"Sometimes I don't wanna be better
Sometimes I can't be put back together
Sometimes I find it hard to believe
There's someone else who could be
Just as messed up as me"

-Sometimes by Skillet

Alice Cullen was nobody's freaking lapdog. She grumbled to herself unhappily as she stalked away from her ex boyfriend. Emphasis on ex. The total dillhole Edward could just kiss her ass. She had better things to do then deal with that lying, possessive, cheating, self absorbed pussy of a drama club wannabe. Without looking back at his sorry ass (she didn't need to see his 'pretending to be cool' look) she stomped down the hallway and into the parking lot. She ignored the looks people gave her as she kicked a garbage can over. Ignoring the garbage that spilled onto the blacktop, she continued stomping through the parking lot, her eyes on her combat boots. She wasn't surprised when she walked into someone.

"Watch where you're fucking going," she snarled, aware that it was her fault but not caring. She looked up to see that she'd walked into Jasper Whitlock, notorious meth-head. He had the stoner look down pact, she had to say. Crazy eyes that were still a pretty sky blue despite being totally bloodshot, wild hair that couldn't even be called 'disheveled,' and grimy clothes.

"Why don't you? What? Were you suddenly mesmerized by the gum on your shoe?" he retorted. Well at least he didn't mutter an apology he didn't mean. Alice hated that.
"Actually it was the blacktop that really got me . . . It's just so shiny and wet."

"Whatever, emo," he muttered, seeming annoyed. Alice rolled her eyes; she was probably keeping him from his next fix.
"You dare call me emo?" she snapped, "You're all depressed and whatever despite being a freaking meth head. What the hell?"

"Whatever. Screw you whore," he muttered, stalking away. Whatever. She had better things to do then talk to this stoner. Like go find all her . . . couple of friends and tell them that she'd finally dumped the fucktard. She went over to the old fugly red truck to find Isabella Swan sitting in the bed and lighting up with Leah Clearwater, and Jane Dowe (as she changed her name to.) They didn't even really seem to care that they could totally get busted for smoking on school property or that they were totally fucking up Jane, who was only a freshman. Not like they cared - they were totally messed up too.

"Hey guys," Alice said as approached, spreading her arms out to get more attention, "I finally did it."
"Bitchin," she said, "You finally broke up with rere?"

"It's about freaking time," Leah muttered.
"Shut up Leah," Alice told her, climbing into the truck bed and landing on her ass with a thud.

"Sorry but the guy was a total pussy."
"Yeah, a real fuck up," Jane agreed.

"You know a lot about real fuck ups now don't you Jane?" she snapped back. Jane was a complete fuck up. She was only fourteen years old - three years younger then Alice - and she was a smoker, an occasional drinker, and not even virgin. The kid was totally screwed up. It could have something to do with the fact that her mother was a bitter old drunk who didn't care about her and that her dad used to rape her before he put a pistol to his head almost a year ago.

"Get bent," Jane muttered with a roll of her eyes. Jane was just as tiny as Alice even though she was four years younger. She had her brown hair cut in a boyish style and had her eyebrow pierced, her nose pierced and wore about a pound of eyeliner around her slate grey eyes. She was dressed in a raggedy black sweatshirt that was too big for her - probably her brother's - over a stained t-shirt and skinny jeans. She was so screwed up.

"You first," Alice snarled.
"Say what you want," Leah said, "But she's right."

Leah was a year older then Alice - a senior. She was in a foster home and of some kind of Native American background, it was easy to spot. She was tall and thin with a body Alice envied. She had deeply tanned skin and long silky black hair. She wore a black beanie on her head all the time along with the same pair of black converse. That day she was wearing low riding skinny jeans and a low cut black tank top under her open grey sweatshirt.

"I know . . . But he was good in the sack," she explained, "Or else I would've dumped him ages ago."
"I can vouch for that," Izzy spoke up.

"Yes, Iz, we all know you've slept with Edward too," Alice said with a sigh, "You don't need to brag." Alice had also slept with Edward but that didn't mean she wanted Izzy talking about it. Izzy was her best friend. A child of divorce, Izzy lived with her crazy whorey (but pretty cool) mother in their apartment downtown. Izzy was a junior, like Alice and the two had known each other since sixth grade. Izzy was pretty pale, nearly as pale as Alice. Izzy's long brown hair had streaks of all different colors dyed into it and she had a nose ring. She dressed nearly as eccentrically Goth/emo as Alice. Leah and Jane were more punk/grunge and Alice and Izzy were more on the dark side of the screwed up spectrum. Izzy was dressed in black skinny jeans with about a billion holes in them, a black "Hollywood Undead" t-shirt, and a DC wide brimmed hat.

"I'm not bragging," she said, "I'm stating."
"Whatever. Just put that nasty thing out and get in the cab. I wanna hit the mall. I'm in serious need of some new clothes and a new boyfriend. Both of which I can get at the mall."

Alice's little gang laughed at her joke. "I'm cool with that," Jane said, "I wouldn't mind a little eye candy myself."
"And I wouldn't mind a little toy to play with for tonight," Leah agreed.

"Cool," Izzy said, "So it's a plan."
"To the mall, away!" Jane proclaimed, acting like the freak she was.

"Ay ay captain," Izzy said with a mock solute, rolling her eyes and hoping out of the truck bed with Alice following. Izzy stomped out her cigarette and they both got in the cab. Leah and Jane stayed in the back while they were up front.

"I'm glad you broke up with Edward," Izzy told her petite best friend.
"Yeah me too," she said, "Drama boy was bringing me down. I mean, I'm into that sensitive poet thing but he was just an ass."

"Amen to that sister. Now, to the mall, where we can cruise freely for man candy without the judgment of the white man!"
"Izzy, we are white."

"Yeah but we're not men. One out of two ain't bad."

Okay, now would be a good time for the disclaimer. I don't own twilight bla bla bla. Not that I see why I have to. I'm only using character names anyway. They don't even have the same personalities, thank God! Anyway review or whatever.