
"Sherlock, I've found you?" John suddenly grinned, looking up from a piece of paper on the coffee table to see his companion staring back, slightly incredulously.

"Well done? You are aware that I wasn't hiding aren't you John?"

"No you idiot," Sherlock raised his eyebrows at the unfamiliar insult, John ignored him. "I was reading out this code left by 'anonymous' on your website. The one with the alphabet in the grid thing, it says, 'Sherlock, I've found you.'"

John let out a small laugh and put down his pen. "How do you like that Sherlock, I worked one out!"

"Well done John." Sherlock smiled faintly and turned away from Watson, picking up his skull which had only recently been exposed from its hiding spot under Mrs. Hudson's spare tea-cozy (Although why she needed more than one was yet to be discovered.)

"How long did it take you?" The doctor watched inquisitively as Sherlock tilted his head to the side and pursed his lips as if working it out exactly.

"Approximately, twenty two seconds."

"Dammit Holmes!"