Blossom Hunter Hey, this is my first fanfic ever, so go easy. The title may seem a bit 'PG', but it doesn't have swearing (sorry to disappoint
some of you) and the fighting isn't really major. There isn't any Japanese (sorry) because I'm not much at adding in those
cute phrases that I keep picking up here and there in the other Cardcaptor stories. I'm really afraid of screwing it up. If you
have any suggestions and what not to spice up the story, I'm willing to listen, but if it has anything to do with major plot line
changes I won't accept them, and you all should know perfectly well why. This story might go through several rewrites, but it
shouldn't be anything major.
Update: July 17, 2001 - This is the second major rewrite. I just fixed up a lot of grammatical errors, and what not.

Disclaimer: Thank you to author CuteMew for clearing up the CLAMP thing, I really appreciate it. All right, here it goes.
I do not own CardCaptors, the Japanese version belongs to 4 women, creators of CLAMP, and the version which I am taking
names from is the English version which belongs to Nelvana. I am only taking credit for the Foreboding Card. If I have missed
anyone in this disclaimer please inform me.
'What is that? It looks like - like a forest. Or a park of some kind. What is going on? Oh, someone's hurt...its a girl. I hope
she's all right I mean...wait who is that looking over her? Is that…no…it couldn't be…those eyes…Li…but…why…Oh my
god! It's me and...I'm covered in blood! It couldn't be mine! What happened? What's that beside me? It's a sword..Oh my
god, its Li's! No…no!'
" Cherry Blossoms wither, and so shall you, Card Mistress."
' That voice…who…'
" Cherry Blossoms wither, and so shall you, Card Mistress, beware…"

Sakura tossed and turned across the bed. " No, no…it can't be…" She moaned.

Keroberos, awakened by her tossing, peered over her in worry.

" Sakura! Wake up." Still no response, " Sakura!!! Wake up!!!"

Sakura opened her eyes sleepily to see the large, round face of Keroberos staring down at her. She jumped.

" Aauggh!!!" She screamed, sending Keroberos crashing into her desk. He slumped down.
" Dreaming again, huh?" Keroberos asked, rubbing his head with his paw.
" Yeah," Sakura blushed in embarrassment. She didn't really like admitting that a dream had freaked her out so bad. After all,
she'd dealt with much worse. " It seemed so real."
" Is it the same one?" Kero pulled his tail slightly to straighten it.
" Mm hm." She nodded her head. She wasn't listening to him, but trying to remember exactly what she'd seen. It'd been more
vivid when she was dreaming it.
" Well, don't worry, kid, dreams don't mean much most of the time." Kero dismissed it; it was a lie, but Sakura was just
not in the right mood to hear the truth - so he wasn't going to bring it up.
" Yeah, you're probably right." Sakura smiled, but added in her mind, ' but this could be different.'
Suddenly, her father called from downstairs.
" Sakura your going to be late."
" Oh! Coming!" Pushing the dream aside, she hurried to change out of her pajamas.

Ten minutes later, Sakura was skating around the block towards school. Tory had already left, but she still had time to catch
up. It didn't take long, and soon she was skating next to her brother's bike.

" Well, I see the Squirt has finally finished her beauty rest; you were making quite a racket, what were you doing, arm wrestling
with invisible friends?"
" Tory!"
" Or talking to that stuffed thing?"
" Tory!"
" All right, I'll stop…" He laughed mercilessly. " Or was it a both?"
" Tory…"
" All right!"
Julian, Tory's friend, joined them moments later.

" So, did you guys hear about those weird accidents that happened?" said Julian.
Sorry, to cut you off so soon. See you in the next chapter! ;-)