****ELI'S POV****

Once Clare and I got into the car I sighed. This beautiful angel was all mine. After Julia, my ex-girlfriend, died I promised myself I would never love another girl. Julia was my first love, the closest person to me, my best friend. She will always have a place in my heart, I will never fully be over her, but when I saw Clare for the first time in the parking lot after running over her glasses my heart skipped a beat. It was love at first sight. I never believed in that shit until I saw Clare. It was like a light was shining down on her, an angel sent down for me. Jesus, Eli shut-up. This is what Clare was doing to me, making me all mushy, but what can I say Eli Goldsworthy is in love.

The car ride was filled with Clare singing along to Taylor Swift songs, she insisted to listen to them, even though I thought Taylor Swifts voice sounded like a dying cow. When Clare sang along it wasn't so bad anymore. "You have a beautiful voice, Clare" She blushed and kept on singing. Before long, we were at her house. "We're here!" I got out and opened her door for her.

"Why thank you, you always know how to treat the ladies" she giggled

"Well you know, I'm Eli" I said with a cocky smile and leaned down to kiss my love's forehead. "I'm picking you up for school, I love you"

"I love you too and ill be waiting" Her smile was beautiful.


I shut the door behind me and leaned up against it and sighed, taking in what had just happened. Eli and I in the same bed, we kissed, and he told me he loved me! I know I'm in love with him too, ever since he first drove over my glasses. His eyes, those gorgeous green orbs, where mesmerizing. I could look into them forever. I just couldn't stop thinking about them. I had the biggest smile on my face until I heard something falling from upstairs. It must have been something big because I heard a loud thump.

"THAT'S WHAT YOU GET BITCH" My dad's voice sounded slurred as he screamed it at the top of his lungs. My smile quickly turned into a frown as I ran upstairs. I opened my parents door and found my mom laying on the ground crying.

"MOM!" I yelped. Had my dad done this? He looked drunk. His eyes were rimmed with red and his movements were seemed to look weird.

"Clare! I know you weren't with your slut of a friend Alli! What we're you doing last night, eh?" My dad inched closer. I used my hands as a shield; I knew he was going to hurt me. But, how did he know I wasn't with Alli….Crap. They must have called Alli's house.

"D-d-dad. I'm sorry. I was at my English partners house, Eli. We were w-working on our, err, English essays and it was getting late and" I got nervous "we fell asleep. I just decided to sleep over there, because he was fine with it. I'm still pure…we didn't do anything….We slept in different beds" I lied.

"SURE. You are just like your sister, a huge SLUT." I saw his hand coming towards my face. I braced myself. BAM. He slapped me. My own dad slapped me. My dad headed towards the door. Thank goodness. He was leaving. I was in shock. I was frozen.

"Honey, are you okay?" I couldn't talk. "Clare, you can stay home." My mom never let me stay home. "Are you okay with being home alone the rest of the day? I'll make sure your dad doesn't come over" I couldn't talk. "Clare"

"Y-yeah. Thank-you so much for letting me stay home. And I'm sorry for not telling you I was at Eli's." I hiccupped from the crying.

"No, honey. It's fine. I know you like him. I've heard you talking about him to Alli." She was listening in to my conversations! "From what I've heard he seems like a nice man. If he makes you feel better, he can stay the night tonight."

"Really? Thank-you." I gave her a tight hug and then she was off to work. Eli was going to pick me up any minute. I'd just tell him I wasn't going to school when he came to pick me up.

Minutes past, and finally I heard the doorbell ring. Eli was here. I opened the door to see my handsome boyfriend. How in the world am I this lucky?

"Long time no-" He stopped talking abruptly and stared at my face. I turned to look the other way, feeling uncomfortable. I knew Eli saw the mark my dad left me on my face. "Clare" He was serious. "Who did this to you? I swear im going to…" I could see the anger in his eyes.

"My dad… he was drunk this morning and-" I gulped. "he knew I didn't stay at Alli's. I told him that I stayed at your house because I was afraid" I started crying. " It just made it worse and then he…" I couldn't talk anymore the tears were taking over.

Eli didn't say anything, he just held me. "Shhhh. It's okay. You're safe. I'm here." He held me closer and kissed my forehead.

"I'm not going to school today but you should go along to school. I don't want you to be late because of me." I really didn't want him to leave.

"Clare, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I left you here crying?" That smirk. I couldn't help but smile.