I don't own Inuyasha it's rightful owner is Rumiko Takahashi, thank you for making Inuyasha Rumiko!

"Don't stop make it pop Dj blow the music, tonight I'ma fight till we see the sudden light" The new pop hit was blasting in Rin's room before she fell on the floor.

"Ugh here comes the first day of school" Rin was currently a freshman as was her step-sister Kagome. Rin;s family has been murdered when she was 7. She was in a foster home till the Higurashi's adopted her, and for that she was thankful.

"Rin come on if you don't get up now we'll be late for school!" Kagome yelled. She was currently wearing a plad skirt with a plain white shirt and a sailor jacket with the school's logo embedded to it .They were attending Tokyo High.

"Alright, alright I'm up well I'm ready for school call Sango and Ayame and tell them that we'll be there in about half an hour".

"Already did now hurry up", Kagome said impatiently. She closed the door to Rin's room and headed went to the bathroom to fix her hair. She let it down, it was always straight. She got her uniform which was the same as Kagome's. She put her black knee-high socks on along with the matching shoes and checked the mirror. She made last minute adjustments to her hair and she went out, her brown eyes glinting of excitement. She went to get a bagel before heading out. She,Kagome, Ayame and Sango had been looking forward to the first year of high school. They decided that it would all be their glory days, the best days of their lives. She picked up her backpack along with a few other books. When she got out of her house, she noticed Kagome was already sitting at the driver's seat.

"Rin, I can't believe it we're finally going to high school!"

"Oh My God I know we've been looking forward to this day for so long". She replied, exuberating with light.

"Okay so we'll pick up Sango first and then we'll go to Ayame's"Rin nodded her head as Kagome started to drive. They drove a few blocks and stopped at a grey house, out on the porch was a waiting ran to the black car and waved.

"Hey Rin, Hey Kag I'm so excited for our first day!"

"We know, this is going to be an amazing year". Rin studied Sango's look, she was wearing the same uniform that she and Kagome were wearing. She had her chestnut hair in a high pony tail, bangs hanging out. Sango was sweet when she wants to but if your ever in a fight she's the one you want. Something you would expect from a family of martial arts competitors. " Let's hope there are some decent boys coming, egh I'm so tired of grade 8 jerks".

"Agreed", both Kagome and Sango nodded. " So last stop Ayame"! They drove a couple blocks and stopped at Ayame's house. They honked the horn and there came a a red-head running out. She was wearing that same uniform but with a fur white poncho, her hair in two high pigtails with a green head-band and 4 leaf clover earrings.

"Hey Sango, Rin Kags, our day is finally here"! Ayame greeted them joyfully. She had joined everyone else in the car as Kagome started driving. The had talked about their high school years as they drove to the school. When they got there Kagome parked the car in the student parking and like everyone got out.

"We all have the same homeroom right guys" Rin questioned.

"I think so , we should get our schedules" Sango suggested. With that they went through the front doors of Tokyo High and went to the Registration Booth.

"Good morning girls welcome to your first day, tell me your names and I'll give you your schedules. The woman greeted happily.

"Rin Higurashi" Rin said as the woman handed her, her schedule. Kagome, Sango and Ayame did the same and got their schedules. They looked through each other's classes and realized they had very few classes that all four of them had.

" Well atleast we still have world language, science and lunch, and we'll hang everyday".Ayame's comforting words re-assured everyone. They made their way to homeroom with .

" When they entered they say a tall man with short black hair and blue eyes. They had seen many of their classmates flaunting to .They had over heard him telling the girls to take their seats and wait till the bell rang. Fortunately for the four of them the first class they had was German with Mr. Kai. Almost every class in Tokyo High was combined freshman-senior so they had spotted a some sophmore, juniors and seniors in their homeroom.

"So Sango see anyone new"?Kagome asked looking around the room.

"No not yet why do…" Sango was stopped short in her sentence as Rin grabbed her arm and forced her to look at the direction of the door. In came 4 amazing guys. The first guy was the tallest he had silver tied back and the usual uniform, as did the three other guys. He had a stern face and cold golden eyes. He seemed tense , but the guy next to him was everything but. The second guy appeared to be his brother, he was shorter but had the same distinctive description, same silver hair, and same silver eyes, but this one had looked more relaxed and carefree. The third was tanner than the rest. He had blue eyes and long brown hair. He was about the same height as the second guy. The last one who had short black hair and violet eyes. Already he was looking at the girls around the room. He waved hello and followed the others to 's desk for introduction. Quickly Mr. Kai cleared his throat and started the announcement.

"Everyone these are the new students. Sesshomaru Taisho, Inuyasha Taisho, Koga Wolf and Miroku Ikeda, I would like some of you to show them around". Every girl's hands were raised except fot Ayame, Sango, Rin and Kagome's.

"How pathetic, I know we wanted new guys but look at them they have player written all over their face I can't believe these low life girls are still throwing themselves over them" Sango said aggravated.

"I know they think they can just control every girl just like that".Kagome replied " let's agree not to fall for any of them ok"? They all nodded in agreement. .

"Ah Ms,Higurashi, and ",Mr. Kai said as the four girls turned around to see what he wanted," please show these new students around the school, I understand that some of you have classes with them". They all nodded unwillingly.

"Well let's go might as well start now so we can finish early" Kagome said as they escorted the new students out of the homeroom, the four girls showed Inuyaasha, Sesshomaru , Koga and Miroku.

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