My target was Cameron Morgan, aka Cammie.

I was supposed to track her, well not necessarily. I would say more follow or distract her. She had already seen me with Grant. A beautiful girl, who I assumed was her friend, nudged her and they glanced over our way.

She had nutmeg hair and eyes that seemed to be a light green at the moment, although they seemed to change depending on the setting. As I saw her face I could tell that if I hadn't been searching so intently for her she would have slipped by my notice. Amazing.

It was hard to believe that all the things I had heard about her were absolutely true. Although she looked like a normal teenage girl, she was an excellent pavement artist. Nothing was normal about her at all. Of course, she didn't realize that I already knew this. She was probably just mistaking for an ordinary guy, not a spy.

I saw some other girls gawking my direction. Grant and I glanced at them; we saw their faces go red as they rapidly whispered to each other. I couldn't help but smirk.

I hurried to the elevator around the ruby slipper exhibit, I knew she was heading that way, it was her assignment. The assignment was to get to the ruby slipper exhibit without being followed, by 5pm. She had less than half an hour left.

My assignment was to stop her from completing hers.

I strolled over to the elevator thinking I could catch her on the way. I only waited a few minutes and could see her walking my way alone. Her friend must have gone separately. Impressive, she had slipped by nearly 34 people after her.

But not me, yet.

I waited till she was almost in front of the elevator and I quietly pressed the button before she could. She looked up in surprise.

"Hey," I said.

Her light green eyes looked me over cautiously. I searched her face, trying to picture her doing all the things I knew she had done. The great Cameron Morgan.

As I gazed at her face I realized how beautiful she really was. Not in a dramatic way, like her friend. But if you looked at her deeply she was really stunning.

I tried to think of ways to make her feel comfortable, make her believe that I was just some random normal non-spy guy.

"Hi," she nervously replied pressing the elevator button rapidly.

She didn't seem nervous like she was blushing and jumpy to be with a hot guy like me (because let's face it, I am pretty hot), she seemed like she could care less about me and she was trying to run away.

Well not so fast, I thought.

She raced into the elevator when it opened and when I strolled inside, I saw her sigh. She didn't seem to realize I was a spy though. She didn't seem scared of me, just tired of me being there. I knew it would be difficult to try to follow her, she seemed like she just wanted to get rid of me.

"So…" I anxiously racked my brain for something to say.

I glanced at her uniform and read the crest like a random boy would, "The Guggenheim Academy", I mispronounced.

"The Gallagher Academy," she quickly corrected in a curt voice.

"I've never heard of it," I lied smoothly.

She said nothing for a moment then muttered, "Well, it's my school."

There was a long silence as she anxiously glanced around the elevator, at anything except me. She obviously wasn't happy about having me there.

"You in a hurry or something?" I asked, which was of course an obvious question.

"Actually, I'm supposed to meet my teacher at the ruby slipper exhibit. I've only got twenty minutes, and if I'm late, he'll kill me," she rattled off.

Wow. I didn't know she was this jittery that she would tell me where she was going. She obviously didn't realize, or even dream that I was a spy. I noticed that there was a flaw in her story and being me, I quickly mentioned it.

"How do you know?" I asked her.

"Because he said, 'Meet me at the ruby slipper exhibit,'" she answered briskly. I smiled.

"No," I shook my head. "How do you know you only have twenty minutes? You're not wearing a watch."

Her eyes widened as I caught her error. But she didn't hesitate in answering, "My friend just told me."

I observed her for a minute. She tapped her foot quietly, then twirled a strand of hair, and continued to anxiously gaze at the small elevator room.

"You fidget a lot," I told her.

She frowned as she replied, "I'm sorry. I have low blood sugar. I need to eat something."

Suddenly I remembered that I still had some M&M's in my pocket, no harm in being nice, I thought.

"Here. I ate most of them already," I said apologetically, wishing now that I hadn't been so hungry earlier.

Her eyes widened again and she looked confused.

"Oh…ummm.. That's okay. Thanks, though."

Just trying to be nice, I thought as I shoved it back into my pocket.

"Oh, okay."

There was another short silence as we reached the level. Now I had to decide whether to follow her secretly or openly. Would she be suspicious of me coming with her? I didn't know, but she was too good of a spy to not catch me following her.

"Thanks again for the candy," she smiled and she darted out of the elevator.

I quickly went after her, not saying anything. She walked a few steps before realizing that I was with her.

"Where are you going?" she asked spinning on me.

"I thought we were going to meet your teacher in the wonderful world of Oz," I nonchalantly replied.

"We!" she yelped.

I smirked, she was cute when she was upset.

"Sure. I'm going with you."

"No you're not," she snapped.

I took a deep breath and smiled, trying to calm her down and reassure her that I was a normal flirty teenage boy.

"Look," I began. "It's dark, you're by yourself. And this is D.C. And you've only got…" I paused and pretended to think about it. "15 minutes to meet your teacher."

I hoped to make her realize that she had no time to lose, so she wouldn't take the time to shake me off. It worked.

"Fine," she blurted and she turned on her heel, starting off.

She seemed upset that I was with her, but not nervous like she should've been.

"You can walk really fast," I said to fill the silence, trying desperately to start a conversation.

She didn't reply.

"So, do you have a name?" I innocently asked, she would have to answer this or prove she was being rude.

"Sure, lots of them," she responded.

I smiled, knowing that she wasn't lying. She wasn't that bad actually, sure she wasn't being America's sweetheart at the moment by blowing me off, but she was under a time crunch. She was adorable as she angrily quickened her pace. She caught me staring at her and scowled.

It was quiet for a moment, then I asked, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

I surprised myself by asking. I wasn't sure if I was trying to keep my cover as a flirty teen guy or if I was actually curious. She didn't answer and she seemed to be thinking about my question. She stopped walking.

"Look, thanks for the chivalry and all, but it really isn't necessary. It's just up here," she pointed. "And there's a cop over there," she pointed near us.

"What? You think that guy can do a better job protecting you than I can?" I scoffed.

"No, I think that if you don't leave me alone, I can scream and that cop will arrest you," she retorted.

I smiled, she was a feisty one. I stepped back, making her think I had given up trying to protect her. She smiled back, she was pretty when she smiled. Her smile lit up her whole face. She realized she was smiling though and she quickly put up a neutral face again.

"Hey, thanks anyway," she said almost apologetically. I nodded, now almost sorry that I was going to ruin her assignment. It was almost too easy from here.

She thought she was scot free now.

She didn't even glance behind her as she strolled toward the exhibit. I just followed her, careful not to be noisy or too obvious. But it honestly wasn't difficult at all. She was too excited to complete the assignment. She sat down and waited for Joe Solomon.

I silently hid in the shadows of the room as she sat there dazing off. Then Joe walked in quietly, seeing me he smiled.

He went behind Cammie before saying, "You're 4 seconds late." She spun around to face him, "But I'm alone." Joe shook his head, "No Ms. Morgan. You're not." She looked stunned.

I could almost see her racking her brain for the secret operatives that she had noticed, wondering where they had been. I stepped out of the shadows and looked at her. She was shocked, completely amazed.

"Hi again, Gallagher Girl," I said. I couldn't help but smile.

She had just gotten beaten and I could tell that she didn't like it at all.

"Nice work Zach," Joe told me as he looked at me. I was very pleased with myself I admit, after all I had just beaten Cameron Morgan, whom people claimed to be one of the best at Gallagher.

I winked at Cammie then, she glared at me. I tried not to laugh, she really didn't know how adorable she looked when she was furious.

Suddenly she took a deep breath, looked at us calmly, and confidently replied, "Hi, Blackthorne Boy."

I stood there with my mouth hanging open, gawking at her. Joe blinked and was astonished.

No one had told her about Blackthorne, I couldn't even begin to guess how she knew where I was from. I was impressed. Completely and utterly impressed, no matter how much I tried not to be.

She smiled at me, clearly enjoying her momentary win.

Finally Joe said, "Very good, Ms. Morgan." Then he glanced at me and slowly shook his head. "But not good enough." She looked at the floor as her face started to turn pinkish.

Then after a moment she gazed at me and coolly asked, "Your mission was… what? To keep us from achieving our mission?" She had finally realized it. It had taken a while. I looked at her, "Something like that." I smirked and couldn't help but laugh quietly.

"I thought I could just make you late for your meeting. I didn't think you'd actually tell me where it was and walk me halfway there." It was amusing how naïve she'd been, how totally innocent and unsuspicious. She looked down again and seemed to be thinking deeply, no doubt about me.

A group of tourists walked in and before she could glance up, I slipped in with them and headed out.