Kept this bottled inside
This is a song fic I put together after I heard this song and wanted to do something with it. (Plus I really like this paring)
Bold is the song lyrics
Italics are flashbacks
Song is owned by Nickelback, characters are owned by Nintendo, the story is mine! All MINE!
Time is going by
Link opened his eyes, and for a moment all he could see was a pale blue, and wondered whether he was camping outside, in Hyrule, quickly the Hero woke up fully and realised that he was looking at the T-shit his girlfriend was wearing. They had been dating for three years, and yet the hero still felt a small thrill at being able to call her that.
Slowly, focusing on not waking her, Link slid out of bed, threw on the green clothes he always wore, and crept out of the room they shared.
So much faster than I
And I've started to regret not spending a little with you
Three years ago.
The Smashers, were throwing a party to say goodbye to Samus. Few of them were truly there to say goodbye as Samus had been a silent loner from the day she had arrived, only answered direct questions in as few words as possible. So when she told Master Hand that she quit, most had no emotional response, Peach had even outright declared:
"Good riddance." She had never liked the bounty hunter after she had laughed in the Princesses face when she had been invited to the girls' slumber party.
Every one else had just seen it as an opportunity for Master Hand to agree to a party.
To no ones surprise, Samus had left her own party early, no one even batted an eyelash when she had walked out of the room, still in full armor.
No one, except Link. Who grabbed two glasses and followed her out the door, ducking under a dart thrown by Snake, and walked out into the cool night.
Now I'm
Wondering why
I've kept this bottled inside
So I've started to regret not telling all of it to you
Link sighed as he looked at the stars, breathing in the night's air as he glanced around for her. He spotted her quickly, she was sitting at the edge of the pool, as he walked towards her she slowly reached up and pulled off her helmet, placing it beside her.
Link found himself staring at her slightly, watching the way the moon light reflected off her hair, and the way her thin face… Link shook himself mentally; suddenly her sharp voice broke the silence.
"So, do you want something? or are you going to just stand there and stare?" Samus turned her head and looked at him. Link smiled.
So if I haven't yet
I've gotta let you know
Link crept down the hall, not wanting to wake anyone up, although he was tempted when he passed Gannondorfs room, and crept down to the kitchen.
As he set about making Samus breakfast, he pulled a small velvet box out of his pocket and stared at it, intensely. Link had never felt as nervous in his life, thanks to the triforce piece that he had been blessed with, however what he planed to do petrified him. Slowly he placed the precious object in his pocket and carried a tray of food back upstairs.
as he entered the room he looked at her sleeping, and pure love blossomed in his heart, he sat the tray down on the dresser and then lent back and watched the shallow movements of her stomach as she breathed, feeling the hope and happiness he felt that she was in his life.
You're never gonna be alone
From this moment on
If you ever feel like letting go
I won't let you fall
You're never gonna be alone
I'll hold you until the hurt is gone
"So what do you want?" Samus had asked roughly.
"I… I" Link stuttered, he knew what he wanted to say but did not want to just come out with it.
"Spit it out" Samus had demanded.
Link swallowed, "I don't want you to leave" he said finally, Samus raised an eyebrow, "I want you to stay here and for us to get to know each other."
Samus looked at him for a moment and then burst out laughing. "Oh that is funny, O.k. Fairy Boy you sit down here, and you can make any four arguments you want to convince me staying is a good idea, if I cant beat any of them, then I stay."
Link sat next to her after a moment's pause, one of his legs hanging inches from the surface of the pool, he thought for a moment.
"This place is excellent training" He tried.
"I can get better in fights that make a difference, like fighting Space Pirates off a planet." Samus countered, "You have three more tries."
"You can make friends here" Link tried again.
"And that makes two, I don't care for most of these people." Samus held up two fingers to make her point better.
"True" Link chuckled "Bowser has made more friends here then you have" Samus laughed slightly. Link had never heard her laugh before, he found it to be reminiscent of bird song.
And now
As long as I can
I'm holding on with both hands
Cuz forever I believe that there's nothing I could need but you.
"So let me ask, why do you care? You don't know me at all" Samus asked.
Link paused "I just feel like we have more in common then you think, we are both classed as heroes"
"So are most of the people here" the woman replied
"Fine, but the thing is, you haven't talked much in your time here, but what you do say is interesting, you never show your face, but when you do, your beautiful. You keep to yourself but the times you do help us, you always do the best, the only reason you don't have friends here is YOU choose not to have them, you keep everything about you bottled inside, and so what I want to know is:
So if I haven't yet
I've gotta let you know
Samus looked at him with sparkling blue eyes that made Links heart skip a beat.
"You have no idea, do you?" Samus sighed and turned her head away, "you lot are all happy, you are all heroes, royalty, or small cute fluffy animals. Not one of you has lost anything. While me? Every one I have ever known is dead. The worst you have to deal with is how to wash your stupid hat."
You're never gonna be alone
From this moment on
If you ever feel like letting go
I won't let you fall
When all hope is gone
Link chuckled under his breath, "So your life is so much worse then everyone else's? Worse then Mewtwo being cloned by evil terrorists, and created for the soul purpose to be an inhuman unfeeling weapon?
And do you truly think you're the only orphan?" Link asked a now sligtly embarrassed Samus. "At my reckoning there's also: Fox, Falco, the Mario bros, Diddy, Peach, Zelda, Toon and me." the bounty hunters head snapped round to look at him.
"You?" She said timidly, beside her Link sighed.
I know that you can carry on
We're gonna take the world along
I'll hold you until the hurt is gone
Samus woke up and slowly sat up, she grinned at Link when she finally noticed him.
"Hey" Link said, grinning.
"Hey" came she replied, staring into his eyes a little longer then necessary, only breaking away when he stood and passed her a tray of food.
"Thought you would be hungry" Link smiled and sat at the end of the bed looking at her.
"What about you?" Samus asked biting down on a piece of toast.
"Ate already" Link lied, he had chosen to concentrate on her food as he knew she would wake up at any moment. Samus watched him with a knowing look.
"You liar!" She called out laughing. "I know you" she pointed at him with her fork, "you were running around like a chicken, worrying about me waking up. I have seen you do it."
You gotta live every single day
Like it's the only one
Link smiled and quickly reached out and stole her apple.
"If you insist" he smiled while she laughed."
What if tomorrow never comes
Don't let it slip away
Could be our only one
You know its only just begun
"yep me, and like I said we have a lot of stuff in common, both of our homes were attacked by monsters when we were young, both of our families were wiped out and we both were raised by another species. Space Pirates or Moblins, our stories are the same." With out thinking about it, Link put his arm around her.
The fact she didnt react was probably a good thing.
Samus sighed. "So I should stay so I can hang out with other orphans? Great!" her voice was laced with sarcasm, and link knew he had to tell her his secret.
Every single day
May be our only one
What if tomorrow never comes
Tomorrow never comes
Link and Samus ate in silence for a moment, then Samus spoke up.
"So we still going tonight?" Link had planed everything perfectly, and step one was getting her to agree to a picnic was the hardest part.
"Yeah its going to be nice and romantic" Link said, flicking her wrist when she groaned in mock protest, "you do know romantic right?" he joked.
Samus rolled her eyes and hit him with a piece of crust.
The second hardest part was not worrying about what Peach was doing.
A few days ago Link had told Mario, secretly, what he had planed to do, of course Mario let it slip to his girlfriend, and the blond princess had then decided to "fix up" the place the couple were going to, and now Link was quite worried what that meant especially as she had roped in half a dozen of the others to help her.
Time is going by
So much faster than I
And I've started to regret not telling all of this to you
10 minutes after Link had left, the smashers were surprised to see Link and Samus walk into the room holding hands, Zelda paled at this, deep down she had always felt something for her hero. The two had walked up to Master Hand and Samus had anounced that she was staying. Everyone had cheered and laughed when Diddy had changed the good by banner to a "welcome back" one by drawing over it in mushy bannana.
Later on Pit tapped Link on the shoulder.
"So how did you get her to stay?" The winged genaral asked, Link grinned and went red.
Your never gonna be alone
From this moment on
If you ever feel like letting go
I won't let you fall
When they reached the part of Hyrule field that Link had chosen, the hero of time sighed with relief, Peach had not added giant pink banners or ice statues, the place looked nice, they had cleaned the place up and had let a Buneary lose and it was sitting at the stream drinking. Luckily Samus had no real knowledge of pokemon and so accepted it as normal wild life. The Sun was starting to set which gave a beautiful glow to the world.
The two of them sat on the blanket and looked at each other.
When all hope is gone
"You know my life realy sucked for a long time, there were points where I did not think of myself as a human, only a weaopn." Samus told him softly.
I know that you can carry on
"Well being with you makes me feel happy, and human." She frowned at that thinking it was a stupid thing to say. But Link just smiled and took her hands in his.
Were gonna take the world along
"You are the most important person in my life, I care for nothing but you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Link reached into his pocket and pulled the small box out of his pocket.
I'll hold you until the hurt is gone
Samus gasped when she saw the ring, and tears of joy formed in the corners of her eyes.
I'm gonna be there all the way
"Samus Aran, will you marry me?"
I won't be missing one more day
"Yes." She said hapily, hugging him.
I'm gonna be there all the way
Link turned to Pit and smilled.
"I admited I loved her"
I won't be missing one more day
Link looked into her eyes and smilled
"I love you"
"I love you"