Yea, My first W.i.t.c.h fanfic, and Enjoy!

Chapter 1 of S.A.N.D.Y

Summary: The third Generation of the Guardians of the veil is out! Summer, Alyssa, Nelly, Diana & Yenna prepares find the newest Heart of Earth, and fight the monster who is after it.

Summary for this chapt: Cornelia starts to suspect her daughter and her best buds turning into Guardians of the Veil

Disclaimer: I do not own W.i.t.c.h. I if I had, I make more Cornelia and Caleb scenes.

Flashback (When I.T.H was 18 and W.C 19)

Caleb's P.O.V

"Caleb? Are you going somewhere?"

Oh god, last thing I wanted was to let Cornelia know that I was leaving for Meridian.

"Er…Yes, back to Meridian." What else could I say?

"What for?" Cornelia, sweet Cornelia with her blond hair and sweet blue eyes, this is how I was going to remember her.

"My father,he died. I have to leave for Meridian, and erm…"Gee, how hard this would be. We have been dating for two years and I still found it hard to tell her everything. I had thought I left her at the Silver Dragon.

"And?" She stressed the word, like she knew what was going to happen.

"I'm not, not ever coming back. And I don't want you to come with me" I said the last four words in a whisper.

"But, wait, not coming back? Why not? Why can't I go back with you?" Her voice made my heart broke. How could I ever leave her? Still, traditions are traditions.

"It's clear Corny, I have to stay there. Traditions. Look, I'm really sorry you had to find out about this, but I have to go, Blunk's waiting for me."

Normal P.O.V.

"But…I'm pregnant with your child" Cornelia said, her hand fluttering up to her stomach. But he didn't hear. He had walked through the portal, disappearing in her sight forever.

End of Flashback

Back to the Present ( 11 years later…)

"Mo-om! I am going to be late!" 11 year-old Alyssa Hale groaned.

"I know sweetheart, but it's just this once." Cornelia smiled fondly at her daughter. Her little Alyssa, tall with blond hair and greenish eyes.

"This wouldn't happen if you drove so slowly!" Alyssa continued complaining. "It would be better if we had a man in this family. Like my father. Tell me, mom. What's he like?I want to know!"

This had caused Cornelia to stop the car suddenly.

She thought it would be the best to lie to her daughter, when she first questioned about her father when she 4. She lied saying that he was a famous musician, travelling around the world non-stop and she had no idea where he was currently.

"I told you, he's a famous musician,"

"Travelling around the , you repeated that a million times. I know that. I just want to know what he is like, what's his name and why am I a Hale?" Alyssa pestered her mother non-stop.

Cornelia drove quickly.

"Look, we reached the Sheffield Institute. Looks like you won't be late after all. I see you later, your friends are coming over right? I will pick them up along with you."

"Right Mum. I will see you later. "Alyssa walked off,knowing that she will try to get the answer right out of her mom another time. She rushed up the staircase to the lockers, meeting her best buds Summer Burke, Nelly Camper, Diana Sorenson and Yenna Lin.

Lunchtime at Sheffield…

"So, your Mom gonna pick us up later?" Yenna asked .

"Yep. Right now she probably making some snacks already." Alyssa beamed.

"Your Mum is way cool!" Summer smiled at Alyssa.

"That's so true. She hardly ever embarrassed me in front of you guys, never rushes you guys out even though its late, she will just drive you guys back. And the best is, she hardly ever scolds me!" Alyssa grinned.

"Yea, she even invite her friends sometimes. They chat with us like they still live in their teens." Nelly spoke up.

"30 going on 16!" Diana screamed and the whole table burst into laughter.

After school…

"Hey mum!" Alyssa raced to the car.

"Miss Hale" The other four greeted.

"Good afternoon to you guys. How was school?" Cornelia greeted them.

"School fine, Mum."

The 5 gals started to chat.

"Remember the look on Diana's face when Nathan looked at her? She so totally like him!"

"I do not!" Diana tried to shush them up as she pointed to the driver. Then she realized it was Cornelia, and that it was okay to talk as Cornelia won't care what they say.

"She's really cool," thought Diana.

"You so do like him!" Nelly broke her thoughts.

"Do not,"

"Do so"

"Do not!Do not do not DO NOT!" Diana shouted.

Then it started raining,

"That's weird," Cornelia thought "The weather forecast a clear day. Could it be…Impossible." She muttered and decided "No" as she glanced at Diana.

Finally they reached the Hale's house.

"Thank god! Finally for the cookies! I'm starving. The school's cafeteria meat was"

"Eww" Cornelia finished it for Summer.

She placed the cookies on the coffee table, then noticed that the roses there was wilting.

"Girls, I have go to the garden for awhile, stay here."Cornelia had a garden full of poppies, roses, lilies, sunflowers, dandelions, orchids, all sorts of flowers.

She went up to get her raincoat, then decided not to. After all, it was raining heavily. Those flowers can wait.

She strode down.

And couldn't believe her eyes. The wilting roses had become normal again. She then saw Alyssa's hand on the vase containing the roses and laughing non-stop.

Cornelia then heard some sounds. She stared hard at the ground floor and saw the ball going thump thump.

"AAAAAH-Choooo!" Yenna gave a loud sneeze and the stack of worksheets in front of the group of girls flew around the air.

"Get them! Get them!" Nelly shouted. "I already done more then 3-quarts already and if I loose them…"Her face was plastered with fear.

"Chill, its just a bunch of papers." Summer said.

"Just a bunch? If I have no time to finish it, I might even get a…a…glups…B"Her hand went up as she grabbed the paper. Immediately, it turned into gooey liquid.


It was no more of suspicion, it really was true. The 5 girls, are the new guardians of the veil. Cornelia was so, not, happy.