
The more John Watson waited for his friend to wake up the more he convinced himself he never would. The sound of the ventilator hissing made john weak at the knees, the thought of anyone artificially breathing was a sad thought. Six days had passed since the pool incident and the doctors where beginning to become concerned. John was a doctor, hey knew Sherlock should be showing signs of waking up by now. John took his friends hand in his and looked at the pale mans face. The tube in his mouth making the man look weak and almost innocent, the way he was so still was unnatural. Sherlock was constantly bouncing around and telling people their idiots. This was not the Sherlock he knew.

"Sherlock squeeze my hand if you can hear me!" he knew it was cheesy in a way, asking Sherlock to do that but he just wanted some reassurance that Holmes was still with him, it was strange. A while back he only really thought of Holmes as his slightly eccentric flat mate and now he thought of him as his closest friend. Since he'd returned from the war he hadn't spoken to any of his old friends or really his family. He had detached himself from the world. Then he met Sherlock Holmes, eccentric young man with an amazing mind and yet no friends to speak of. He had his brother whom he seemed to loath and yet no friends at all. Maybe that's why they got on so well, they both had trouble making friends yet they're both loyal to the ones they have. John had found a girlfriend Sarah but they weren't serious so really all he had was Sherlock. Already once he thought that Sherlock had been killed when an explosion had erupted from across the street. But not he really thought that maybe this was how Sherlock Holmes would meet his end.


At first all he could feel was pain, pain in his shoulder that pulsated through the rest of his body. Then he realised he couldn't breathe himself and the uncomfortable feeling of sometime down his throat. He started to panic, not something Sherlock Holmes did very often but right now all he could do is panic.


John woke to the sound of choking. He turned to see Sherlock, eyes wide it fear choking on the tube.

"Help!" he shouted.

A doctor and two nurses burst into the room pushing him out of it and forcing him to wait outside. He paced nervously, what if something was wrong. But then he remembered the look of utter horror on Sherlock's face and dread filled him. He never thought he'd see that sort of fear on a man's face again. He had seen that look so many times on men that were dying, they were so scared and that look had haunted John ever since.

The doctor left the room and walked towards john. His face was emotionless and that made a pit form in John's stomach.

"Is he ok?"

"Mr Holmes has just woken up, he seems to be breathing ok without the ventilator but we are keeping him on oxygen. You can go in and see him if you like, he's asking for you."

Relief washed over John like a great wave. Sherlock was ok he was ok. John entered the room slowly. Sherlock was lying propped up with a nasal cannula laced round his nose. He was looking out the window with a rather vacant look on his face.

"Good to see you awake."

Sherlock still didn't look at him; this made John begin to worry all over again. Maybe there was permanent damage from the water. Maybe this wasn't the Sherlock he knew.

"Are you ok?" John added as he moved to Sherlock's side.

"I'm fine." Said Sherlock, his tone flat and icy, his gaze never wavering from the window.

"The doctor said you were asking for me!" Said John as he sat himself in his previous perch.

"I did."

"Something you wanted to say?"

At that moment a tear slipped from Sherlock's sky blue eye. He squeezed them shut in an attempt to stop the rest flowing.

"Sherlock?" said John, his tone concerned.

"Thank you," Sherlock paused "you saved my life so thank you."

"What friends are for."

Sherlock quickly shifted his gaze to Watson, to be met with a genuine smile that brought warmth to his heart.

There was still a haunted look on Sherlock's face, a look that scared John. He had a feeling that Sherlock may never be the same man again. He may pretend and act the way he was but deep down he will be a tortured soul.

"Did I kill him?" he asked, his gaze shifting to the window again.

"No, he managed to get out it seems. There was only the bodies of the shooters left behind, and us."

"How long was I out?"

"Six days."

All Sherlock did was not. For what John did not know but he suspected Sherlock was trying to figure out how Moriarty escaped.

"The bomb didn't destroy much of the pool. A lot of it was intact. That's probably how he managed to escape." Said John trying to relieve Sherlock of trying to figure it out. Sherlock did not answer however he just remained still with once again a vacant look upon his face.

Well you asked and I wrote… its not long but I hope its enough, thanks for the reviews. Tell me what you think