Well this chapter will be just as crappy and random as any other and you will read it anyway (love you so much)…I just wanna say I'm so annoyingly sorry! Please I beg you don't stop being such a good group of readers….Just kidding I wanted to tell you that I was a little bit busy over here, not my best moment to write, believe t or not. Sooo we need something funny to start this chapter, I'm wondering what are you reading this for. The author notes or the story? If you care, you still opened this link so I already have a viewer (to be honest I have no idea how it works so that statement doesn't help at all)
-The lady is wishing to introduce the new member of the fanfic or he will have to make it on his own?-A chameleon jumped from the ceiling
-Keep going…My character haven't meet you at all so I'll skip this-I go away
-I think Segismund never stopped being the center of attention, unlike me. Any road, I may introduce myself. Lyell Fletcher, secret agent, pleasure to meet you all kind readers. It was time to get a character with some respect for a change but don't think wrong of me. You'll get to know me better when the writer develops a little more of complexity over me. I'm a walking library, but it won't stop me from doing some stupid behavior so… BEHOLD MY MASTERPIECE-The lizzard gets a remote control from a random place, when he is about to click it he stops-But you'll have to wait until the next chapter. Do I want a cliffhanger? Yes, yes I do.
As the group of four entered the HQ of the "criminals" a cloud of smoke made its way to their noses. Between cough and cough they managed to arrive to the first floor of the building and watched something that by any means they did not expect.
-So… There's a giant pipe that really works in the first floor of the HQ?-Asked wait, as Ferb and Vanessa where to stunned to talk.
-Yes, yes there is-Answered Nick in chorus with some of the people that where sitting in a circle around a giant TV and the pipe.
-A giant pipe that was bought with my money?
-I thought it was evident
-A giant pipe that was bought with my money by you.
-Well it sound a little harsh when you say it like that, but I can not deny the facts
-You do realize you'll have to clean up this mess before I kill you witha fork while I rip your nails one by one with a pair of pliers?-Before the last word had left White's mouth there was no trace of ash nor smoke and not even of the giant pipe that was the last second in that place.-Forget it, you'll have to pay soon or late
-Excuse me…But isn't this Tuesday?-Interrupted randomly Ferb. Claims of joy from the people around followed the question
-What happens in Tuesday?-Asked Vanessa
-Nothing, is just our cross genre dressing Tuesday!-Answered Nick while everyone ran upstairs except Ferb and Vanessa, who waited awkwardly until Ferb's mobile phone started ringing
-Hello?-Said Ferb
-YOU ARE SOOOO BUSTED!-Answered a female angry voice from the other line-Where are you? What the heck are YOU doing? When mom arrives she'll see none of you is here and you won't get away of this one. I called you because Phineas doesn't answer his phone. Do me a favor and let me talk with him so I can scream at his hear for a while.
-Candace, I haven't seen Phineas since I left him in the backyard yesterday morning-Now Ferb sounded worried
-What? Then I've got to call mom in this moment…Wait, if Phineas is lost, mom will bust me! I'll call the police first…Bye Ferb-With that, she hanged
-Your brother is lost now? What is going on with disappeared people this week?
-I don't know, but I'm pretty sure he is behind my track…-Then they turned to see a bunch of giant hefty mans dressed has woman and some gentle looking mistress as boys. To their sight came White and Nick who's clothes were not to different of the ones they used to wear
-Kids…I have a really empty idea of who you are, but I guess I'll have to take you along with me…Wherever we are going, so let's make my point clear. I'm not going anywhere while it is cross dressing Tuesday and nothing will make me change my opinion so. Dinner time!
Each one of the weird dressed people headed to another room. Leaving With, Nick, Ferb and Vanessa behind.
-Seems like we will stay another night out of home.
-You get used to it-Answered White as they headed slowly to the salon
-Ferb, let's go-Said Nick when they were the only ones left- We will make everything we can to retrieve her father, and I think you have a lot of troubles by the other hand.-They left
If you are wondering about it...I always wanted to make a filler chap! You won't get me alive creepy imaginary things from hell! *Jumps from a cliff*
This will hurt tomorrow...
-Yep, it'll do-Lyell appears from behind a bush-Seems like she will be there for a while so, goodbye folk, and merry Christmas...