Dean sat on the crappy motel room in some town in Texas sharpening his favourite bowie knife and rolled his eyes as his younger brother and father started another argument. This time it was about an essay.

"No means no Sam" John bellowed facing his twelve year old son who refused to come a hunt because of a essay he had to do for school.

San's eyes flashed and Dean sighed, when that happened it meant that the young boy was about to start yelling. So before Sam could start Dean sighed stood up and moved between the two of them.

"Dad enough" Dean said in a tired voice "that means you to Sam" the sixteen year old said when he saw Sam's smug grin.

"Dean I need to talk to Sam" John said through gritted teeth.

Dean shook his head and then looked in his father's eyes "Sir, let Sam stay home, it's just a stranded salt and burn I'll go with you and everything will go find, but why Sam is here he has to write his essay and then read up on Latin translations" Dean said making a compromise.

John looked at his sixteen year old son and then nodded. The boy was right, Sam was only twelve he still had time to learn about all this, Dean on the other side had been able to handle himself since he was seven.

"Fine, Sam you don't leave this room you hear" John ordered as he turned to pick up his duffle which held the kerosene and salt that would burn the remains of the little girl's ghost.

"Yes sir" Sam said as he looked at his big brother with happy and enjoyed eyes.

John walked out to the impala and as Dean was about to follow Sam grabbed his arm "Thanks man, I mean without this essay I might fail history" Sam said looking away from Dean's face which he knew would have flickered to disappointment.

"Yeah I get it Sammy, you hate this life, but do I always have to here you wine about it" the older boy joked ruffling Sam's hair.

The younger boy's head shot up and sent his brother a grin "be careful"

Dean chuckled and started backing towards the door "what are you talking about I don't need to be careful: I'm batman"

Sam just chuckled and nodded "Yeah Dean your Batman"

As the door closed Dean sent his dad his cocky smirk and filed into the shot gun seat of the impala and patted the dashboard, "Hey baby, it's going to be a long night"

John shook his head as he watched his oldest son with the impala, if there was one thing that his oldest loved more than him and Sam it was this car.

"Dean Focus" John said gruffly although he knew he didn't need to, his eldest son was the perfect soldier, obedient, and skilled.

"With a easy job as this there's no need" Dean said jokingly

John smirked a little at his son's joke; it was at these small times where he and Dean weren't killing the things that go bump in the night and he didn't have to see the fear or uncertainty in the oldest son's eyes that are normally so full of mirth and joy.

"Son every job is a risk you know that" John said in a firm and strong military hardened voice.

Dean nodded and then looked out the window and just like that John watched his sixteen year old turn from teenage boy to hunter and killer of all things supernatural. Not for the first time John wondered what Dean dreamed of what he wanted to do besides hunting.

"Dean..." John started but stopped when he saw Dean's now cold and hardened eyes look his way "are you ready?"

Dean smirked and coupled with his eyes it made him look almost like a serial killer "Dude I was born for this"

John grunted and pulled his duffle out while Dean grabbed the shot gun that had rock salt filled bullets in them.

John grabbed a shovel and begun digging the grave that held the remains of the small girl and was about half way through when he heard the first shot of Dean's shotgun ring through the air.

"Son of a bitch" John heard Dean grunt out and then heard the gun being re cocked and ready for action.

"Dean you right ace?" john called as he continued to dig the grave.

"Just peachy dad, just keep digging" Dean grunted as he tried to make sure that the ghost wasn't trying to come back and hurt his dad.

John chuckled and the clambered out of the grave and shot his son a satisfied look until he saw the claw marks on his son's chest.

"Son" John started but Dean brought his shot gun to eye level and with a start the elder hunter ducked and the teen fired a shot which made the ghost behind him disappear with a scream.

"Hurry up dad!" john rushed and sprinkled the bones with salt and lighter fluid before clicking his lighter up and throwing it on the bones and then watched with a grim satisfaction as the bones went up in flames.

Dean grunted as the little girl clawed her way into his soul and then looked up and her eyes went wide and not because she was dying. When the little girl was gone Dean was a huge bear sized shadow leap from the edge of the forest and deeper so that he could no longer see it.

"You right ace?" Dean who had been studying the spot moments before looked at his dad who was covered in dirt before smirking.

"Yeah, it takes more than a pissed of little girl to take me down" Dean said and then turned to start walking to the Impala when he saw two bright silver eyes in the forest watching him.

John who had been walking next to his son noticed that he was no longer next to him and turned to find Dean looking out at the forest.


The teen looked up at his dad and then shook his head and then slid into the impala and only then noticed the blood covering his body.

'Oh I guess I should get cleaned up?" Dean said flippantly as if the cuts and gorges in his chest were nothing.

What have I done to you boy John thought as he listened to Dean's casual tone and not for the first time felt guilty for making his son grow up to fast.

But as Dean just settled back and started turning up the stereo and then started bopping his head to the blasting sounds of Metallica, and then John felt calm almost immediately. This was his Dean, metal listening, evil hunting Dean, and he wouldn't have it any other way. But just as Dean turned to face outside the window he saw the bright silver eyes once again, and just like before felt drawn to them.

Sam was outside the room as the Impala pulled up and then rushed to his brothers side and almost gasped when he saw all the blood that covered his brother's frame.

"Dean" the said eldest son groaned in frustration as he heard the tone in Sam's voice which was tall tale signs that he was going to have to deal with the younger brother ranting.

"Sammy not right now" The younger brother stepped back when he heard the warning in Dean's voice and allowed his older brother the right of way into his room and then straight into the bathroom where the sounds of a shower were then heard.

"Sam help me with this" John ordered his oldest but all he got in return was a glare and the sound of the motel room slamming.