'll take North Korea." Russia cut in, giving said nation a hand up. South Korea looked bewildered, eyes following North Korea with concern. "Take? Take where? Aren't we going to be together?"

America shrugged. "Well, no, you see, I'll be taking care of you and getting you ready for independence, and Russia will do the same with North Korea. It'll be easier this way, and it's only temporary, you'll be back together before you know it. So, what do you say? Will you come with me?" He extended his hand towards South Korea, smiling expectantly.

South Korea looked at the hand, then back at North Korea. The other sighed, giving him a longing glance. "It'll be okay... He said we'd see each other again soon. It won't be long... Go on."

"I really don't want to," South Korea said quietly, and North Korea shrugged out of Russia's hold, coming over to envelope his brother in his arms. "It will be fine, I promise. We'll be a country again, but first we have to rebuild, alright? I don't want to leave you anymore than you want to leave me, but we have to do it."

With his arms wrapped just as tightly around North Korea, South Korea nodded. "Okay, I can do it." North Korea waited a moment longer, then released South Korea from the hug. "Go on," he said, making shooing motions.

"Alright," South Korea said, turning back to America and hesitantly taking the hand. America beamed, immediately pulling him along. "Okay, so first thing we have to do, we have to get your government in order! We need really trustworthy people to put in charge! Second thing, an army! Just think of it, your own troops, ready to defend their country..."

South Korea wasn't really listening to America, instead looking back at North Korea's retreating form longingly. His brother and him had never been separated this way. This would not be easy...

/AN/ Okay, so, WWII, America and the Soviet Union invaded Japan-occupied Korea. The Soviet Union invaded from the north, and America invaded from the south. Then each country took their half of Korea to help them rebuild and prepare to be independent. The plan was for them to be reunited after a period of time. The reason both countries wanted a stake in Korea was so they could influence it to be the same as them, ie democratic or communist. Korea was an important area to the United States because now they had a military base in Japan, and Korea was like a stepping stone to it, and it was important to the Soviet Union because they shared a small amount of border.