Disclaimer: Naruto and it's characters belong to Kishimoto Masashi. I make no profit of writing this.

A/N: Well, this is the epilogue. I've got nothing else to say, really.

The weather was nice. The food was nice, even if the greasy hod dogs sold in the stands had too much kecthup in them. Only thing Neji failed to enjoy was his company.


Hinata's number one fan and boyfriend for two years had chosen a seat right next to Neji's, and his way too loud and excited shouting was making his eardrums bleed. The man was waving around a big sheet, in which he had written 'Konoha rules!' in big, blue and orange letters. Neji had no idea what had made him choose such a horrible combination of colours.

Neji targeted his attention once more in the game. The winner was impossible to predict, Suna and Konoha were both very good teams. This game would set which team would go to finals, and if Neji were even a bit interested in volleyball the game would probably be very exciting to watch.

This was what Hinata had been aiming for so many years now, since she had first time started playing the game that would later be both her favourite hobby and even job, as it seemed to be. If nothing unexpected would happen, her place in the major league would be pretty much set.


Looking at his companion, Neji wondered what had made her cousin to choose this man. Sure, he was handsome in his own way, but if Neji's assumptions were anywhere near correct, he was not the brightest bulb in the box. What Hyuuga had seen, he had no remarkable talent in anything. To be frank, he was stupid.

And still, this stupid man had seen every one of Hinata's games. When they were together, his blue eyes shone love that was great enough to be an obsession. And today he had somehow dragged Neji with him to see a volleyball much, because according to him it 'would mean much to Hinata if he came too.' And of course, Neji couldn't say no to that.

Hinata had laughed more during the last two months than Neji had ever seen her smile ever before. Then again, that wasn't much said. Her life hadn't been exactly the happiest one could imagine.

Still, she had managed to pull it off. Neji was the ultimate pessimist, but if Hinata could keep her quiet, yet strong will and positive, humble attitude even he couldn't see anything but happiness in her future.

At the playing field, Konoha scored the winning ball. The crowd went crazy. Next to Neji, Naruto shot up from his seat and yelled "YES!" Almost loud enough to cover the every other noise in the hall.

Hinata looked at their direction and waved, laughing. Neji smiled.

She looks happy.

The male Hyuuga would ever admit it, but he was looking forward to their wedding next summer.

A/N: They are pretty quick, aren't they? I mean, getting married after dating only two years! What a scandal! #le gasp#

We will blame it on Naruto, patience isn't really his thing. XD