Dear Gentle Reader,
This is a totally indulgent piece. One of my biggest frustrations with Star Trek The Next Generation was the relationship between Data and Tasha. They did it once in an episode. But we never saw anything. The books picked up on their relationship but it manifested as references to and hints about what they had done. I always wanted to see a no holds barred sex scene between them.
That is how this piece began it's life. It was written for a very adult themed site. This piece has taken on more of a relationship theme. After discovering this site and seeing the request for more Data/Tasha pieces I decided to see how much of this I could post. This is a cleaned up version. I also must mention that every reaction that Data experiences had to be "approved" by 5 guys who are extreme Trekkie. I had to prove , within the reality of STNG, that Data could physically experience everything I wrote for him. Enjoy and please comment.
(For all you Trekkie's out there I am setting this story right before "Coming of Age". Approximately, Stardate 41462)
Captain Picard had experienced many highs and lows while running various starships. He was about to get a personal high. There was only one person that could throw a monkey wrench into his plans. He was slowly sipping his Earl Gray waiting to be interrupted.
Keeping secrets was never easy for him. Unfortunately, this one had to be kept. The emotional ramifications were too high at the moment. Picard looked forward to the day that Riker could handle the truth of what was going on. Picard's Ready Room chime rang.
"Come on in Number One." Picard sighed.
Riker strode into the room with a scowl on his face. Picard knew what was coming next.
"Ah, Number One are Data and Tasha ready to leave?" Picard queried.
Instead of stating his objections for the twentieth time Will just answered:"Yes, Sir. They should be making their way to the Transporter Room now."
Picard decided to calm Riker down a bit.
" Number One you have objected to this mission from the beginning. Why?"
Nothing like getting to the point, thought Riker.
"I think that 2 officers of their ranks need not be used for such a basic mission."
Picard could tell that was not the real reason.
" Will that is not it. I can tell. Are you going to tell me the REAL reason or do I have to guess?"
Riker realized then that you just can't bluff Picard.
"I just don't think that the two of them need to be left alone that long together."
Picard put on his best poker face.
Picard was dreading the answer. The only people that knew about Data and Tasha were Geordi, Worf, Deanna, Guinan and himself. It was extremely difficult to keep Riker out of the loop. Riker and Tasha were close.
For various reasons Tasha and Data were scared of Riker finding out. The biggest reason being that Riker did not like Data. After all the hell Tasha had endured in her life, she deserved any happiness that she could get. Also, Data hadn't exactly had an easy ride either.
Picard was many things. But deep down he was and always would be a romantic. Picard knew it would only take about 8 hours to do the scans. He was giving them 48. Let the two of them have some fun and " get it out of their systems". Data and Tasha needed it. Also, Picard was pretty sure he almost caught them in the weapons locker.
"Sir, May I speak freely." Riker asked.
"Of course." Picard answered.
"They are going to kill each other. You know the only reason they try to get along is because someone is always there. You remove the supervision and I don't know what will happen."
Picard was much relieved. Riker was encouraged to believe that Tasha and Data could barely stand each others presence.
" Will do you honestly think I would put the two of them together if I thought for even one moment they would put their personal feelings above the mission?" Picard answered a little more forcefully than he intended.
" Of course not ,sir." Riker drew back as if he had been snapped at.
"Will, they don't hate each other. They just need to work a few things out. Maybe, if we are luckily, they will. Do you feel a bit better?" Picard asked in the calmest tone he could muster at the moment.
" Yes, sir." Riker answered.
The chime rang again. Riker walked out and Deanna walked in to the Ready Room. As soon as the door closed Picard let out a long held breath. Deanna had a very worried look on her face.
"He doesn't know. He thinks they are going to kill each other without supervision. I told him to just calm down and trust me." Picard stated as he rose from his chair and began to pace a bit.
Deanna was much relieved.
" Deanna, you did tell both of them that they owe me big for this."
" They are well aware of that, sir. Data made a comment about crawling around the Jefferies Tubes for a week or so." Deanna said as she broke into a wide smile.
"Data is quite intuitive isn't he?" Picard stated and allowed himself a small laugh.
Data and Tasha stood in the transporter room with two fully loaded hiking packs. They were waiting for one thing, Geordi. He was bringing a special scanner from the geology lab. Geordi arrived with a large scanner, a Padd and a small duffel bag.
"Data here is the geology kit. The Padd contains instructions and what they want you to do. " Geordi said as he walked into the transporter room.
As Data went to squeeze the equipment into his pack Geordi grabbed Tasha and the duffel and pulled them into the corridor.
" Tasha, Worf and I thought this should help a bit. " Geordi said as he handed Tasha the duffel.
"Geordi have I told you how much I adore you lately?" Tasha said as she looked at the duffel contents.
Tasha zipped up the bag and gave Geordi a big hug and kiss on the cheek.
"Tasha remember he is not indestructible. If I have to reassemble him I am not going to be pleased. And neither will Data." Geordi stated.
Tasha giggled and gave Geordi another hug.
"That is for Worf."
Tasha walked back into the room and attached the duffel to her pack. Data could tell something was up. Tasha was attempting to stifle a laugh and Geordi was giving him a huge smile.
"OK. What do I need to know?" Data asked.
"Nothing." Tasha answered as she pulled Data onto the Transporter.
As the transporter field surrounded them, Data saw Geordi waving good bye and saying " Good Luck buddy".
They rematerialized on the planet and were greeted with ,nothing. Any prodding Data had intended about the contents of the duffel were quickly forgotten.
"This rock is totally barren. What are we supposed to be looking for Data?" Tasha said.
"Unusual minerals and rock and crystal formations." Data mumbled as he retrieved the geological scanner.
"All I'm seeing is rubble and sand." Tasha said, with growing annoyance.
"Tash could you...?" Data asked as he was hunched over his geological scanner.
Tasha had already grabbed the regular tricorder and started long range scanning. After a few moments:
"Data there is water about a mile west of here. From the readout, it looks to be a lake? Maybe?"
Fifteen minutes later:
" Data it should be right here. We should be standing in it." Tasha stated puzzled.
Tasha dropped her pack and walked ahead.
"The tricorder is broken." Tasha stated with much agitation. So much for any play time.
"Damm!"Tasha punctuated with a foot stomp.
Data's ears heard a faint crack. Data suddenly looked up with a look of pure fear.
"Data what's the matter?" Tasha asked.
"Tasha carefully and quickly walk back to me. Now!"
She had never seen him like this so she started to walk back over to him. Data had already thrown the packs behind him. Tasha was a bit to aggravated to get the hint.
"What is the problem?" Tasha stopped moving.
"Keep walking!"
"Why?" About ten feet behind Tasha a loud snap sounded and a piece of the ground disappeared. Tasha ran the rest of the way to Data. The ground kept caving in till a slope was revealed.
"Because you are standing on the lake." Data stated.
Tasha stated heading for the slope.
" I think not." Data stated with a tinge of aggravation.
Tasha shot Data a "try and stop me look".
" No I am not going to argue. Sit here and wait till I check this out."
Tasha looked like she wanted to say something but decided not to. She handed the tricorder to Data and sat down. Data disappeared down the slope. Tasha laid down and waited.
Tasha got up and saw Data scrambling up the slope. Data had a look of wonder and awe on his face.
"You have got to see this."
They grabbed their packs and slid down the slope. Tasha did not immediately see anything. Just more dirt. There was a bit of light coming from the left. Data stopped her.
" Close your eyes."
Tasha smiled and closed her eyes. Data took her hands and lead her into the cavern. Tasha could feel the ground change beneath her feet. She could hear her footsteps echoing. Data saw a puzzled look on her face.
" Keep your eyes closed."
Data led her a bit further then stopped. She could feel Data lifting the pack off her back.
"Ok now Look."
Tasha opened her eyes to an astonding vision. The entire cavern was made of crystal. The crystal was a milky white color with veins of rose running throughout. Crystals were jutting from every surface. Some small some up to 8 feet long. The crystals were in groups with wide expanses of smooth, flat crystal running in between. The entire cavern sparkled. There was a diffuse light coming from everywhere. Tasha knelled and touched the floor.
" Is the crystal luminescent?" Tasha asked.
" I can see no other source for the light." Data answered like he was giving a breifing.
Tasha walked further into the cavern and spotted the missing water.
"I feel like a swim, Data. How about you?" Tasha playfully asked.
" Tasha do not touch the water." Data blurted out.
Tasha's hand stopped inches above the liquid.
"Why?" Tasha asked.
"Let me scan it first and make sure it is not poisonious." Data answered.
Tasha agreed that was an excellent idea. So she backed up and let Data do the water scan.
" Data this place is beautiful." Tasha's voice had softened and taken on an almost musical tone.
" Yes it is. I have never seen anything like it before." Data was fighting two impulses. First was to immediately investigate their find. Second was to give in to a few more primal urges.
The cavern started working it's magic on both of them.
"Data? Is the water safe?" Tasha purred. Tasha walked up behind him and put her hands on his shoulders.
"I'm still scanning, Tasha."
Tasha slid her right hand slowly up his neck. Her fingers started walking up the base of his skull and massaging his head. Data was using all of his concentration to get the scan completed. He wanted in the water also but did not want to get poisoned. Tasha was being more than a minor distraction.
Tasha knew she wasn't helping any and didn't care. They could have play time for once and she was going to play. So she started kissing the back of his neck. Data's shoulders flew up to block her lips.
"Tash! Not the neck." Data said as he almost dropped the tricorder. Data turned around with a smile on his face.
" Go sit over there till I am done." Data ordered.
Tasha gave Data a little pout and mounted one of the crystals.
" Wait for the scan." It was Data's mantra and the only thing keeping his hands off her.
The tricorder signaled that the scan was complete.
" Well ?" Tasha asked.
" Want to get wet?" Data replied.
" Thought you would never ask." Tasha jumped off the crystal and went to remove her shirt.
" Let me." Data gave her a quick kiss. Then slowly moved his hands under her top. Tasha could feel his hands give her a slow squeeze on her ribs.
The look on his face was one of disbelief. Tasha wanted to assure him that it was all real but no words came out. With a sigh, Data pulled her to his chest. All Data could hear was her heartbeat. His left hand was stroking her hair while his right was continuing her unveiling.
Tasha could feel Data's left hand slide under her hip and lift her. Her pants and underwear fell to the floor. Data gently lowered her to the floor. Data quickly stripped and took the re breathers out of his pack. After equipping themselves, Tasha swam out into the underground lake. Data walked in after her. ( Remember everyone Data's body is too heavy to float. Thus, he can't swim.)
The lake contained no plants or fish just more of the crystals. The crystals would turn out to be a new dilithium form but, Tasha and Data had better things on their minds.
Tasha had a crazy idea. She waved Data over to a smooth slab of crystal.
Data looked confused until she lay down and spread her legs. Data straddled her hips.
"Ok. If you want it here, I am game." Data thought.
Tasha knew that Data would not go fast. She closed her eyes and turned herself over to the water and Data.
Data took one breast in each hand. He loved her breasts. The feel of them always put him in a good mood. He could not explain it and really did not care to. He gently squeezed each one gradually working his way towards the nipples.
He could feel Tasha starting to move under him. So he slowed down a bit and just barely touched around her nipples. He could feel her nipples rising to his fingers. Data gently squeezed Tasha's nipples and started to roll them between his fingers.
The water was helping as well. All of their movements created little whirls and eddies that swirled around her body. Tasha found it harder to sit still. Tasha could feel herself getting the goosebumps. Partially from the coolness of the water but, mostly, from Data's efforts.
Data started to move under her breasts. He wasn't touching her skin. He was making the hairs on her goosebumps swirl. The effect was electric. Tasha knew he was slowly building her up. Data was now going to rev this engine a bit.
(Tasha's belly was insanely ticklish. The reaction she once had to a combo of licking her belly button and blowing a raspberry into it , at the same time, nearly got them caught doing it in the weapons locker.)
The rebreathers prevented any mouth contact so he would have to get creative with his hands. Data laid his right hand over her belly button and didn't move it. His left hand was slowly circling her belly. Just a normal rub. The last thing he wanted to do, at least at this moment, was tickle her. Data could feel her belly pushing up against his right hand. Tasha was enjoying the tummy rub. She closed her eyes and let the last bit of any tension flow away into the water. Her belly relaxed straight into Data's right hand.
Data then did two things at once. His left hand pinched her right hip. Which was her most ticklish spot. He pulled his right hand off of her belly. The water swirled into her belly button. Effectively doing what his tongue couldn't.
Tasha's eyes flew open and she came straight off the crystal slab. Tasha quickly lost focus on everything. All the energy in her body started to bubble. Data, quickly, got to his knees before her pelvis smashed into his.
Tasha got a look at Data's face as he was on all fours above her. His eyes had a "you like?" look in them. Tasha shook her head to the positive. Tasha felt tingling deep inside her. Tasha could feel her body squirming as if Data were lightly tickling her but he wasn't touching her. Tasha laid back down and tried not to move much.
Data was encouraged by her reaction. There was a fine line between sending her into hysterical laughter and further arousing her. Data loved to keep her right on that line. She would glow with joy.
Tasha could feel Data's hands start to rub the inside of her thighs. His thumbs made small circles heading up the insides of her thighs. Tasha wanted to giggle and moan at the same time. She couldn't keep still anymore. Her hips started rolling. This just added to the sensation. She was ready to crawl out of her skin.
Data could see Tasha was ready to climax. Tasha could feel Data moving to finish her and then his hands stopped.
"What the ...?" Tasha thought. Tasha opened her eyes and looked at Data. Data's head was shaking "No".
Data saw the shocked expression in Tasha's eyes. Data calmed her by gently pushing her head back and running his fingers over her eyes. Data had always wanted to see how far he could bring her before she climaxed. They were alone and still had about 45 hours till the Enterprise returned. They could get all the scans done, later.
If it were any other guy, she would finish herself and be done with it. Data was the one man she trusted without question. He already could do things to her that she had never experienced before. But it was more than that.
She could just open up to him and he would listen and understand. He made her feel safe and protected. Something she had sorely lacked in her life up till the Enterprise. She thought of Worf like a brother and Picard was an excellent father figure. Even though he would never admit to it. Geordi, Deanna ,Data and Guinan were her emotional safety blanket. Riker was a great friend and always had her back.
Tasha was uncomfortable using the word love. Not just with Data but with everyone. All she knew was that she never felt as good as she did with Data. As far as Data not having emotions, please. The more comfortable he was with a person the more he let show. Geordi could back her up on that. Tasha opened her eyes and nodded "yes" to Data.
Data responded with an impish look. Tasha mentally strapped herself in and got ready for the ride of her life.
Data wanted to take all the energy coursing around Tasha's body and move it to her loins. Data wrapped his hands around Tasha's neck and started kneading. Tasha's focus moved from her pulsing pelvis to her neck.
Data rubbed till all her muscles were totally relaxed. Tasha felt calm and warm. Data's hands parted and moved to both her shoulders. His thumbs were concentrating on the edges of her shoulder blades. The warm, relaxed feeling spread to her upper back. Data did the same to both of her arms.
Tasha's mind was quiet and peaceful. She felt absolutely wonderful. She felt Data start to lightly claw her upper torso. She could feel that warm sensation move down towards her belly. Data was very careful to avoid her stomach area. If he touched her there, all of this would be for naught. Tasha's legs were trembling and she didn't even realize it. Data hoped when she climaxed it, truly, would be mind blowing.
Data had not been immune to all of this energy. Data could, normally, control his sexual reactions to women. He had no reason or desire to do so in this setting. Data allowed himself a quick laugh as he looked himself over. His body was shaking all over. It had been a very long time since Data had felt this overwhelmed and excited. He did not try to suppress this. Data let it drown out his rational mind.
He slowly lifted her right leg and placed it on his left shoulder. He placed his right leg on the outside of her left one. Tasha was so into the feelings she was experiencing that she didn't feel herself being spread open. Data took a last look at Tasha's peaceful expression and closed his eyes.
Data gently slid into her.
Tasha's beautiful dream-like state was shattered when Data entered her. All her stored up energy exploded throughout her body. Tasha's vision was engulfed by a prismatic light show. A long forgotten part of her soul screamed back into being. Tasha opened her eyes and saw Data draped over her body. His head over her left shoulder.
She wrapped her arms around him and started rolling her hips again. All of her sensations became amplified. She could immediately tell she had pushed herself to a limit. Her vision faded to black and she passed out.
Data could feel himself make contact deep inside her. A warm flush came over him. His muscles lost all strength. He lowered himself over her before he fell. He was quickly overcome by a wall a sound. He wanted to go through it but he pulled back. Data opened his eyes in time to see Tasha passing out. Data just hoped that was a good sign. Data pulled out and knelled above her. Tasha was totally limp.
" I have to get her out of the water." thought Data.
That was easier said than done. Data was still shaking badly. In a few moments, he was able to carry her out of the lake. He took the re breather off and laid her on a blanket. Her expression was happy and peaceful.
She was the most gorgeous he had ever seen her. The crystal just framed her beautifully. Data lay down beside her and attempted to calm down. Data couldn't sleep. Actually he could barely sit. They did have work to do. Tasha was in a deep sleep. So he laid a blanket over her and slid a pillow under her head.
Data went over to his pack and took out the Padd that the geology department gave him. Their "wish list" of scans and material gathering was a bit extensive. Data decided to dress a bit more comfortably. Shorts and a pull over shirt were a bit easier to run around in than his uniform. Data took the necessary tools out of his pack and went to work.
After about an hour of scanning, Data decided that the ceiling and floor were different enough to check out the ceiling. That meant climbing up there. It took about five minutes to locate a crystal that had grown parallel to the floor. Data then had the fun of trying to thread a climbing cord through a 3 ft opening from 45 ft below. It took him 15 minutes. After testing the crystal's weight bearing capacity, Data was ready to go. Data went to check on Tasha.
Tasha was still in a deep sleep. Data sat down in front of her and just stroked her hair. Data was having feelings running through him that had been absent for 15 years.
When Data was first brought to Starfleet, he was treated more like an animal in a lab. It took Simon and Angelia to draw him out of his shell. Simon was a renowned Starfleet weapons expert. Angelia was an amazing linguist. Angelia was full blooded Yupik born and raised in Alaska. Simon was born on Earth's moon. They set up a home environment for Data and 4 others that needed a lot of TLC, as Angelia was apt to say. Dr. Soong may have created Data but Simon and Angelia raised him. When he graduated and started his service the loving home environment he was used to was light years away. He tucked his soul away and became a piece of scientific equipment again. That all changed when he was posted to the Enterprise.
The crew treated him as another being and not a piece of equipment. Geordi and him were the best of friends. Worf and Data were like souls and bonded in that way. Picard ran his command crew the same way Simon ran the home Data grew up in. After a while Data's soul shyly started peeking out.
Data's feelings for Tasha grew quickly. Geordi knew that they were in love. He could see it as plain as the visor on his face. But both Data and Tasha were emotionally fragile. Geordi took it upon himself to set up a safe environment for them to figure it out. With Worf, Deanna, Guinan and Picard knowing exactly what was going on Geordi was able to set up a safe zone for them. Data and Tasha had to take it from there.