Author Note: This is a response to SoTurnRight's Beautifully Complex challenge.


Destined Serendipity

Good accidents, or good mean to be's, destined serendipity.

The fan girls all scream "NATE!" over and over.

He runs, as fast as he can.

Jumping over stumps and logs.

He trips,

A perfect landing, his lips on hers.

Sparks felt, and apologies exchanged.

Fan girls trudge away, dejected looks upon their faces.

He stands, and pulls her up too.

What a gentleman, she thinks to herself.

They exchange goodbyes and parted their ways.

Only to find, both taking the same path.

She knows it was an accident.

He knows it was destiny.

They sit on the docks,

A number one in the works.

Rocking on his trusty guitar,

Rocking out on her trusty laptop.

Side by side.

Friendship grows,

Love grows.

A stroke of courage,


He asks timidly,

Will you be my girlfriend?

"It all started with a serendipitous kiss."

She tells him.

"A destined kiss."

He tells her.

A destined serendipitous kiss.