Have You ever

Disclaimer: I do own DBZ!!!................................pffft yeah right!!!

Authors Notes: Wel it was about time now wasn't it??? Wel i'm realy sorry for this guys, it's just, look i'm bussy!! * sighs * Okay, I had serious case of writers block o_O I just didn't know what to write anymore!!

But now I do, so sit back and relax. Oh and if your not a Bra and Goten fan, than don't read this!!

Chapter three.

During dinner Bra looked at her family, her mother, which she had admirrod for as long as she can remember, her brother, even thoug he was a pain in the ass, she still loved him and he would be there whenever she needed him. And her father the Sayin prince, he was so proud of himself, nothing could break that, unitil he met her mother, and after Bra was born they were the only living beings that could make him do anything. She smiled to herself, remembering that when she was little, she wished she wasn't Bra Briefs, she wished she was a girl who was a normal human, who wasn't controlled once by a evil being. But now, she was greatful that she was Bra Briefs the princces of a powerful race.

Her look went from her family to her faincee, he was the first sweetest person she met, who didn't have any special powers and who didn't have a idea that she was half alien, she smirked at the thougt when she told him. He didn't believe her at al, she had to proove it to him. Even thoug she didn't have many skills to show her powers, she did know how to make a ki ball, her father had thaugt her when she was thirteen. It was small, but it did scared the shit out of Jainco.

But she felt that something was wrong. Was it okay to be engaged with someone, when you feel something that's so strong for another? She knew she was in love with Jainco, but Goten always was the 'one' for her 'I never thougt I would hear myself say this, but why in the world did they had to get divorced, it would be so much better if Goten was still with Paris.' She sighed.

She pooked at her meal playing with it, not knowing that she caught her mothers, Jainco and Trunks eyes were locked on her.

"Bra? Honey what's wrong? You've barely touched your food!!" Bulma said. Bra looked up at her mother and saw her family looking at her strangly.

She shoved her plate from her and shrugged her head. "I'm not that hungry." Vegeta almost shocked at the of the food he was devouring(?)

"Okay." Her mother said as she contineud with eating. Jainco looked at her with a puzzled face. He could feel one pair of eyes peering at him, Trunks.

1 After Dinner

Bulma setteled the pates in the kitchen sink, as Vegeta got to his fav. place in the house, the Gravity Room.

"Trunks, why don't you show Jainco around." Bulma said.

"Mom!! He has already seen the house!" Bulma rolled her eyes, "Well, he is Bra's assitent, show him where and how you work or somthing!" Trunks sighed "Well, than let's go to the lab!!" he said with some sarcasim in his voice, Jainco happily agreed, he gave Bra a guick kiss on the cheek and followed Trunks.

Leaving Bra and Bulma alone, which was exactly what Bra needed. Her mother can be a pain in the @$$, but when it came to serious matters, she would listen and give advice.

Bulma put the dishes and other things in the washing machine, with Bra helping her.

Finished Bulma looked at the younger version of herself, "So, you care to tell me why you barely touched your food, and wel, care to tell me why you barely made contact with us in wel like two years??" Bulma said while she put her hands on her hips.

Bra sighed and sat down, "I didn't mean it, you of al people should know, that the job I have right now, it keeps me busy." Bulma looked at her funny, "Don't tell me that you never even skipped work, everyone did that, I did it, your grandfather did and your brother is doing it!!It's a Briefs thing!!"

Bra smiled, she did skip work very often, just to fly or sit in a park enjoying the peace. That's how she and Jainco fel in love, she needed an assitent who would help her with new projects. He came and was hired. After a while when they were working together, he sugjested that they should take a break and they did, before she knew it, they were engaged.

"Bra, please tell me what's wrong with you!!" Bra shrugged her head, it was time she let out what was troubling her.

"Mom, when I left,....." another huge sigh came out of her lungs.

Before she could continue the kitchen door swung open. Revealing her life long best friends, Pan and Marron.

Marron giggled and ran towards Bra, "Bra why didn't you call us and tell us you were back here in Japan?!" she said while she hugged Bra.

Bra laughed and took a quick look at her mother, her mother nodded and left leaving the best friends alone.

"I'm sorry, I was planning to call you guys, how did you find out?" Pan stepped a side and gave Bra a hug. I do have a uncle living with me you know. He's here to!!" Bra saw Goten in the doorway, smiling a little.

"Well," Pan, "we've decideded it was about time we would do something together with the whole gang agian.!!" Bra smiled. "Yeah and maybe you can take that boyfriend of yours you took with you?" Marron said as she winked her eyebrows.

"O, I think he would love it!" Bra said smiling. "By the way, how about your boyfriend!!" Bra said acting like a 13 year old. (a/n: no offense for the 13 year old readers ^_~)

Marron blushed, "Ofcourse he is comming! He wil meet us there!" Pan cleared her throat, "And Pan, I take it that your taking Trunks as wel?" Bra asked noticing the red flush on her face.

Bra laughed, back in the old days, she would hate it if Pan and Trunks were dating. It was such a huge age gap. She didn't care about the fact that she was madly in love with Goten, but hey that is different.

Okay, not intirely. But they weren't alowed to do that, but now, it doesn't seem so wrong. When two people are in love, who cares what other people think? As long as you are happy and the person who your with is happy to. And loves you as much as you love that person, than, who cares?

Trunks walked to the kitchen, with Jainco right behind him. "Wow, crowded here!! Hey bud!!" He yelled at Goten, the girls almost forgot that he was there to!

Jainco nodded at Goten, Goten smiled back friendly as Jainco walked towards the girls.

"Marron, Pan, this is Jainco!!" Bra said enthoustiastic. Marron and Pan both shaked hands with Jainco (a/n one at the time -_-)

"Jainco?! Marron, Goten and Pan are real good friends of me and Trunks, they wanted to celebrate our arrival out America, they are taking us out tonight!" Jainco smiled but sighed.

"I'm sorry Bra, but I have some work to do and i'm exhausted of the flight over here."

Bra looked at him dissapointed, with a pleeding face, begging him without saying a word.

Jainco smiled, meanwhile behind him, Trunks and Goten exchanged looks. For some odd reason, he didn't like the guy who stole his sisters heart, the way he wanted to know everything about the newest projects of C.C.

And well, Goten just didn't get the feeling that both of them weren't in love with eachother as much as they claimed.

Trunks looked at Pan and smiled, Pan smiled back and walked towards him and gave him a hug and kissed full on the lips, which caught everybodies attention, including Bra's and Jainco. Goten felt like he could throw up any minute now.

Marron smiled, she liked the scene of Goten, Pan and Trunks, but her attention drew her to Bra and Jainco.

Jainco turned to Bra agian, "You just go, have fun with your friends and i'll finish work and go to bed." He cupped her chin and kissed the tip of her nose. Turned around and nodded to the others.

"We'll be here for two whole weeks, I can join you any time." He turned to Bra and smiled.

End of Chapter 3

(authors notes: Heyhey, okay I know, this chapter is kind of....wel shitty, in my opinion.

Tel me in your reviews well byebye, o yeah, an answer to one of my old reviewers, No my first language is not English, but it's dutch ^_^ The Netherlands rules!!! Okay wel see ya, got to update some other stories!! Or else I end up dead *gulp* )