A/N: So, what's happened is that Harry discovers McGonnagall knew him before Hogwarts and confronts her. She finds out she's been obliviated and confronts Dumbledore alone. Harry disappears, Hermione and Ron were looking for him and on their way to tell Dumbledore that they can't find him, crash into Snape and Malfoy, Snape forces them to tell him what's going on and they interrupt the meeting Dumbledore has with McGonnagall. They discover Harry is missing, she yells at Dumbledore and leaves. Hermione gets angry but Dumbledore calms them down and sends them on their way.

In the meantime, Harry discovers he doesn't need glasses anymore and meets Jaden Yuki, a young boy. Then Neville disappears while Dumbledore is off informing people, like an overreacting Remus Lupin who is this way because he already almost lost Sirius, and Vernon Dursley refuses the offer to get rid of Harry because he worries how Petunia would take it. Petunia Dursley visits Seto Kaiba in Domino, Japan, because she is, surprisingly, worried about finding Harry. She knows Seto would be willing to help because of how he knows Harry. At the same time, Voldemort finds out about the missing boys.

Later, Harry learns of dueling and he and Jaden goes to get a deck - quickly after that, they meet Neville who has been led to Harry by Hedwig. The order is by then arguing about how to look for the boys, spending all sunday trying to figure it out. And at Azkaban, D frees a woman named Iris and it is revealed that he is the one to have gotten rid of Vernon and Dudley Dursley.

Harry and Neville, having spent some time explaining things to Jaden, get a letter from Luna - except they can't remember having ever talked to her much. They don't remember being her friend, they do not remember much of anything. And neither has yet to realize it. It's about this time that Petunia is told of the disappearance of her family and Ron Weasley spends time secretly looking through books to get his best friend back.

Disclaimer: I only own Iris and the hotlus.

It had taken Harry a day to return to thinking of the Ministry, of the battle that had taken place and of Sirius. Of how relieved he was to know he was safe and how everyone had gotten out of the battle without being hurt too badly that it couldn't be fixed. Neville was fine, too, as had been proven by how he'd appeared where he was without too much trouble, Ron and Hermione had been fine the last time he saw them in the summer and- Luna had sent a letter. Luna. He did know Luna. But he didn't.

Frowning, he sat up on the couch he was borrowing for the night, going through that which he remembered. Was this what she'd meant when she asked if they'd remembered, yet? Had they forgotten a friend? It felt like a hand clutched at his heart at just the thought, he'd always been careful to protect all his friends and the idea that he'd outright forgotten one just didn't sit well with him.

He didn't mention this problem to Neville, though, because it was just his problem, wasn't it? And there wasn't anything they could do about it, anyway, so he'd just try to make sense of it on his own time. At least this way he wouldn't worry Neville, and with that thought, he returned to his dreams of all his friends - which was a larger amount than he'd believed, earlier.

Neville and Harry were in the middle of one of their practice games, just a few days later, when Jaden came running into the room followed by a large... bird of fire?

"Fawkes!" Harry exclaimed, his eyes widening.

Neville gaped at Harry, "You know this Phoenix? You didn't say, earlier!"

"I don't know a phoenix, not really. And, well, he's Dumbledore's," Harry explained as Fawkes changed direction from Jaden and came towards him, instead. "Or not?" He was quick to correct himself as Fawkes chirped angrily, looking to all the world as if he was about to attack Harry just because of what he'd said.

Neville stopped himself from explaining that he knew who the Phoenix was, it was just how familiar Harry seemed with it that was so surprising to him. For everyone in the Wizarding World knew how the Phoenix that lived with the Headmaster looked like.

Jaden sweatdropped. "That thing was following me from the porch! It appeared right behind me and it was burning! It still is! I mean-"

"Relax, Jay, we explained to you earlier about phoenixes, right?" Harry hurried to interrupt the almost hysterical boy. "And Fawkes didn't hurt you, so that means he meant well."

Jaden grumbled but stopped complaining. He did, however, sit beside Neville instead of Harry, whom had Fawkes on his arm, unlike usual when he'd sit with Harry.

"What have you got for me there, Fawkes?" Harry smiled at the phoenix and accepted the letter from underneath it's wing.

He watched Fawkes jump from his arm and stand beside him before opening the letter in the slightly uncomfortable silence he blamed on Jaden, considering they'd told him about Phoenixes before.

As he started upon the first line, he realized this letter wasn't to him and looked up at Fawkes questioningly. "You sure you want me to read this?"

"Why wouldn't he, Harry?" Neville asked confused.

"It's not addressed to me," Harry told them. "But to one Alastor Moody."

Neville frowned, "Who's it from?"

"Albus Dumbledore," Harry replied frowning as well, having looked at the bottom.

Fawkes bobbed his head and that was all prompting Harry needed. Going back to the beginning, he began reading out loud.

"Dear Alastor,

As you may have noticed, Fawkes is delivering this letter. This means that this letter has the utmost privacy and no one must ever know I have sent it to you. Nor can you let anyone know of the contents, for this is very important, as well.

Now, I suppose I shall have to start with why I'm sending you this."

And then Harry paused and frowned, eyes reading ahead for a paragraph, causing his shoulders to tense before he continued reading out loud for the benefit of the two, three including Fawkes, others.

"As you know, I have kept close eyes on the two boys of the prophecy, and they have performed exactly the way we predicted, yet now they have both seemingly disappeared into thin air- they are impossible to find. I do not know how, or why, all I can tell you is that both were in Hogwarts at the time of their disappearance, and as such, it should have been impossible to remove them from my care while the wards were up.

What I need from you, is to find them. Find them and bring them to one of the safe houses we decided was best to keep secret from the Order and keep them there no matter what until I have the time to come there. You will, of course, let me know which safe house you decide on.

We can not afford to lose them, nor can we allow Potter escape with the knowledge of the Prophecy.

Also, Black is still alive and healthy. If needed, you may trade that knowledge for their cooperation. You may threaten that unless they behave, Black will be Kissed. Though take care not to mention this to the other Order members, Sirius currently stays with Remus at Grimmauld.

With Best Wishes,

Albus Dumbledore."

There was a moment of silence. Then- "I thought the Prophecy got broken." Neville questioned hesitantly.

Jaden looked between them in confusion, "What's Hogwarts? What's this Order-thing? Why would they need safe-houses? What did he mean by wards and do prophecies really exist? And what in the name of Duel Monsters did they mean by 'Kissed'?"

Harry and Neville shared a short look of resignation, before Harry turned to explain what exactly was going on as far as they knew - the cliffnotes of it, anyway, and nothing in specific that might alarm or frighten the younger boy. And in the process, he managed to explain to Neville about the Prophecy, shocking his friend who hadn't really heard much from when it... Had broken? Back before, anyway, at the ministry.

He was still having difficulties with those memories, some things didn't add up while a lot of things were entirely different than what he'd been told. But then again, the crushing betrayal he'd just discovered, and Neville, too, was terrifying and muddled his thoughts more than he needed, causing him to add unnecessary words in his explanations. Neville was quick to take over, giving Harry a concerned look, and Harry allowed himself to go quiet, a small frown appearing on his face.

He should have expected it, he really should have. After what he'd learned of his First year at Hogwarts, the problem he'd had with that one memory. It was as if he'd been forced to not notice something, as if he'd been told that it wasn't important, that he should forget - and he'd listened to it. Why? Why would he listen, what was it that made him think that it was alright to forget about the kindness of his Head of House?

He'd confronted her before he appeared in Domino, he remembered, but he'd been so upset and confused and hadn't thought about the fact that the first time he'd confronted her about knowing him before Hogwarts, the first time he'd met with her about it, she'd not done anything about it. After he'd returned to his Common Room to get some sleep, that day, nothing happened. He'd seen her again the day after but nothing had changed, it was almost like she'd decided he wasn't worth it. And that was what he'd believed, then. That was what had made him stop believing in her in the first place.

It surprised him, now that he really thought about it, that he'd confronted her again. As if she hadn't known. She had, he'd believed for years, but her reactions told him otherwise. She seemed to have forgotten and with the things he currently knew about the Wizarding World... Well, he wasn't so sure that he could continue to blame her for it.

A sharp pain on his knee distracted him and pulled his attention back at the bird that had delivered this letter, the way he looked at him it was almost as if Fawkes was scolding him. How strange, "Thank you, Fawkes. For the letter and all." And the Phoenix merely gave a little trill before bursting into fire and disappearing again, startling Jaden but not so much Neville.

"So what do we do now?"

It had been Neville that spoke and he was giving Harry a determined look. They would do this together, then.

Right, guys, that's it for this chapter. At least I'm writing more for each of them, this chapter, excluding the summary and Author notes is about 1600 words. I'm going to try to keep to at least that amount for each chapter, I think. And hey, I brought in Fawkes! There's a reason for Phoenixes being explained too, earlier, didn't want Jaden to completely freak. And Hedwig gave me such a wonderful opportunity for it, too! And about Luna, too, Harry is having trouble with his memories for a reason. It's because of that that he hasn't completely blown up the town in rage or something. Don't worry, he'll remember everything properly soon enough.