Ok peeps, same deal different story… I don't own Disney's Hercules (unfortunately) but I do own Persephone and any other original characters and places that pop-up… This story takes things from both the film and the series while it also contains some carrying themes from it's forerunner; Plight of Persephone… Little hint: if you haven't read it then you might get confused later on..
And finally, a little reminder… Disney twisted a lot of myths for their storylines so I have to do some minor tweaking of my own to make this work… so far, it's working and I'm delighted to bring you the sequel to P.o.P…
Daddy's Little Hellraiser
Dedicated to all my loyal fans… you guys rule!
Chapter One:From those Humble Beginnings,,,
…some point long, long ago…
The dark, gloomy Underworld was serene and completely quiet on this peaceful night as the river Styx rushed around it's never-ending circuit of the subterranean realm, but the clear dull blue waters of the river of sacred oaths was not the only thing moving in this poorly lit dominion… a shadowy figure darted through the imposing landscape of sharp jagged rocks and small glimmers of phosphorous light, the figure paused to check that they weren't being followed and to check on the bundle that they were carrying before continuing..
Presently, the cloaked figure arrived at their desired destination, it was a large and daunting home built into the black cavernous recess of the Underworld wall. The figure pulled off the hood of their cloak revealing a lush head of brilliant red hair and pearly white skin. The young goddess gazed unsurely up towards the tall grim house with it's cold dark windows, she felt a tear roll down her cheek as she clutched the bundle in her arms tighter to her chest. The young goddess' cornflower blue eyes then turned down sadly as the bundle in her arms squirmed against her chest. She pulled the bundle away from her revealing a tiny pale-blue skinned baby godling who gurgled moodily before drifting off to sleep once more. The young goddess gazed at her youngest son with mournful eyes, she didn't want to be separated from her baby boy but she knew this was for the best… after all, if all her sons stayed together Cronos would destroy them the second he finally tracked them down, it was safer to separate them and save them from their father's wrath.. Zeus and the girls were now safe with Gaia and the Ash-Nymphs while Poseidon was living not to far away with Oceanus and his wife Thetys and their daughters the Oceanids.. but this left her last born son… not only was he just a tiny baby but he was going to be completely cut off from his siblings, he would have no idea of who he really was until her eldest son Zeus inevitably came looking for him…
…until then, her little Aidenous would be safe down here with Nyx and Erebus, the two Underworld deities had agreed to adopt him and raise him as one of their own. It was the perfect cover as they both had so many children and Aidenous bore such a striking resemblance to the God of Darkness that, with a name switch, Cronos would never suspect this was actually one of his own children..
Rhea was staling and she knew it. She had found it hard leaving her other two sons but at least the young mother could take solace in the fact that they were both old enough to understand the situation but Aidenous… he was barely a month old. He would have no memory of this night, he would grow up not knowing anything… his journey was going to be the hardest of all.
The young mother however was determined to do what was right then gently, so as not to wake him, she shifted her hold on her tiny son so she was cradling him in one arm. A tiny smile curled on his full blue lips before a hand appeared out the blanket and the baby jammed his thumb in his mouth. Satisfied that her son was comfortable Rhea rang the doorbell and waited, feeling slightly exposed she glanced nervously around the shadows of the Underworld before sounds of movement came from the other side of the large stone door. Slowly the door opened with a rough grinding sound which didn't seem to affect the sleeping baby who merely nuzzled himself closer to his mother.
Two figures appeared on the other side as the door ground to a halt. The taller of the two was a black shadowy god with a long angular face, long pointed nose and large round grey orbs for eyes. He had a tuft of wispy grey smoke instead of hair and his body was a large mass of dark shadow in which only his arms were identifiable. His full grey lips were twisted into a crooked leer revealing large grey fangs…
Next to him stood his kindly-smiling wife. Nyx was much shorter than her husband, she came up to just under his shoulder at best, her pale bluish-lilac face was framed by long hair of the darkest blue. She was wearing a loose fitting navy chiton which went down to her feet.
'Now are you sure about this..' Nyx sounded gently, seeing the hesitation in her niece's cornflower blue eyes.
'Yes…' Rhea sounded firmly then held out her last born son to Nyx who took him, cradling the tiny infant close to her. Aidenous stirred, turning his head the baby opened his large yellow orbs to see who now held him in their arms. He gazed sleepily at the pale woman then his large eyes fixed onto the shadowy man who leered playfully at the baby, raising a large black shadowy tendril Erebus wiggled it over the baby's head. A smirk twisted on the godling's full blue lips as he reached up a pale blue arm trying to seize the shadow taunting him but his little fist couldn't grab it.
'I must go, Cronos will be looking for me..' Rhea said after a moment of watching her son, who wasn't even interested in his mother. The white-skinned goddess swept forward and kissed her son on the forehead. '-goodbye little one..' She sounded tearfully before vanishing in a swirl of light, returning to her dictatorial husband and Ruler of the Cosmos… it was were she had to be..
The tiny godling she had left behind squeaked in shock as mommy vanished on the spot leaving him behind with these strange people. Once the small infant digested the shock he began whimpering in a mixture of fear and distress.
'Uh-oh…' Erebus sounded his voice was deep and chilly but not unkind, his large round grey orbs widening at the telltale signs of one unhappy baby.
Then suddenly at the exact moment the baby began crying his skin changed to a violent orange colour as his entire body erupted into flames. Nyx was so stunned by the outburst that she accidentally let go of the baby, not that the child noticed as he was still burning and screaming his head off as he fell. Erebus reacted instinctively, wrapping many shadowy tendrils around the baby, catching him and then jiggling to quieten the young godling once more. After a few more minutes the baby's fiery tantrum subsided and the tiny godling returned to blue, his flames receded until they were nothing more than a tiny tuft at the top of his head.
Nyx's heart was racing, as she gazed at the baby in her husband's arms.
'I'm sorry honey..' She sounded apologetically. '-he just startled me..'
'It's alright my love..' Erebus replied soothingly then studying the baby who was watching him curiously through it's large golden orbs the shadowy god smirked. 'We'll just have to keep an eye on this one, he's going to be a handful..' Erebus turned a fond eye onto his new son who smiled widely at him. 'Y'know…' The shadowy god sounded stepping back inside their gloomy home as his lovely wife shut the front door. '-we still need to think of a name for him..'
'I know..' Nyx sounded shaking her head in faint amusement. '-but maybe we should hold off the baby names until we can find a name that suits his personality..' The two deities wandered down the dark hallway...
The gloomy living room had been very peaceful that evening, their son Hypnos was out on the surface doing his job and their three daughters were up in their room cackling and doing only they knew what to the Tapestry of Fate that their grandmother Chaos had left them before retreating deep into the void..
The tiny godling seemed to have forgotten all about his mother as he was now engrossed in his Underworld home with his new parents..
'Erebus..' Nyx sounded softly from her seat causing her husband who had been dozing in his own seat to jerk awake and gaze over at his wife. In her lap sat the baby godling who was babbling happily. 'Watch this..' The Goddess of Night sounded before turning back to the little one in her lap.
'You ready..' She cooed in a soft baby voice causing the baby to gurgle excitedly. Nyx then covered her eyes with her slender lilac-blue fingers so she couldn't see him anymore. Then to Erebus' amazement the baby vanished from sight except for a small indent in Nyx's lap which told the shadowy god the baby was actually invisible and had not left the room. The next second Nyx pulled back her hands.
'Peek-a-boo..' She declared smiling widely as the tiny godling reappeared laughing which caused his blue tuft of flame to grow an inch and ripple animatedly. A smile curled Erebus' lips as his wife laughed amused, it seemed the baby's little invisibility trick had just given the shadowy god the answer they had been looking for...
'Perhaps we should call him Hades…'
…present day…
'Hades…' Nothing.
'Hades…' She sounded again, this time jabbing him in the back. Still nothing.
Persephone sighed, then tried again to wake her sleeping husband.
'Hades..' She sounded a little more insistently and finally the fiery god grunted into life. He lifted his head off of his desk where he had crashed out after another late night of mindless paperwork.
'What the-?' He sounded groggily as a scroll rose with him. 'Ewww..' Hades' sounded and his lip curled into disgust as he pulled the wet drool-covered sheet away from his face where it had gotten stuck. He dumped it on his desk then wiped his fingers on the front of his black chiton then Hades smiled wearily turning his large yellow eyes onto his wife… the most beautiful thing in the cosmos… and noticed she had brought him a large cup of coffee… the second most beautiful thing in the cosmos…
'I thought you were going to ease up on the late night paperwork?' Persephone asked concerned as she passed her husband the steaming hot cup in her hands.
Hades took a large swig of the coffee and sighed heavily.
It was spring again, the time of year when Persephone flitted back and forth between her surface duties and her Underworld duties. While his wife was away for a day or two Hades used the time to do the Underworld Audit, the work might be dull but it beat sitting around and moping…
'Uh, I am but I gotta get some of this out of the way before we go up there..' Hades pointed upwards before taking another drink. Persephone sighed heavily, knowing how her husband felt.
Aphrodite had just had a baby.
The two Underworld deities had found out from Hermes only a few days ago. Apparently the little girl was called Eris but there seemed to be a question mark hanging over the identity of her father… after finding out about the affair with Ares three years ago, Hephaestus and Aphrodite had separated for a while so they both could think about what it was they truly wanted. It in this gap that Aphrodite conceived her daughter… the father was either Hephaestus or Ares, nobody really knew who it was. Hephaestus decided that he didn't care who the father was he just wanted Aphrodite back in his life so the married couple decided to give their marriage another try. The Olympians were happy with this and the doubts of the baby's parentage were forgotten, at least until the baby was born.. Apparently the baby bore some resemblance to the God of War…
Of course this meant that there was going to be another Birth Celebration party and both Hades and Persephone were expected to attend. Although neither of the Underworld deities were keen on the idea of yet another 'new brat' on Olympus they were both glad for an excuse to drop work and spend some time together doing what they liked to do best, poke fun at the guys on Olympus..
'Work, work, work..' Persephone pouted playfully moving closer to her husband and causing the study door to close with a flick of her wrist. '-all work and no play will make Hades a dull boy..' She sounded teasingly while sliding her hand teasingly down his chest.
'Heh, knock it off ya silly nympho..' Hades snickered slapping her hand away. '-I gotta get these figures in order..'
'Oh come on Hades..' Persephone purred wrapping her arms around him and nuzzling into his neck. '-it's spring and you know what that does to me..'
'Yeh, I do…' Hades sighed, his flames rippling with pleasure at his wife's caresses. Oh he knew only too well what spring did for Persephone… being the Goddess of Life she was influenced heavily by the change in seasons. During the summer Persephone was light-hearted and loved to frolic, autumn brought out her more serious side as maturity seemed to grow, then in winter she felt sleepy and was really sluggish, but spring… it was when her libido was sky-high, she was all over Hades and constantly in the mood. For one thing this proved Homer's theory of Persephone spending the spring and summer months away to be an absolute load of crock… she couldn't last six hours, never mind six months…
Hades glanced down at the invoices he had been working on, he really should finish what he started… but Persephone was such a distraction as her fingers worked their way down his body, touching and teasing in a way that was already causing reactions the fiery god couldn't control… dam, he was such a yutz. But still... His mind reasoned causing a perverse leer to cross his full blue lips... if you can't beat her…
It took the fiery god less than a second to decide what to do, and with one swoop of his arm the half-drunk coffee and some of the papers that had been on his desk were swept off and sent crashing to the floor. The next second he'd hauled his wife into his lap and was kissing her hungrily and groping her eagerly.
Eventually when Persephone was writhing with breathless excitement Hades propped her hips against his desk then lay her down causing what was left on his desk to fall to the floor in a shower of scrolls and ink…
Little Notes:
Hey Everybody, I just couldn't wait to get started on the sequel, I'm just so excited about it! I loved writing every minute of P.o.P and I'm even more pleased about this one…
I hope everyone likes the whole flashback scene of Rhea bringing Hades to the Underworld, I've been dying to write that piece for months… my idea for Nyx is loosely based on the idea Disney give you in Fantasia while my idea for Erebus was inspired by Hexxus from Ferngully: The Last Rainforest, he was so awesome!
There's a little heads up to the Hymn of Demeter which (of course) was written by Homer who appears in a few episodes of the series… more on this will be coming later…
Take care for now…
Lot's of love… Ditzy xXx