
I have a new Tudor story. It's slash, of course, and a crossover with supernatural, but you do not need to have seen the show, as it is set in Tudor!verse. All you need to know is that Dean Winchester is pretty and tough as hell.

It's called The Hunt. It's at the moment in the Supernatural Category, but will soon come to Tudor.

Initially the story has all warnings- and I do mean ALL. From A to Z, as I do not quite know what I have in store for these two yet!

but to start with; slash, religious angst, general angst, dub/non-con (depending on how you view it), banter, bending historical events to suit my purpose and killing supernatural beings. General supernatural-ness.


Young Dean Winchester is working as a hunter at the castle, but he never expected, or wanted the attention of the king. As he saves every penny he earns to his brother education, can he afford to refuse the king, will he lose his job, or will he quit?

Katherine had another miscarriage the night he first met the hunter. The king does not remember much, but the evidence in his bed is plenty enough. Never having been attracted to any male before, the king is intrigued, initially both by his beauty and his skill in hunting, and later his absolute refusal to bow to the king's wishes of his company- in every sense. How far is he willing to go, and what is he willing to give up. Is it just lust- another mistress he wants, or will he bend and break every societal and legal rule to have the one who does not want him?

http:/www. fanfiction . net/s/7302148/1/The_Hunt