Never Serious
Title: Never Serious
Author: kai-li-beautifulsuccess
Pairing: Sam/Gabriel
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not, nor will I ever own SPN or it's characters, other than on DVD. Trust me, I make nothing off of this.
Summary: The first time Sam let Gabriel kiss him, it was almost as much from surprise as anything else.
Author's Note: This was in response to tiptoe39's prompt, Sam/Gabriel, It's Godzilla on the lj community comment_fic. I couldn't resist for some reason and was surprised with how happy the result made me. Please enjoy. Comments and criticism (as long as it is constructive) are always welcome.
The first time Sam let Gabriel kiss him, it was almost as much from surprise as anything else. Hulking behemoths didn't just sigh and melt into another man's kiss. At least, he was pretty sure that wasn't supposed to happen. Especially not when the man kissing said hulking behemoth was an archangel and Trickster. Even worse was the fact that this same archangel and Trickster had killed the behemoth's brother not once, not twice, but over a hundred times.
It was fast, sudden, and left him panting angrily. The fact that Gabriel vanished into thin air mid-kiss didn't help things. The taste of chocolate and almonds didn't leave his lips for at least a day. His mind barely registered it when, three days later, he bought and devoured an Almond Joy in an attempt to recapture the taste.
The second time, Sam was prepared. Instead of allowing himself to be swept away like some mooning girl, he took control, his arms reaching around the smaller man, fingers digging into shoulder blades where invisible wings would thrust out. His mouth had already tasted of peppermint gum, so the addition of rich, dark chocolate made him moan aggressively, tongue sweeping into Gabriel's mouth in an attempt to take charge of the situation. There was a fluttering noise, a mocking laugh, and he was alone, looking like an eleven year old girl kissing her invisible boyfriend.
That night he bought a box of Andes mints. By the next morning he had eaten every one but a couple he had thoughtfully saved for Dean. When Dean hadn't touched them by lunch, he snuck outside to finish them off. In his mind, he refused to think that he was trying to recapture any part of the Trickster.
The third time, he just let go. He had no idea how it happened, why Gabriel kept initiating the contact, but it did and he was tired of over thinking things. The third time he just let things go as they would. There was a mutual release of control that left his knees rubbery and shaking. From the slight weight sagging against him, he figured it was good that he and Gabriel were supporting each other. The saying third time's a charm flitted into his brain and almost made him start laughing, but he stopped it just in time.
The kiss ended, and Gabriel hadn't clicked himself away, instead just letting his forehead rest against the lowered, sweat-covered brow of the (previously mentioned) hulking behemoth in front of him. His smile widened when Sam's breath caught for the second time in two minutes.
"Why is there a dude staring at us over there?"
Gabriel chuckled and pulled back, smirking.
"Why is he speaking in... is that Japanese?"
The smirk widened into an almost maniacal grin.
"Is that... Gabriel, no. Tell me that isn't..."
The sentence cut off as Sam was pulled in for another, fourth, kiss that lasted long enough for him to need to pull back, gasping. His eyes stared at nothing, glazed over and unfocused. A roaring scream split the quiet around them, and his hand immediately went to the small of his black, grasping for a gun that wasn't there.
"Chill out, big guy. You have nothing to worry about. I call all the shots here."
"But... That is... Isn't it?"
Another chuckle, another smirk. "Yes. It's Godzilla. I thought it would be a nice from me disappearing. What do you think?"