I sat in our room that we shared together and looked around at all the photos that lined the wall and I couldn't help but smile as I saw the photo that he took of our first kiss, it was the most amazing thing I had ever had it even left me spechless like he does to this day.
My head turned as he walked into the room with a smile on his face and that helment he loved so much on his head
"Hey babe what you doing?" He asked and sat next to me smiling I rested my head on his shoulder and smiled
"Just waiting for you" I said still smiling and looked up at him he then leaned down and pressed his lips against mine, I smiled as I remembered the first time we told each other how we felt.
We had been in L.A for only a few weeks and Kelly had told us Gustavo wanted us to make videos for the Big Time Rush website seen as our album was due to come out in 3 months well as normal the rest of the guys broke there camera's and came to me asking if they could use mine and well it also ended up broken and Gustavo wasnt happy as usual so he ended up showing us Phase 2 which was 'A Day With Deke' and he had us go to a traning session and well when we were asked questions it came to me and I was asked
"So Logan what kind of girl are you into?" I looked at Carlos and he looked at me smiling causing me to blush and look away shy which got a weird look from a few people in the room other then James and Kendall
"Logan, Logan ,Logan you cant reply on others to answer you questions, so moving on, when did you find yourself into hockey and when was your first ingery?"
I looked at Carlos who nodded and I took a breath and started "Well I have always been into hockey and I was only 7 when I broke my leg and could play for the whole seasion" I said now crying and Carlos was comferting me, I then moved away from him, stood up and ran out of the studio back to the PalmWoods as fast as my legs could take me and finally reached the appartment and walked inside, I was happy that Mrs Knight had taken Katie out for the day, I ran towards mine and Carlos' room and then flopped onto my bed and cried even more, A few minutes later I heard Carlos' voice calling out my name which made me cry even more
"Hey, there you are" He said sitting next to me on my bed "Its ok Logie look I have something to tell you" he finished and pulled me close to him
"Logan I like you no more than like I love you and not just in a brother kind of way either you are the only person who can make me smile when I'm having the worst day ever"
I looked up at Carlos and smiled "I love you too and have for a really long time do you remember the reason you got your helment" I asked and Carlos nodded and smiled
"You never left my side that whole night in the hospital and now I know why" Carlos smiled and lifted my chin up and leaned down and kissed me I was in shock at how good it felt the way his lips fit with mine and i couldnt help but get turned on by this I pulled away and saw Carlos was feeling the same way
"Are you sure you want to do this now?" I asked a little unsure and saw Carlos shake his head and said
"Not yet babe I love you and dont want to rush you into anything ever" and with that I smiled and cuddled into him forgetting about everything and closed my eyes and fell into a peacefull sleep.