My first story! This is just the prologue, so don't think it's bad yet. It's about Ienzo becoming Zexion, but Zexion comes later, the first five or six chapters are about Ienzo, then it gets to Zexion.

I do not own anything: Kingdom Hearts or anything related to it.

Xehanort walked down the street on the way to town. It was just another day. His apprentices are at home, enjoying their Saturday. Although, Briag pointed out that we're running out of food, so who got stuck with that? Xehanort, of course.

On his way to town, Xehanort had to walk past the whole neighborhood. It's never a real problem. It's normal in that neighborhood to see scientists or warriors-in-training walking by in their way to the store or somewhere else. Of course, Xehanort and his apprentices are the only scientists and warriors around.

He turned the corner, eyes down for some reason. He looked up for a second and stared in shock. One of the houses on the street was engulfed in flames. A little boy of about 5-years old was on the corner screaming into the house.

Xehanort ran toward the boy. When he got closer, he heard him scream 'Mom! Dad!' The boy's hair was covered in soot and looked almost black. The fire department was trying to put out the fire. One man was trying to take the boy away, but he fought him. Xehanort ran up to the man.

"I can handle this." said Xehanort.

The man backed off and Xehanort kneeled next to the boy.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked in a soothing tone.

"Where's my mom and dad?" the boy yelled at Xehanort.

"They're not here right now." Xehanort said, trying to calm the boy down. "Can you tell me your name?"

The boy did calm down. Xehanort could tell he had been crying for a while, and is still crying currently. "Ienzo." He said eventually.

"Okay, Ienzo. My name is Xehanort. Everything's going to be okay."

Ienzo nodded and sat on the pavement of the road. His clothes were torn and burned. He looked like he was hurt.

"Are you hurt?" asked Xehanort.

Ienzo nodded and looked down at his hands. They were red and swollen, most likely burnt. Xehanort told one of the men that Ienzo needed medical attention. They quickly fixed him up and Ienzo stopped crying. Xehanort was with him the whole time, and Ienzo seemed to warm up to him.

After the fire was out, the firemen confirmed that Ienzo's parents died in the fire, but they still don't know what caused it. Although, they assume it was an accident. Xehanort overheard the men talking about taking Ienzo to an orphanage.

"No!" yelled Xehanort "You don't have to do that. I-I'll take him."

Ienzo skipped next to Xehanort on the sidewalk. After cleaning him up they saw that Ienzo's hair is a light purple color. This intrigued Xehanort; it isn't a natural hair color. He got new clothes to replace the ones that were burnt, which Ienzo seemed to like very much.

Next to him, Ienzo picked at the bandages at his arms. Xehanort has told him time after time to stop, but Ienzo really doesn't like them. Xehanort told him, once again, to stop picking at his bandages.

"Xehanort, where we going?" asked Ienzo.

Xehanort sighed. "Home."

How did you like it? I have more chapters already made so I'll get them up...if I can figure out how. Ienzo rules!