Okay so I watched the proposal yesterday and five minutes into it I've got Raven and Robin into my mind and so this story was born. Most of the Titans will be here as well as Justice League so yippee. And on to the story

Disclaimer: ME NO OWN! Yet….

She turned off her stereo and got up from her lotus position. Meditating was the only thing that kept her going throughout the day. It wasn't the coffee she got from her assistant everyday. That just kept her functioning.

As she turned on the television, she saw herself and Richard standing in front of their company. 'Wow, he looked really good that day.' She shook off that thought. Of course he was attractive. He had piercing blue eyes and a trademark smirk he gave whenever they exchanged witty banter at work. Which was another thing to like. She could tolerate him. Though she'd never admit it. His hair was spiked effortlessly. And he had an amazingly toned body. Not that she had noticed… much…

She was far to busy with work to worry about relationships. She hadn't even had sex yet for crying out loud. She sighed at herself for getting lost in her own thoughts. She got up and got dressed for the day.


"I'm so freaking late." Richard whispered to himself. He was rushing to his job as an assistant to the most successful woman in Jump. And the iciest as well. She actually gave a man a heart attack just from glaring at him. She was the head of Jump City Publishers. He stepped out of the elevator.

'You know why she glared at the man?' His inner voice asked him. 'Because he was-'

"Late again Grayson." Rachel said as he walked into the office. She had been facing the wall.


"It's ok, I guess." She said as he made his way to his desk. "I wouldn't bother sitting down, we have a meeting to go to." She warned him still not turning from her computer.

"I wasn't planning on relaxing."

"You never should. You've been working with me for…" She trailed off wanting him to finish the statement.

"Yeah, yeah I know 3 years." he said as they walked out of their office.

"So who are we firing this time and why?" he asked her.

"Slade Wilson. He's been slacking off at work. I've asked him a million times to get Jeff on that talk show. We aren't just Editors and Publishers. It's our job to be their publicists as well." They turned a corner. "And I've made these things clear. He just can't seem to get it through his head."

They paused at the door. Kori Anders was just leaving his office in tears. She was his secretary. 'What could he have done to her? He couldn't fire her without Rachel's consent.' Richard wondered. He looked at his boss. 'What?' she looked back at him. 'Obviously she didn't know.' he reasoned.

"Hello Mr. Wilson." Rachel announced as they stepped in. She notice something on his desk. "Is that a picture of your daughter?" she mused.

"Yes. It is."

"Well you must care about her very much."

"Yes I love her very much. I spend every moment that one day a year when I get to see her thinking about-"

"Messy divorces are not my problem. No, you see, my problem is the fact that I have told you over and over again that you needed to get Jeff on Ellen. Now I could demote you. But that would just leave you as dead weight."

"Wait a second. Ms. Roth, convincing Ellen to let him appear on her show was hard enough. But I've heard that getting Jeff to come out of that hovel he calls a home is nearly impossible."

At this she nodded. "So you heard that it was nearly impossible? Did you even try calling him?"

"Well- I wasn't-"

"I'll give you three months to collect yourself, find a new job, and get settled so you can tell everybody here that you resigned peacefully. For now, I think you should go home and get some rest."

He was silent as she and Richard left the room and entered the hallway.

"What's the damage?" she whispered to him.

"He's walking out of his office with one of those crappy vases you got him for the Christmas office party. And here we go." he whispered knowing there was about to be a scene.

"You heartless bitch!" he yelled making heads in the office turn to their location.

Rachel seemed unphased as she rested her arm on the edge of a nearby cubical and sipped her coffee. Richard just watched on in bewilderment as usual.

"You're only firing me because you know I posed as a threat to you. You can't handle the fact that someone might actually beat you at your own game! Because of this job I've lost my wife and my kid." he hissed.

"I'm not scared of you Slade. And the only reason you lost your wife is because you've spent more time cheating on her than actually working."

He took one step towards her before she held up her hand and told him. "Take one more step and I'll have Richard get Victor and they'll escort you out of the building. With whatever force needed. Then I'll write a detailed remake of this little event and have Richard put it on that little website called-" she snapped her fingers, trying to remember.

"Youtube." Richard helped her.

"Yes that's the one. Is that what you want?" she asked him.

He glared at the two and waited an moment before smashing the vase on the floor and walking out of the building.

"Hey Rachel I was wondering if I could get some time off to go back home in New York because Alfred, this man who's been like a grandfather to me, is turning 90 this weekend." She closed the girls bathroom door in his face and he walked off to call his soon to be very disappointed step mother.

About five minutes later she emerged from the bathroom and went to her office.

"Okay well what's next?"

"You've got a meeting to go to after you go see Mr. Wallace in his office about your visa."

"Great." she groaned "Just come and save me in ten minutes okay?" She said before she walked out of the office she was in for about 15 seconds.

She walked in and sat down in front of Mr. Wallace. For about 8 minutes they went back and forth talking about the issue at hand.

"No but you don't understand! I can't be deported. Not right now."

"The visa didn't go through because your paperwork wasn't found anywhere."

"Azarath is only 500 miles above California. I'm barely an immigrant."

"I'm sorry but there's nothing we can do Rachel."

"Okay maybe I can still work through live webcam and-"

He interrupted her. "Unfortunately if you are not a legal American citizen. You cannot work for an American company. Wilson would have to replace you."

"Wilson? As in Slade Wilson the guy I just fired?"

"He's the most qualified. We would pick Grayson but he'd have to go through a lot more paperwork and-" A knock on the door stopped him in his tracks.

"I'm sorry excuse me" Richard said before poking his head in the door.

"What?, What?" she snapped at him.

"Mrs. Duncan is on line one and you know how impatient she is. I've tried to keep her busy, but you know Mary and she is rather hard to keep engaged in conversations." He stopped talking and started making hand gestures for her to come on.

She stared at him intensely. You could practically see the wheels turning in her head.

"Come in," she mouthed.

She noticed his confusion and called him again harsher this time.

He walked in but stopped a few feet short of her. "Well gentlemen, I see the predicament we are in and I understand. So before I leave I'd like you to know that Richard and I are getting married." She walked back and gave him a weak pat on the shoulder.

A/N: Okay 8-30-10: I didn't really edit this I just fixed a few things that irked me. Like line breaks and crap like that. lol. Thx.