Arm Candy

Genre: Shounen ai. It's all the rage these days. Perhaps you've heard of it? No? Then go read/watch Gravitation again, and this time, notice that none of the leading characters have breasts.

Pairing: Ryuuichi x Tatsuha

Babble, babble: Finally, all the stupid fangirl Japanese has been cleaned out. I made an exception on the suffixes (you know, those groovy thingies after everybody's penname in the anime fandom.) I feel they are part of the characterization and often a pain to translate. (You could also say that I just plain like suffixes.) There are also other minor changes throughout the fic; when I butcher my fics, I do it properly.

End of babble. Follow the cute little plus symbols to the fic.


Track One

"Oh, c'mon, Tatsuha-san, it'll be fine! No one's gonna eat you out there!" Shuuichi coaxed, his voice positively dripping honey.

He had come to realize that if Yuki was a tough one to coax into doing anything, his brother wasn't much easier. But by now, Shuuichi had tried every trick in the book and was losing hope. He looked at Tatsuha's face, which was exactly as drawn as before, and his nerves failed.

"Argh, I give up!"

He slammed the car door closed and turned his back on both the car and Tatsuha who was sitting on the back seat doing his best to melt into the upholstery. Shuuichi stomped to the other side of the street where Yuki was standing, examining a shopping list.

"YUKI! Do something about your stupid brother, he refuses to come inside!"

Yuki shoved the list into the breast pocket of his shirt and put on his sunglasses.

"You handle him. It was your idea to bring him with you to the recording."

He started walking towards the nearby store, ignoring Shuuichi who danced around him.

"But! Butbutbut! Yuki! Yukiii! I just wanted to do something nice for him, don't you want too? He's your brother after all! And who knows when an opportunity like this is gonna rise again, probably NEVER, so we hafta -"

Yuki stopped on his heels and breathed deep. For anyone else, it would've been an obvious warning sign. Shuuichi, though, took it as a sign of defeat, and went on, encouraged.

"You see, Yuki? It's one of those one in a billion chances. Right? Don't you agree? I'm serious, I mean it, we can't have him wimp out now!"

Reluctantly, Yuki turned back.

"The last time I'm giving you a ride to the studio..." he muttered grumpily.

Shuuichi threw his hands around Yuki's neck and came close to throwing him down on the pavement.

"Yes! I knew you'd agree!"

However, when they returned to Yuki's car, there was no one inside. Only Shuuichi's bag lay on the backseat.

"I can't believe it! He ran away!" Shuuichi exclaimed, his eyes huge.

"It didn't occur to you that he might have already gone inside?" Yuki quipped irritatedly.

Shuuichi eyed the NG building, blinking.

"Oh right! Well, if he did I better go after him. It's so huge and complex, even I get lost sometimes!"

He grabbed his bag and hurried towards the doors.

"I'm sure you do," Yuki said sarcastically.

Shuuichi turned around to wave goodbye and smile at Yuki before dashing through the doors. Yuki found himself automatically raising his hand in respond, then caught himself, quickly looked around him and shoved his hand back in his pocket. He turned away and returned to his Friday shopping.


In the meantime, Tatsuha sat on a bench at the hall of the NG Record Company building. He leaned back and stared at the ceiling far above him. It seemed he was the only one in the whole floor; most likely everyone was downstairs where the studios were, preparing for the recording. Tatsuha closed his eyes and wondered how on earth he was going to come out of this alive.

To think that only a few days ago Tatsuha had been majorly bored. There had seemed to be nothing to occupy himself with back home in Kyoto, so he had stuffed a few things into his old backpack and crashed in his brother's apartment. After a good deal of arguing he had got the permission to stay for a few days, even though his brother usually never let him use the apartment when he was there himself. To Tatsuha, being in Tokyo made holiday true. It was the hottest part of the summer, and his economic situation was better than for ages, so why not kick back and enjoy life in the capital, where life was offered in full doses?

Shuuichi had welcomed the new subtenant as readily as Eiri had reluctantly, and the last two nights had been spent mostly in front of the TV screen, discussing Nittle Grasper's songs, lyrics, haircuts and anything other related to the topic. Tatsuha had never really had any fellow Nittle Grasper maniacs around to talk with, so he was more than happy to associate himself with Shuuichi as much as possible. Sure all his friends had claimed to love the band when it was on top of every list in Japan, but none of them felt the kind of devotion to it as Tatsuha did.

Not even Shuuichi, he thought. The guy was a hardcore fan, but even the fact that he imitated Sakuma Ryuuichi's singing style told a lot. Shuuichi saw Sakuma as a rolemodel; something that he, too, could be if he practiced hard enough. Tatsuha didn't believe that. To him, Sakuma Ryuuichi was forever on a different level, impossible for mere mortals to touch. If everyone ever reached him, it would be Sakuma himself who pulled them to him.

It had seemed like a great idea when Shuuichi first suggested that he could take Tatsuha with him when the Bad Luck was recording their next single. Tatsuha had been to the studio before, but he had never had time to really listen to the band, and he was kind of interested in seeing the whole process of recording. Shuuichi had told him they'd need an extra hand with moving all their gear to the van for the night's concert after recording, and Tatsuha had volunteered. At least he got to hang out with the band for the whole day, see what it was like to be in the music business.

It was not until Eiri was driving all three of them to the studio that Shuuichi mentioned that the song they were going to record was to be done with Nittle Grasper.

Immediately, Tatsuha had panicked. At first, it was merely disbelief; he was sitting in a car which was taking him straight to his god. No, things like this just didn't happen! Not to him, anyway! Shuuichi had tried his best to calm him down, told him that "Sakuma-san" was actually a really fun guy and that he never looked down on anyone. But how could Shuuichi understand? He was a rising star himself, he knew how people in music business were. He could take it all in stride; it was all part of the lifestyle he had chosen for himself. To Tatsuha, it was different altogether. Very different.

Of course he had seen Nittle Grasper perform live, but even so, they had been a good distance away from him, totally unreachable up on their stage...

Tatsuha snapped out of his musings and turned his head to face Shuuichi, who was running towards him.

"There you are, Tatsuha-san! Hurry up, we're already late!" Shuuichi shouted and caught Tatsuha's arm, pulling him up.

"R-right," Tatsuha said unevenly, and made an attempt to collect himself. He straightened his leather jacket and followed Shuuichi to the lift.

They descended only two floors, but it seemed like miles to Tatsuha, who counted each second as if it was his last.

*Maybe he's not even there,* he thought, gnawing nervously on his fingernails and wishing he believed his own words. *Maybe he's cancelled, or they're already done with the recording. And who says I will get a glimpse of him, even if the band IS there? There's bound to be lifeguards and managers and whatever who keep mere laborers like me from being in their way. So, basically, there is little chance that I ever even- *

"Oh, lookie, Kumagorou, it's Shuuichi! And he's got a friend with him, too!"

Tatsuha's head snapped up and he found himself facing a cute, pink stuffed bunny.

But that voice... Oh, that voice...

Shuuichi laughed, scratching the back of his neck, looking a bit vain at finding his idol talking to him in such a familiar way.

"Ah ha ha... hello, Sakuma-san..."

Tatsuha didn't hear his voice. He practically froze when the bunny was replaced by the face he saw anywhere he looked in his room. Except that it lacked the two-dimensional dullness of all his pictures. His eyes immediately spotted a hundred details that only heightened the perfection he had come to worship from afar. They all burned in Tatsuha's memory: the way his eyes gleamed, that one, shiny lock of hair which was hanging right over his left eye, all the shades of blue and silver dancing on his shirt as he moved...

While Tatsuha stared, in a state of fanboy euphoria in which he was unable to utter a word, Sakuma Ryuuichi blinked at his face.

"Shuuichi... your friend's all funny. Can't talk."

He lifted Kumagorou and poked Tatsuha's nose with its paw.

Shuuichi quickly took the situation in stride. He wrapped one arm around Tatsuha's shoulders and gave him a good squeeze to wake him up from his stupor.

"Sakuma-san, this is Uesugi Tatsuha, he's a friend of mine and he's promised to help us around with packing, isn't that great?"

Maybe it was Shuuichi's grip, or the fact that Sakuma turned his face at Shuuichi that finally made Tatsuha blink once and start breathing again.

"Shuuichi!" Ryuuichi currently lectured, "I've told you a hundred million zillion times, just drop the 'Sakuma-san'! Friends don't call their friends that!"

His eyes suddenly filled with tears.

"Waahhh! Don'cha wanna be my friend anymore, Shuuichi? 'Cause if you don't then who's gonna sing with me today?!"

Tatsuha thought he was going to die out of witnessing such cuteness.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Of course I'm still your friend, um, Ryuuichi!" Shuuichi said quickly, patting Sakuma on the back reassuringly.

Sakuma sniffled and gnawed on Kumagorou's ear.

Shuuichi opened his mouth to say something else, but was interrupted by a click. Or more accurately, the sound of a safety catch of a gun being clicked off. All three turned around to face an AK-47, and the manager K, who was pointing it towards them.

"Could you two vocalists please get in the recording room?" he asked, beaming. "It appears we're already 34 minutes off the schedule."

"K! I've told you, don't point a gun at Kumagorou or he'll get really mad at you!" Ryuuichi said and pouted. "And then I'll get mad, and I can be really nasty when I'm mad! You know I can, and - hey, the recording's starting?!"

His pout changed quickly back to happy smile as the thought of singing kicked in.

"Can't miss our duet, Shuu-chan! Race ya!" he exclaimed, nudging Shuuichi, and took a good head start down the corridor.

Sakuma and Shuuichi hurried off, leaving the baffled Tatsuha behind with the scary blond holding an AK-47.

"Hey, Shuuichi, you can't just- " Tatsuha tried.

He only got a quick apologising glance over Shuuichi's shoulder before he disappeared around a corner.

"And now you," K said to him in English, looking at him somewhat suspiciously - but then again, it's kind of hard to look at people trustfully while holding them at gunpoint.

"Huh?" Tatsuha blinked stupidly. His brain was on a well-earned rest after the sensoral overload the moment before.

"Who are you supposed to be?" K asked, changing back into Japanese, albeit accented.

"Oh, I - I'm Uesugi Tatsuha, I was supposed to help around with carrying all the stuff..."

He felt somewhat uneasy. Hadn't Shuuichi bothered to inform anyone beforehand?

"Uh huh. Well, as long as you're not carrying explosives, I'm willing to give you the benefit of doubt for now."

K gave Tatsuha the first smile, and it was wide and so dazzling it almost blinded him.

"You're an acquientance of our hit singer, then?"

"Yeah," Tatsuha said and nodded, more like himself again.

They began walking after the two singers, along the corridor.

"Of Shindou Shuuichi's, that is," Tatsuha added quickly. Surely the scary blond didn't think he actually knew Sakuma Ryuuichi?

When they reached the recording room, K told Tatsuha to go find himself a seat and disappeared through a door which said "STAFF". Tatsuha looked around, didn't see any free chairs and decided to use his backpack as a makeshift pillow. He slumped down on it and leaned his back against the wall, making sure he wasn't in anyone's way. He could hear someone tuning up an electric guitar, and all around him, people rushed to and fro, shouting and arguing. He didn't see a glimpse of a familiar face anywhere.

Tatsuha breathed deep and started rewinding back to the scene in front of the lift, making himself collect all the pieces together. Okay, so he had met Sakuma Ryuuichi face to face. Literally. And what a complete idiot he had been! He mentally kicked himself angrily. The one and only Sakuma Ryuuichi had stood only a step away from him and he hadn't even introduced himself! Now the opportunity was forever lost. How absolutely *stupid* could you get? Nobody paid any attention to Tatsuha as he almost bit off his lower lip in frustration.

Finally the voice of Ryuuichi made him look up to the glass which separated the recording room from the surveillance room he was in.

"Okay, everybody! Are you all set up? Shuuichi and I are itching to get to the song!" Ryuuichi shouted through the thick glass.

He had left the stuffed bunny to sit on top of the synthesizer, and looked more serious, more adult. Now anyone could see what he was; a veteran of music business, the god of the stage who lived for singing.

Tatsuha slowly rose up on his feet while all the other people in the room sat down in front of small monitors and such. He watched with an anticipating gleam in his eyes as the band kicked off the song and Ryuuichi joined Shuuichi by the microphone, both of them nodding to the rhythm, waiting for their time. Tatsuha ignored the nasty grip at his insides at the sight of Ryuuichi poking at Shuuichi's face and the two of them sharing a grin.


The recording was over before he knew it. All of a sudden, people were leaving the room, and finally only Tatsuha and a handful of others stayed behind. Tatsuha watched through the glass as the Bad Luck discussed something with K and someone else whom Tatsuha assumed to be their producer or something of the sort. Ryuuichi was nowhere to be seen. He had disappeared towards the dressing room.

"'Scuse me," said someone, and Tatsuha turned around. One of the men who had stayed in the room was standing in front of him. He was very tall and wore an exceedingly dirty t-shirt and torn jeans. He had a bandanna to keep his black locks from falling over his small, dark eyes. He looked like a mechanic, Tatsuha thought to himself.

"You're the extra hand K-san told us about?" the man inquired.

Tatsuha nodded.

"Good, then why don't you follow me. I'll show you the way to the backdoor. We'll carry all the stuff through it to avoid any fuss."

"Okay, let's do it. Oh, I'm Uesugi Tatsuha," Tatsuha said, remembering to introduce himself this time.

The tall man nodded.

"Inahara Mamoru. This is Akito." He nudged his friend, who had already started to unplug the wires and wind them up.

"Nice to meet ya," Tatsuha said collectively, and then looked over his shoulder to the recording room. The Bad Luck were already packing up their stuff, and Shuuichi was coming towards the door. Tatsuha knitted his brows. Where had Ryuuichi disappeared to? Come on, needn't he also talk about the recording with his manager or something? Tatsuha had watched him sing only a moment before, and he already missed seeing him...

"Hey, where you lookin' at?" Mamoru said and poked him. "Those amps don't carry themselves."

Tatsuha shook his head and let his coal black hair cover his face.

"Nothing. Let's go."

He followed the two others out of the room.


Tatsuha was shown how to navigate in the cellar floor, and then the real work started. Actually it was fun; once the heavy stuff was carried to the van, the Bad Luck came to help with all the wires and other light but delicate stuff and Tatsuha chattered with Shuuichi and the guitarist Hiro while they all tried to make some sense of where the wires were supposed to go.

"Is it always this much hassle to get packed up?" Tatsuha asked after taking a gulp of water from the bottle Hiro had offered him. The warm day was threatening to turn into a considerably humid night. Tatsuha had had to take off his leatherjacket a good while before, and was now wishing he had a sleeveless shirt like Shuuichi's.

"Well, we aren't exactly used to all this yet," Hiro replied, grinning, and threw the rest of the water over his reddish hair and then shook it off. "Man, it's hot! I'm glad I get to change before the concert!"

"Yes, the heat really is a pain," said Fujisaki Suguru, the keyboardist. "I've heard that in small concert halls, it sometimes gets so humid that all the moisture in the air will actually turn into water which will rain on the audience."

"What, you mean they get their own sweat right back on them? Yuck," Shuuichi said, making a face.

"Tatsuha-san, you're coming to the concert, aren't you?" Hiro inquired, smiling. It was only partly a question.

"Well, that depends," Tatsuha replied, fanning his face. "Isn't it in some kind of a night club?

"More like a bar," Hiro admitted. "We can't afford proper night clubs just yet - except Perushana, but we used to particularly live there, so it's different."

"But hey, soon!" Shuuichi added enthusiasticly.

"Bar or night club, if they got bouncers, I won't be able to get in. You see, I'm not 20 yet," Tatsuha confessed somewhat reluctantly. He didn't like telling people his real age, because most of the time, he could pass as old as his brother.

"How old do you think Fujisaki is?" Hiro asked, laughing. "If you arrive with us, there'll be no problems, believe me!"

"Except the intense heat that I mentioned," Fujisaki cut in, "which can cause electric devices to disfunction because of the moisture, and then the effect it will have on our own performance -"

"Fujisaki, you're SUCH a killer of the party!" Shuuichi exclaimed. "Bad Luck won't let weather order 'em around!"

Hiro and Tatsuha laughed, while Fujisaki pouted, muttering, "I'm just saying it's theoretically possible that..."

K stopped by to inform that if they wanted to be in the place where the concert was held in time, they should get inside right now.

"What's going on?" Tatsuha asked.

"Dinner!" Shuuichi happily exclaimed, already hopping on his way.

"Caf dinner," Hiro added. "It's usually horrible but we don't have time for anything else. You gonna join us?"

"Can I? Great, I'm starving. Right now even caf food sounds edible," Tatsuha said and grinned, throwing his backpack over one shoulder.

In a few minutes, he got to define 'edible' again. The greyish rice and wiltered vegetables did little to appease his hunger.

"This is by far the worst bentou lunch I've ever eaten," he stated as Shuuichi stuffed his face opposite of him.

"You should try sandwiches, they're good," Shuuichi replied from behind his huge bagel.

"You mean they're not walking away from your mouth," Hiro commented with a crooked smile, then pointed his plastic fork at Shuuichi. "And for your information, it's not good to eat heavy food before a concert. It slags your performance down."

"Never heard a pudding slagging anyone down," Shuuichi insisted.

"Oh yeah? How about pudding AND bagel AND potato salad AND cream soda?" Hiro asked, raising one eyebrow.

"'M hungry," Shuuichi muttered and took a huge gulp of the violently green soda.

Tatsuha took another bite of the pickled radish and after swallowing it down with great effort, stood up with the plastic bentou box in his hand.

"That's my limit. I'll go see if I can find a McDonald's around the corner, I can't swallow this stuff."

He threw the uneaten food right in the carbage can and picked up his things.

"Hurry up, then," Hiro said, waving goodbye with his fork.

"I'll catch up with you guys downstairs," Tatsuha said and walked away from the cafeteria.

"Fifteen minutes, folks!" he heard K announce behind him. "We have a show to catch!"


Tatsuha hopped down the stairs.

*They're doing great for such a new band. I wish I was a musician too, it seems like hard but fun work. All that discipline required is beyond me though... oh, and there's the fact that I can't even whistle...*

He smiled a small, self-ironic smile.

*Maybe if I had a terrific singing voice like Shuuichi or the same star appeal it could've been me in the recording room next to Sakuma-sama... Argh, what am I thinking, this is nuts! I can't possibly be jealous or something... and of all people, Shindou Shuuichi? He's got my brother, and you'd think he's enough to chew on for a long while!*

His stomach, rational as it was, ended such thoughts by making it known that it was not by far appeased with the bad half-eaten bentou lunch, and he decided to go hurry. Humming the song that had been recorded before, he headed towards the doors.

*I'd kill for a good, honest cheeseburger right now...*

He quickly shaded his eyes with his other hand when the hot Tokyo sun caught him unawares.

*Augh, it's still hot out though it's almost evening. I hope that sweat thing Fujisaki talked about doesn't happen at the place they're playing in... What was the name again? Syntex... signal... sin-something...*

Tatsuha thought he'd check how much money he had in his pocket, but then realized he wasn't wearing his jacket.

*Hey, where's - damn, I left it in the recording room!*

He turned right around and hurried back inside. His keys and wallet where in the pocket, and if someone had locked the doors...

Tatsuha descended two floors with a lift and ran through the corridor, the same way he had gone when he had first arrived. To his huge relief, the door to the recording room was not yet locked. Tatsuha quickly found his jacket, and went through the pockets to see if something was missing. Everything seemed to be in place, so he flung the jacket over his shoulder and looked around a little. The place was empty now, and rather dark since all the lights had been switched off. Tatsuha didn't stop to switch them on. He headed straight back to the door.

He did stop, however, when he heard someone coughing in the vicinity. He quickly looked right and left, fearing that some guard was going to give him hell for sneaking in the room like that, but saw no one. The coughs were not meant to draw attention; the cougher was almost spitting his or her lungs out, judging from the harsh sound.

"Hello?" Tatsuha called, thinking perhaps some cleaning lady was having a seizure. He looked around in the room, which was empty, and then realised the sound must have come from the room marked STAFF. Tatsuha knocked on the door.

"Hey, is everything all right there?"

A moment passed as the cougher most likely caught his or her breath.

"Yeah." The answer came in a low, male voice. "I'm fine."

"You sure?" Tatsuha confirmed, frowning. "That sounded pretty bad. I can go get someone - "

"No!" came a harsh reply. Then Tatsuha heard the speaker walk closer to the door. He moved away from it, but the other didn't open it.

"No, don't call anyone. Just let me be, okay?" The voice was weak and even somewhat bitter.

"O-okay, gotcha," Tatsuha said and nodded to the door. He turned to continue on his way.

He glanced over his shoulder when he heard the door opened. His jaw dropped and eyes grew big at the moment he saw the slumped figure leave the room and silently push the door closed. That slumped figure was Sakuma Ryuuichi.

"Sakuma...san?" Tatsuha unintentionally said aloud.

The singer slowly turned around. Although still carrying the pink bunny, he had no trace of the former childishness in his form. Tatsuha was shocked; this wasn't the "funny guy" Shuuichi saw him as, neither was it the god of the stage he had himself worshipped for years. What he saw was a tired-looking, brown-haired man with boyish features but adult eyes, who had drawn a cap to almost hide his face.

"Oh, it's you?" A tired smile. "You came with Shuuichi, right?"

Tatsuha quickly closed his mouth which was currently gaping open. This time he would keep his head clear.

"Yeah, I'm a friend of his."

Sakuma's eyes left him and turned to the floor instead.

"I thought so." He let out a small cough. "Well, I better get going. It was nice meeting you, ...?"

"Ta-Tatsuha. Uesugi Tatsuha."

Sakuma looked back at him, straight in the eyes. He nodded quietly.

"Um... Sakuma-san?" Tatsuha struggled for his voice.


"Are you... okay?"

*What a brilliant line,* Tatsuha thought, and kicked himself mentally. He went on, gathering his wits.

"I just thought, how could you pull out such a voice in the recording even though you're coughing that bad... Ah forget it, I'm just wondering."

"It's just a cold." Sakuma smiled, but it wasn't a particularly happy smile. "I've sung in worse conditions."

"Of course," Tatsuha muttered, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his jeans. He felt stupid. What was he doing here, a sixteen-year-old kid giving advice to a professional musician?

"Should have remembered. You sang in the Tokyo Dome in May 1998 although you had a pneumonia."

The words rolled off his tongue before he could think what he said, and after they did, Tatsuha slapped a hand over his mouth in horror.

Sakuma smiled. Tatsuha couldn't tell if the smile was mocking or honestly amused.

"I read about it in the Bop Peat," Tatsuha quickly added, turning red of humiliation and hating it.

*Actually, I own three copies of that specific magazine, all with different collectible covers...*

"I had forgotten all about that," Sakuma said, and this time, Tatsuha was sure his voice was not mocking in any way. "So you're a fan? And Shuuichi brought you here to see me? That was nice of him."

"Yeah, you know Shuu-chan, heart all gold. Though he seemed to forget to tell anyone, that airhead."

Tatsuha was rewarded with another cryptical smile. He was starting to feel more relaxed. All thoughts of hurrying back up to the Bad Luck were forgotten. Only this moment mattered, everything else was secondary. He was talking with Sakuma Ryuuichi, alone, and what was more, he was actually starting to feel good about the conversation.

"So, you want an autograph or something?" Sakuma asked with a playful tone returning to his voice.

"Nah, it's okay," Tatsuha found himself answering, to his own amazement. It seemed somehow wrong to ask for anything. He didn't want to appear more like a desperate fanboy than he already surely appeared.

"In that case, I really should be going. K doesn't like it when I'm late." Sakuma made a face, which actually brightened up his tired features and made him look irresistibly cute.

"Oh, right! I guess I should be hurrying, too," Tatsuha said. "I'm supposed to go with Bad Luck, they must be waiting for me."

Sakuma's eyes widened. "You're going to the concert too?"


Sakuma's face turned back to the childish brightness as he smiled widely. "How cool! I'm sure they'll give us a good show tonight. Can't wait to hear 'em!"

Tatsuha blinked. "You mean you're not going to sing with them?"

"Do I look like I'm in any condition to be on the stage?" Sakuma asked back.

Tatsuha was again taken slightly aback at the thought of Sakuma Ryuuichi being sick, like mere mortals. He didn't know how to reply.

Sakuma smiled faintly. "Right. Perhaps I do. But drugs only get you so far. And not even the greatest medicine is any help in as crowded place as a bar. You must breathe to be able to sing, y'know. But! I'm babbling again. K always gave me hell because of it! C'mon, we don't wanna be late!"

He winked and grabbed Tatsuha's hand, walking out to the corridor.

Tatsuha's heart leaped straight into his throat and he swallowed it back down in order to blurt out, "H-hey! What - where are you taking me?"

"To the concert, of course!" Sakuma laughed. "I'm sure Bad Luck have already left, they have to check out the stage and all that. So you can come with me and K, okay?"

*Oh KILL ME NOW...* Tatsuha thought, but managed to reply soberly, "I guess I can."


K was waiting outside the building behind the steering wheel of a shining black car. Tatsuha was literally pushed onto the backseat. The upholstery was royal red, and he felt he had just entered a dream.

"Hi K, sorry we're late! Did you bring my meds?" Sakuma asked, sitting on the front seat and slamming the car door shut after him.

"Ryuuichi, what have I said about your timing?" K patiently retorted.

Sakuma blinked innocently. "That it's horrible, terrible, totally non-existant?"


K started up the car and handed Sakuma a small white container as if it was his prize for the right answer. The singer opened it and gulped down two pills he had fished from it. He made a face.

"Ugh, I hate these things, they're almost too big to swallow! As if my poor throat doesn't hurt enough. Tatsuha-kun, could you give me a can of beer? They're in the cool box under the seat."

Tatsuha reached down to take the asked for can and handed it to Sakuma.

"Thanks. Help yourself if you want one."

Tatsuha hesitated for a moment, but then snatched one can and closed the box, pushing it back under the seat.

"Ryuuichi, what have I said about mixing drugs and alcohol?" K asked, giving the can a disapproving look.

Sakuma opened the can and took a long sip. "Come on, K, one beer doesn't matter!"

"Wrong answer," K announced, frowning. "And would you care to tell me why I'm driving a part-time studio worker?"

Tatsuha jumped a little, opening his mouth to offer an explanation, but Sakuma was quicker.

"Oh, that's just Tatsuha-kun! He's coming to the concert too, so I thought I'd bring him with us."

Tatsuha suddenly felt K's sharp eyes on him and he almost choked on his beer.

"Oh is that right. Ryuuichi, sometimes I wonder why I stopped managing you. It appears you've already forgotten everything I taught you. Do you realize there'll be reporters there, who are watching intensely to see your reaction to Bad Luck's performance? How exactly are you planning to sneak your friend Tatsuha-kun in the Sinister without them noticing?"

"I dunno. It doesn't matter. Let them take their pictures, they'll take them anyway, whether I want it or not."

There was a bitter tone in Sakuma's voice that matched the slumped form Tatsuha remembered from the recording room. Could it be that Sakuma-san was really sick and tired? Maybe he didn't want to go to the concert at all?

"And you think he's okay with it, too?" K asked Ryuuichi, raising an eyebrow. "You know the stories they'll make out of it."

"What?" Tatsuha raised his voice for the first time.

"Okay already, I know it was stupid! I just felt like doing it, that's all," Sakuma exclaimed, not showing any sign of having heard Tatsuha.

"Don't tell me, tell him," K replied, keeping his eyes on the road. "I think you owe him an explanation of what we'll be facing at Sinister."

Sakuma got up on his knees and turned around on his seat so that he was facing the baffled Tatsuha.

"What K means is that those pop magazine reporters always make up stuff. Since you're not famous, they'll probably take you as my childhood friend or some unknown relative..."

"Or, if they're female, your secret boyfriend," K added fluently. "Those female reporters are known to have their imaginations running away with them."

A faint blush creeped on Sakuma's cheeks and he shifted uncomfortably.

"Yeah, or something like that. Anyway, I'll try to hush the fuss down as much as I can and see to it that you'll get inside as easily as possible. It's nothing to worry about, just ignore them if they try to ask you something."

Tatsuha nodded, confused, not totally following all this. He was starting to get the feeling that this wasn't going to be so dreamy after all.

"Sometimes I wish the damn magazines would leave me well enough alone," Sakuma grumbled like a displeased child, slumping back down on his seat.

"He's not really childhood friend material. I think they're more likely to take him as an arm candy," K said half to himself, in English.

This time Tatsuha was coherent enough to follow through his words.

"A what? Aamu kandii?" he inquired in broken English, leaning forwards.

"Arm candy is someone who accompanies the other to enhance that person's appearance. A decoration, if you will. Pop stars are famous for always having arm candies at hand," K dutifully explained.

"Don't tease him, K. I pulled him into this," Sakuma said, frowning.

"I'm merely stating the obvious," K softly replied.

The car stopped. Tatsuha looked out of the shaded window. They had stopped in front of an old-looking building. There were stairs leading to the cellar, with the word SINISTER written in neon letters above the door. It was a small place, but Tatsuha could barely see the neon sign through all the people gathered in the stairway and in front of the building. He saw flashlights before he could make out any faces.

K gave both him and Sakuma an assuring glance. "Okay. We're here. You get in while I go park the car. I have a band to manage, so I'll enter through the back door."

"Sure, catch ya later, K!" Sakuma grinned brightly. "And thanks for the ride!"

He opened the car door and stepped out. Instantly he was attacked by a group of reporters who shot questions at him.

"Sakuma-san, what do you expect from Bad Luck's performance tonight?"

"What are your plans concerning the teamwork with Bad Luck?"

"Can you tell us what you personally think of Shindou Shuuichi?"

"How do you respond to the rumors concerning you and the pop singer Hirakawa Ayami?"

And so on and so on. Tatsuha watched through the glass as Ryuuichi whisked away the inquiries with a few cheerful replies, all the while fighting his way towards the door. Tatsuha wasn't sure if he should get out just yet, and looked at K helplessly.

"Wait until the worst is over," K adviced, keeping his eyes on his former client.

Tatsuha turned back to watch the situation through the window. He suddenly spotted Sakuma looking straight at him over the heads of the reporters. The singer made a beckoning move with his head; come on out of the car. Tatsuha braced himself and opened the car door.

He was momentarily blinded by flashlight and people turned around to stare at him. He staggered on his feet and took one unsteady step towards Sinister's entrance, but was unable to get any further because men and women wearing badges with pop magazine logos in them surrounded him.

"What is your name?"

"Are you Sakuma Ryuuichi's friend?"

"Have you any association with NG, or Bad Luck?"

"Are you related to Sakuma Ryuuichi or Shindou Shuuichi?"

"Ack!" He gulped, looking fervently for a way out.

"Excuse me, but you look a lot like the famous writer, Yuki Eiri," a young, brown-haired woman observed. "What is your connection with him?"

The mention of Yuki Eiri made several other reporters make the same question at the same time.

"Is Yuki Eiri really going to write a song for Bad Luck as rumored?"

"I wouldn't know!" Tatsuha exclaimed in desperation.

He suddenly felt someone's hand grab his own and squeeze it assuringly. He looked left and met Sakuma's chocolate eyes, which immediately left him again.

"Okay, we'd love to stay and chat, but we're running out of time here!" Sakuma announced loudly. "Thanks everyone, I bet we're all looking forward to tonight's show!"

And he began to push and shove his way through the crowd, dragging Tatsuha with him like his stuffed bunny. Loud music could be heard through the door from Sinister.

Right before stepping inside, Sakuma shoved one particularly nosy reporter off from between him and Tatsuha, and leaned down so that no one else could hear. "I'm sorry about all this," he apologized earnestly.

K watched from his car and slowly shook his head.

"He should never have taken his hand. Now the poor kid's rumor material for the magazines for weeks to come."