Hi guys! Yes this is the first chapter of the sequel to Captured, sorry it's so short, I planned to make it a prologue but it would make better sense to have it as the first chapter. And it wasn't meant to be that long.

But whatever, I hope you all like this chapter and the chapters that are soon to come.

Also in the last chapter of Captured I left a clue into what might happen in this story, don't say anything if you know okay? It's kinda obvious anyway but meh.

Me and Ed luvels you!

Wounds reopened

I wake up to the sound of rain gently rapping on the window of my room. I groan and bury my face in the pillows, not really ready to wake up yet. It's been a week since we went to HQ and since then Al's been getting up early to do some research in the library. He normally leaves at nine while I wake up around eleven or noon.

I open my eyes slowly, raising my head from the pillow to look at the alarm clock resting on the nightstand. Damn it's around eleven fifty; Al hates it when I'm still asleep when he gets back. It's not my fault, since I can't really go out in public I'm stuck in this house. The only things to do are sleep and read the books that Al brings back for me, but I read those books in a little over an hour.

I sit up in the bed and yawn still feeling tired. Al normally gets back from the library at twelve ten, so I got to wake up fast or he'll be irritated. I get up and stumble over to the dresser, putting on my normal black tank top and slipping on my black jeans.

As soon as my clothes are on I brush my hair, combing out the knotted blond hair. I avoid the dog ears that stick out of the side of my head; it really hurts when the brush scraps over them. I flick my tail slightly and wince when I feel the brush run over my ear.

I normally don't wear my hair in a braid anymore; I normally just leave it in a loose ponytail or just let it hang around my shoulders. It kinda covers the ears a little better. Sighing I walk out of the room and down the hall, slowly stumbling into the living room.

Then I reach the end of the hall way and lean on the door way, still a little drowsy. I guess leaned a little too hard on the wall or slammed into it harder than I should have. The old stab wound scar under the fifty six branded into my left shoulder slices open.

"Damn." I growl as crimson blood stains the tan wall of the hall, running down my arm to drip off my fingertips. Then I feel an unnatural pain, a horrible searing pain that runs from the wound all the way through my body. My right hand darts up to grab the bleeding arm, trying to stop the blood. I cough slightly and blood runs sluggishly from my mouth.

I lean on the wall more, the sharp edge of the door way digging into the cut more. Then there's a flash of blue light that slowly turns to black, clouding my vision. I let out a cry of fear and pain as I slowly slide down onto the floor. I feel my right hand go limp as it curls awkwardly under my bloody arm, still trying to stop the blood from flowing.

The darkness clears from my eyes and I'm left on my side on the floor, blood pooling on the pale cream carpet in a crimson puddle. I cough up a mouthful of blood and close my eyes, taking in deep breaths as I lose consciousness.