Disclaimer: I don't own the Mighty Ducks Trilogy

Averman and Connie

Her heart beat heavy against her chest but she stayed focused on the destination in front of her, her feet pounded against the grass as she jogged across campus, she waved to Dwayne and Russ who were walking towards the library, their coats were zipped up fully and scarves wrapped around their necks. It was a cold day but running was always a good way to stay warm, she was almost afraid to stop and rest even for a few seconds knowing the freezing cold air would attack her bare arms. She had always enjoyed jogging, she loved the freedom she got from it as well as the rush and adrenaline that pumped around her body. She jogged around the science block and glanced down at her watch, nodding she turned right and headed back to her dorm, where a warm shower and a hot chocolate was waiting for her.

Once inside Connie closed the door behind her and slid to the floor, she kicked off her trainers and closed her eyes as she focused on her breathing. The 45 minute jog around campus had been hard and the temperature outside had made it harder. She gripped her bedside table and pulled herself back on to her feet, she shuffled to the bathroom and just as she closed the door behind her there was a knock on the door.

Groaning, she stepped back out of the bathroom and walked to the door, she pulled it open and smiled as she saw Averman stood on the other side.

"Hey Connie, may I come in?" he asked and Connie instantly stepped aside. Averman smiled and stepped through the door. "Sorry if I was interrupting whatever you were going to do," he said as he looked over her shoulder at the half open door.

"It's no problem, my shower can always wait a little longer." She laughed and bounced down on to her bed.

"You're crazy Con, only you would go jogging dressed like that when it's minus 50 outside!" Connie glanced down at her attire and rolled her eyes, she was wearing jogging leggings and a pair of shorts on the top, and her feet were wrapped in two pairs of socks. Her upper half of her body was slightly barer, the tank top was tight and left her arms bare and as she glanced at her flesh she noted they were bright red.

"It's not that cold out and when I start running I don't feel the cold until I actually stop," she explained as she rubbed her arms. "Just feel my arms they're red hot."

Averman frowned but did reach forwards to touch her arms, his eyebrows shot up when he noticed her arms were in deed hot. "Crazy, Con. Simply crazy."

Mock scowling Connie reached up and punched him in the arm, "Ow!" he muttered rubbing the spot.

"Well that's just mean of you! You shouldn't come and punch a guy in the arm when he has come to ask you on a very exclusive one of a kind Averman date!"

"An Averman date? Should I be worried?" she teased and Averman rolled his eyes.

"Absolutely not!" he stated, "it's a date with me, why would you be worried?" he asked and Connie just beamed. "You're rude Moreau!" Connie just grinned and stuck out her tongue.

"I take it you're not going to tell me where we are going?" Averman shook his head, "but you've got to at least give me a clue, I've always received a clue, even if it's dress code!"

"Fine," he grumbled. "We'll be outdoors and it doesn't involve jogging, so I'd wear a coat."

"That's it, that's all I'm getting?" moaned Connie. "Is it day or evening?"

"Saturday afternoon!" he said, "I'll see you then Con!"

"Yeah, see you then, thanks for all that information!" she cried as he left the room, she could hear him laugh and she rolled her eyes muttering prat. Now she would head to the bathroom to have her delayed shower.


Saturday afternoon seemed to come around quicker than she expected and as she wrapped the scarf around her neck she stared out of the window. It was still below freezing outside but today was a dry day.

"You looking forward to it?" Julie asked as she sipped at the hot chocolate she'd just finished making.

"Yeah, I think it'll be good. I used to be quite close with Averman when we were younger but I hardly see him now a days." Connie admitted. "So this time will be nice," she reached for her hat and tucked her hair behind her ear and placed the hat snuggly on to her head.

At the sound of a knock, both Connie and Julie glanced at the door, Connie walked to the door and pulled it open, she smiled at Averman who was stood on the other side.

"Nice hat!" Connie teased as she looked at the bright orange woolly bobble hat on his ginger hair.

"Thanks," he laughed as he stepped into the room. "Afternoon Julie!" he said and Julie turned to him, she looked at his hat and grinned.

"Dashing hat Averman," Averman grinned and patted his hat.

"You leave my hat alone, it was a Christmas present from my Uncle George," he said as he winced at the name of his Uncle. The two girls chuckled, both knowing Averman's Uncle George had questionable taste in clothes. Only last year he had sported a bright bogey green jumped and a pair of lavender jeans. Uncle George sure loved colours.

"You ready to go Connie?" Connie nodded and grabbed her gloves off of the desk and her coat off the hook. They said goodbye to Julie and left the room.

"So where we going?!" Connie asked as they finally outside her dorm room and walked out on to the grounds.

"The first thing is Mini golf!" he said and Connie's eyes widened. She loved mini golf, it was a game she played with her mother as she grew up. Money had been tight but her mother always managed to find enough spare change at the end of the month for one mini golf game. It became a tradition of theirs to play once a month and she adored it.

"I cannot wait, let's go!" she said and she reached for Averman's hand and pulled him towards the mini golf course.

It was only a 10 minute walk to the mini golf course but in those 10 minutes Connie's excitement level was exceeding. Averman approached the large wooden shelter and smiled at the young woman in the window.

"Two balls and clubs please," said Averman and the woman nodded. He handed the two clubs to Connie as he pulled out his wallet. He handed over five dollars and thanked the woman before he turned to Connie.

"9 holes, let's go to the first one!" she said and she skipped to the first hole. The first was obviously the easiest, it was a simple piece of green grass with the hole at the end in the centre. Connie dropped her blue ball on to the mark stained into the grass. She stared at the hole at the end and gently tapped her ball, she watched it roll into the distance, it reached the end of the hole but didn't go in.

Connie groaned and walked over to the ball, she gently patted the ball and it fell into the hole.

"So that's two hits for the first hole," said Averman and he jotted down the calculation on to the piece of paper before he placed his own ball on the marking. He patted his ball too softly and it stopped a few metres away from the hole. He frowned and walked towards the ball, he hit it a second time and it rolled smoothly in to the hole.

"Two for us both," said Connie as she walked to the second hole. This one was slightly more complicated, it was shaped into a horse shoe and would require several hits of the ball. She glanced at the board beside her and groaned upon seeing it should only take three shots to get the ball into the hole. She placed the ball on the marking and hit it. It took her five shots but she finally got the ball in the hole. She reached into the hole and pulled out the ball.

"My turn," said Averman, he hit his ball and he watched as it rolled around the curve before stopping at the end of the side. He grinned upon realising he was closer to the hole on his first hit than Connie was on her second. He hit the ball a second time and it skimmed straight over the hole and hit the ridge on the back. Groaning he walked over to the ball and the lined the ball up and with a flick of his wrist he watched with a grin as the ball sailed straight into the hole.

Grinning he marked down his score and they moved on to the third hole. "I hate this hole," muttered Connie as she placed her ball on the marking, this hole involved a 90 degree turn and steep slope up to where the hole was. "The ball always rolls back down that slope," she hit the ball and it soared across the green, it hit the side of the pitch and it headed towards the slope, it started to ascend up the slope but just before it hit the top it rolled back down the slope.

"Damn it," she muttered as she stomped over to the ball, she brought back the club and wacked the ball so it flew back up the slope. "Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop." She sighed in relief as the ball stayed at the top of the hill. She walked up the slop and tapped the ball into the hole. She picked up the ball and stood off the track. She watched Averman try and hit the ball up the slope but he just didn't seem to hit it with enough force and it rolled back down the slope for the fourth time

She bit her lip as she watched him get more and more frustrated, on his seventh time he wacked the ball with such force that it rocketed up the slope, hit the back of the wall around the course and it rolled back into the hole. "Only took you 8 attempts there Aves," she teased and he rolled his eyes.

"That's a horrible hole!" he grumbled as he reached for his ball. "Let's move on to a better one!"

Connie nodded but she was still grinning as they approached the fourth hole. "This one I think is the easiest to get a hole in one in," said Connie. The fourth hole consisted in a split in the middle of the course and the only way to get over it was to send the ball up a ramp so it jumped the gap and sailed down the ramp near the hole.

"I'll take your word for it," said Averman. He stepped back and watched as she hit the ball straight up the ramp, it sailed over the gap and back down on the other side, and he stepped on his tip toes as he watched the ball roll towards the hole. Connie screamed and jumped up and down on the spot as the ball slotted into the hole.

"Hole in one! Hole in one!"

"Damn," Averman muttered as she celebrated next to him, he was already behind her in points, now he had to score a hole in one just to not fall back any further. He didn't. It took him two attempts to get it into the second part of the course and then another hit to actually get it into the hole after it rolled down the slope slightly to the right.

The fifth hole proved difficult for both Averman and Connie, it was a spiral course with the hole in the middle. The ball was forced to run around the circles leading into the middle. Connie finally managed to get the ball into the hole on the fourth hit and Averman matched her with four hits also.

The sixth hole was Connie's all-time favourite, you were to hit the ball into the mouth of the crocodile, and it would slip out of the tale and end up straight into the hole. "This is all about timing, if you hit it at the wrong time then it'll hit the crocodile's mouth as it closes." She explained and Averman nodded.

She placed the ball on the marking and she watched as the crocodiles mouth opened and then shut, the second it shut she hit the ball and the ball sailed through the crocodile's mouth and straight into the hole on the other side. She pumped her fist in the air and stepped out of the way so Averman could go next. He failed to get it through the crocodile's mouth on his first attempt, but on the second time the ball sailed through the mouth of the crocodile and straight into the hole through the end.

"On to number seven. She skipped to the seventh hole and frowned. The hole was at the very end of this course but between the start point and the hole was three steep ramps.

"Looks like another tricky one," said Averman as Connie placed her ball on the marking and hit it hard. It took 10 hits altogether to get the ball from the start point to the end point. The ball went straight up the first ramp but the second and third ramp proved far more difficult and it continued to fall back down.

"I'm not looking forward to this one," Averman mumbled as he placed the ball on the marking, he'd just seen Connie struggle with this exact course and now it was his time to embarrass himself. He hit the ball hard and it ran straight up the first ramp and back down on the other side. He grinned and moved on to the second ramp and hit it, however it only reached the top before it rolled back down. He frowned and hit it a second time and his frown turned into a grin as it rolled back down on the opposite side.

Connie bit her lip as she watched him reach the third ramp with only three hits. It took another two hits to finally get the ball over the final ramp and she knew she'd lost this round, with only five hits he just had to make it into the hole. She laughed as he missed the first hit to the hole.

"Hush you," he said as he finally knocked the ball into the hole. "Success!" he shouted and Connie clapped her hands.

"On to the penultimate hole," said Connie as they reached the big windmill.

"The most common obstacle on a mini golf course," said Averman as he watched as Connie hit the ball and it went straight through the gap in the arms of the windmill. She jogged around to the other side and patted the ball into the hole.

"Your go!" she cried as she reached into the hole to take out her ball. From the other side of the windmill Averman rolled his eyes and hit the ball, he sighed in relief as it sailed through the windmill and out on to the other side. He hit the ball into the hole matching Connie's score.

The final hole was tricky, the ball had to go up and around the loop de loop to get it on to the other side of the course. Connie went first like all the times before and hit the ball at the right strength and it sailed up and around the loop de loop before it sailed on to the other side of the green.

"No way!" Connie muttered as the ball slowed down as it approached the hole. Both Connie and Averman stared in horror and excitement as the ball rolled into the hole. "YES!" she cried as the ball rolled into the hole making it her third hole in one.

Averman laughed and shook his head, he closed his eyes as he hit the ball and he opened them and wished he hadn't as the ball rolled back to his feet. He hit it a second time and it stopped just an inch from the loop. He hit it through the loop and it travelled all the way around and on to the other part of the green. He lined the ball up with the hole and gently swung the club back before he patted the ball towards the hole and he grinned as it went into the hole.

Victorious Connie walked away from the final hole with a big grin, Averman though he lost was grinning. He cupped her gloved fingers with his and they wandered back down to the large shed where they had borrowed the clubs and ball. Averman handed them back to the lady behind the counter as they wandered back out.

"So where to next?"

"I'm going to be really honest with you Connie, I've always wanted to go to that snow cone parlour about a five minutes' walk from here," he said with a guilty smile.

Connie laughed and shook her head, "It's the end of January and there's snow on the ground and you want a snow cone,"

Averman grinned which caused Connie to laugh even more, "Hey just pretend it's a nice summers day! And it's a snow cone! Who doesn't love a snow cone!" he argued halfheartedly. Still amused Connie allowed Averman to drag her to the snow cone parlour.

The store was tucked away in between a fashion boutique and a coffee shop and she stared longingly at the warmth of the coffee shop just before she stepped inside. She was quickly surprised with how warm the inside of the shop was.

"So what do we do?" Connie asked as she eyed up the several different blenders across the room.

"Well you just collect the ice on to a cone and each colour liquid is a different flavour," he explained and Connie looked at him with a frown.

"How did you know that seeing as you've never been here before?" Averman grinned and pointed above their heads to the screen above the counter.

"I read the board," Connie laughed but nodded her head and the two of them walked to the counter. The boy walked out from the back and stopped dead upon seeing Connie and Averman on the other side.

"Terry!" Connie and Averman cried in surprise.

"No way! I wasn't expecting to see either of you two in here. How long has it been?" he asked as he pushed through the swing door. He wrapped Connie in a hug and she was amazed on how much he had grown, she'd last seen him two years ago even though she had seen Jesse recently Terry was always out with his friends.

"It's great to see you again!" she said cupping his face. "I can't believe how tall you are now! What is this all about?" She said with a grin on her face.

"It's called growing up," he laughed before pulling Averman in for a man hug. "So what are you two doing here?"

"Believe it or not, we are on a date." Said Connie and Terry's eyebrows shut up to his hair line. He looked between the two in surprise. "It's not what you're thinking."

"There's a challenge between us guys on who is the most romantic, creative duck when it comes to dating. We each have to take Julie and Connie on a date and they grade us on them and at the end the winner wins… well actually I don't know what we win," said Averman and he looked at Connie with a raised eyebrow.

"Well you win the acclamation of being the greatest dater!" Connie said with a grin to which Averman rolled his eyes at.

Terry laughed, "Sounds fun, how many you had so far Con?"

"Nearly all of them, after Averman I only have Ken and Luis left and then it's over and done with," she explained.

"Didn't realise you've had so many already," Averman admitted, "Obviously I'm going to win, or I at least hope I score higher than Portman."

"If I was a betting man, I'd probably say that Banksie would probably win this competition, after all what can't that cake eater do?"

"On that note Terry, two snow cones…" Averman scowled and Terry laughed but stood up straight, he tried to compose his features and saluted him in mock fashion.

"Two snow cones coming up Mr Romantic." He chuckled, Terry accepted the money and quickly scooped two large ice crystals on to a large blue plastic cone. He handed one to Connie and another to Averman.

"Really simple, you walk over to the machines, drop the ice into the large blender squirt in the flavour and scoop it back on to your cone once it's complete." Explained Terry. "And then you simply sit down and enjoy!"

Connie and Averman thanked him and they walked over to the blenders, each blender had a bottle next to it. Grinning Connie stood at the blender and dropped her snow cone into the blender, she picked up the syrup bottle flavoured grape and squeezed it in. She placed the lid on the blender and pressed on. She watched as the ice rapidly turned purple. She looked over to where Averman was stood and she could his own was turning bight green.

She turned off the blender and scooped the now green ice shavings on the cone, she sampled it and moaned in pleasure; it was gorgeous. She made sure she emptied the entire blender before she went and sat down, Averman joined her a minute later.

"What flavour have you got?" she asked transfixed by the colour.

"Lemon and Lime," he said, "It's a little sour thought but it's so refreshing. What did you pick?"

"Grape, you want to try some?" Connie asked and she passed him her snow cone, in return he passed her his and they sampled each other's.

"That's so nice!" Connie gushed as she took back her own.

"Who doesn't love lemon and lime?" said Averman as he devoured his own, they continued to sit and eat their snow cones as snow started to drift slowly to the floor.

"I'm really getting bored of all this snow now," Connie admitted as she placed her finished cone on the table. "I'm ready for sun and the beach,"

Averman nodded in agreement and they left the shop waving goodbye to Terry as they left.

They headed back to campus a little chillier than when they left, the snow cones hadn't kept them warm but instead made them colder. They approached the campus building and both of them sighed in pleasure as the heat of the building welcomed them. They jogged up the stairs and turned down the corridor to get to Connie's dorm.

"It's been so much fun! Thanks for today Averman!" said Connie as they stood outside her dorm room door.

"It's been my pleasure, thank you for spending the afternoon with me," he said with a smile and Connie smiled in return. He waved goodbye as he turned and walked to his own dorm room where he would no doubt spend the rest of the evening trying to stay warm.

Connie entered the room and smiled at Julie who was watching another movie. "How was it?" she asked with a cocked eyebrow as Connie kicked off her shoes and dived under the duvets in her bed.

"It's been good fun but gosh it's been a cold day!" she told her as she reached for her note book in her draw. She grabbed her fluffy pen and turned to the page marked Lester Averman.

Averman approached me through the week asking me on a date on Saturday afternoon, he gave me limited information, once I has told him he had to tell me something, I was informed I would need a coat because we'd be outside and that there'd be no jogging.

Come Saturday afternoon he arrived on time and we left to start the date on good time, it was once we left my dorm room did he finally tell me what we'd be doing, and it was mini golf! I love mini golf so I was super excited. The mini golf course is only a 10 minute walk from campus and when we arrived there it was he who paid for everything. The golf course only had 9 holes and we were evenly matched after the first hole. Things slowly started to improve for me as I slowly started to pull away, my lead was confirmed when he had a horrible round on one of the holes, it took him several attempts to get the ball in the hole.

I struggled with one hole and he caught me up considerably but the final hole clinched me the win, I had a total of three hole in ones and a hole in one can score you so many points. I don't think we even discussed what the score was I just know I won. After the mini golf course Averman decided we needed some refreshments and instead of suggesting a nice warm coffee shop we went next door to the new snow cone parlour. It was a shock to discover that Terry was working in there, I hadn't seen him in ages, after talking to him for a short amount of time we moved on actually eating a snow cone. I chose grape and it came out such a bright purple. Averman took Lemon and lime and it came out a bright green shade. They were so nice and refreshing but really really cold. It'd be definitely somewhere I'd go again but more in the summer time when it's warm out.

He walked me back to my dorm room and he bid me farewell at the end.

I would rate Averman on Romance as a: 5. He's a sweet guy but there was nothing romantic about the date whatsoever, it was more like two friends hanging out on a Saturday afternoon which wasn't the hole plan. To improve just do anything that's romantic.

I would rate Averman on Creativity as a 10: I mean he thought of mini golf and a snow cone parlour. I mean who would honestly think of either of those two things? They're so out there and random that to actually think of it is mind blowing for me.

I would rate Averman on Effort as a 7: I guess the game of mini golf involved effort in playing and same with making the snow cone but there wasn't really any effort to pre-book anything or add something else that he had organised. He could have improved by doing something like that.

I would rate Averman being a Gentlemen as an 8: He opened doors, paid for everything and was kind and considerate at the same time.

I would rate the date as a 7: it was good fun and I love mini golf so that just adds more points, though the snow cones were yummy it was too cold for something like that. A coffee may have been more enjoyable.

Now the date is over I would rate it as a 7: Like mentioned previously the date was more like a day out then an actual date, but winning at mini golf was really good.

In total Averman scores 44 out of 60.

Connie winced at the scoring before passing the book over to Julie who took it greedily and read what she had wrote.

While Julie was reading she forced herself out of bed and filled up the kettle. She reached for tub of hot chocolate and spooned a lump into her mug.

"If only he had tried harder in the romance he'd have been so much better. He didn't do too badly in my if I remember correctly." Said Julie as she settled back in her bed. "At least you won mini golf though,"

"I'm the undefeated champion of mini golf," she replied as she poured the water into her cup. Julie rolled her eyes but she was still smiling as Connie sat next to her on her bed as they watched the film on the television.

The last chapter was a doddle to write but this one was the opposite, it just proved to be difficult and I don't know if that was me not really wanting to write it or if I was just struggling. Not perfect but I do hope you enjoy it :)