Why Her?

Alias / Covert Affairs crossover

By: Amanda Croft

Spoilers: Umm, maybe a few but nothing to specific as of yet.

Disclaimer: As much as I wish I did, I own nothing that you recognize in this story.

Summary: "I need Sydney Bristow. Annie's good and has the potential to be great, but she's green and needs help. Bristow is the best at what we do and if anyone can fast track the specialized training Annie needs it's her."


"I need Sydney Bristow."

"Joan, I can't get you Sydney, she's retired. Besides, from what I hear you already have yourself a good female agent."

"We both know she's not really retired, and Walker is exactly the reason I need Bristow, Dixon. Annie's good and has the potential to be great, but she's green and needs help. Bristow is the best at what we do and if anyone can fast track the specialized training Annie needs it's her."

"I understand that Sydney is the best, believe me, but I'm sure I can find someone else to help you out. What about Rachel, she was trained by Sydney."

"You don't understand Marcus," and the use of his first name got his attention, "DCS is pulling strings for reasons I can't get into and Annie was pulled in before she finished her training on the Farm. She needs the best if she's going to survive the DCS's manipulations and she's too good not to get it. I never ask you for anything Marcus, haven't in a long time, but I need this. You know I wouldn't pull Bristow in if I didn't have to."

Sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose Marcus Dixon tried to relax. "I can't make promises, but I can present your case. The more details I can give her, the better your chances of this working. I'll be passing by our old coffee haunt tomorrow at our regular time. Maybe I'll see you there."

With a small smile Joan nodded to herself. "Yes, I think you just might."


"I'll have a coffee – black one sugar."

"Make that two, he's buying," the blonde woman added walking up behind the tall dark skinned man.

"Joan, good to see you haven't forgotten our protocol sitting behind that desk of yours," Dixon greeted with a smile.

"I could say the same to you, Director Dixon. Thank you for the coffee by the way."

"Anytime. So, what do you have in the way of leverage? Sydney has really given this life up now. It's been almost a year and a half since I've been able to pull her back in. Even then it took me three hours to convince her."

"I'm glad she and Vaughn managed to get out Dixon, I really am, but I need her for this. For the most part, Annie needs a mentor – someone to supplement the training she hasn't received yet. And I would like to send her out on a couple of ops with Sydney." Looking around and determining they were alone, she continued in a quieter Russian. "The DCS pulled her in as bait for a rogue agent, Ben Mercer. They had a whirlwind love affair a few years ago and Arthur thinks Ben will come out of hiding if Annie is in danger. I've tried to appeal, but all I can do is try to prepare her for whatever she has to face. I can't stop this no matter how badly I want to."

Nodding his understanding, Dixon returned to English, "I understand and I'll see what I can do. I should have an answer for you by Friday. It was good to see you again Joan."

"You to Marcus. I'll be looking forward to your call." Walking away, she turned back briefly to add, "Oh, and good luck with her."

Author's Note: I know this first chapter is really slow, but I promise it will get better. Also, I want to thank my sister for brainstorming titles with me at 2am, because three chapters in I couldn't think of anything that sounded remotely interesting. As always, I welcome any questions, suggestions, or constructive critisism. Thanks for reading.