Disclaimer: I do NOT own DP, I created a few characters and that's it.

I was reading other fanfics of Danny Phantom and thought this would be an interesting story to write. I hope you enjoy.

It was a calm and peaceful day in the Amity Park Zoo. Well, not for long. A ghost by the name Fila was just starting to reek havoc. She was dressed like a zookeeper, with a hat like that of an explorer and had blonde hair tied back into a ponytail. She had just released three of the big cats, a black leopard, a lion, and a tiger at the zoo and was controling their minds.

People were running away and screaming at the sight of the large carnivores loose. Fila laughed as she saw the humans run from the animals under her control. Suddenly she was sent flying backwards because of a plasma blast and was sent crashing into the side of the brick wall of the Reptile House. She looked up with a cold glare. She saw a young ghost boy, looking to be around his mid teens floating over her, wearing a black and white jumpsuit with white hair and green eyes. He wore a logo on his chest that appeared as a D inside a P.

She narrowed her eyes at him, she had heard of the famed Danny Phantom, but despite his international popularity, she was found unfazed. "Well look what we 'ave 'ere," she spoke in an Australian accent, "the famous Danny Phantom has made the foolish choice to challenge me, alright then, I enjoy a challenge!" She pointed her finger and shouted, "Attack 'em my pets!"

Danny smirked, "Sorry, I'm not much of a cat person," He sent a blast at the lion which was the first to lunge at him. The lion roared in anger and stood up, the leapord then lept at Danny, aiming for his neck. Danny ducked and the lepord was soon right over him, he let another plasma blast out at the big cat, forcing it more upward, and soon crashing to the ground by the lion.

While Danny was distracted, the tiger had snuck around him and pounced at him from behind. He turned around as he heard the tiger roar as it lept at him. He was forced back by the tiger who now had him pinned to one of the cages. "Whoa! What do they feed the animals here! Roadkill?" Danny commented as the tiger's foul smelling breath reached his nose. The tiger snarled and opened it's jaws to make a killing bite, Danny lifted his feet and kicked the tiger off of him.

The tiger shook it's head and let out a sound that resembled a growl, but with more of a moan to it. Danny flew up to the tiger and had it's face in it's, "Boo." The tiger, shivered and turned running back into it's cage. Tucker shoved the cage door shut behind it.

Tucker was Danny's friend, and current mayor of Amity Park, he may have only been fourteen when elected, making him the yougest mayor in Amity Park history, but for a techno geek, he made excellent politican.

Sam lured the lion back into it's cage and also trapped it inside. She had been Danny's best friend too, but now was his girlfriend, after Danny had saved the world from the Disasteroid, they had started dating and were now officially together.

The leopard saw it was the only one left facing Danny and with hardly any thought, turned and darted back into it's own cage. Fila saw this and clenched her fists and gritted her teeth in frustration.

"Is that all you got?" Danny asked with a cocky smirk, "I know I was going to be a challenge, but I had suspected that ment you would be too."

"Fine! You want a challenge, I'll give ya one!" Fila put her hands together, forming a ball of fire in her grasp. She smiled wickedly, then turned and threw it at Danny.

Danny's eyes widened and he quickly dodged the fireball by flying upwards. "Well that's new," he said, "never faced anyone with that power before, but there is a first time for I'm just going to have to fight fire with ice!" He did the same, but his was made of snow. He threw it to Fila. She laughed, "What's that goin' to do? Give me a cold?" Then she was hit by the ball, and was trapped in a large block of ice.

"You might say that," Danny smiled. The ice shattered as Fila freed herself. "No more games," she said through clenched teeth. She flew at Danny firing plasma rays from her fists.

Danny dodged the blasts with a series of movements. He flew toward her at high speed, "I don't usually hit girls but I'm going to have to make an exception." He threw a fist at her, which rammed her right in the stomach. She hit the ground and forced herself back up, "You've got skill, I'll give ya that! But I still 'ave more!" She fired a ray of electricity from her hands up at Danny.

Danny thought this would be a good time to use the newest trick he learned. He put both of his hands forward and took the blast, but itstead of getting zapped and burned, the electric energy formed into one mass in his hands. Fila's eyes widened in shock as she saw Danny return the blast at her. She yelled as she was hit and fell to the ground.

She bared her teeth and her eyes began to glow brightly with fury as Danny was now floating over her, "You know you have some real anger managment issues."

She was about to fire at him when she felt a sucking force pulling at her. She looked to her left and saw Tucker holding the Fenton thermos. She screamed as she was sucked inside. Tucker put the cap back on the lid as she completely vanished into the thermos.

Danny flew down and returned to his human form. People who had stuck around to watch cheered happily at another succsess by Danny. Ever since he had gathered the ghosts together to save the world, his identity had been known by all of Amity Park and the the rest of the Earth. A lot had changed, him and his friends had become instantly popular and couldn't go into public without eyes staring in their direction.

Sam came over and smiled, "That's the fith ghost today, we're on a role."

"No kidding!" Tucker said cheerfully, "I say it's a cause for celebration!"

Danny also smiled, "Sure, we can go to the movies, after we but these ghosts back into the Ghost Zone."

Tucker and Sam nodded and the three began walking back to Danny's house. Sam walked next to Danny, their hands were joined as they walked down the street.

So what do you think so far, I'll try to make the next chapter longer. I'm working on it right now, until I get it up, (probably sometime this week) just leave some reviews to tell me what you like/don't like.