A/N: I don't own Hetalia or any of its characters, or any fairytale I use. Sorry this one's a little short!


A = America

U = Ukraine

B = Belarus

R = Russia

Can You Keep A Secret?

You would think I would learn to stop doing this. But hey, there's not really anyone in this story who's the complaining type, so that's good!

A: Yeah, dude! Let's start the story!

Alrighty then! Once upon a time there was a little old house in the middle of a big green forest, where a blacksmith lived with his three lovely daughters. The eldest, Katyusha, was fair-haired and curvaceous. The middle daughter, Ivana , was tall and slender with long hair and soft violet eyes. The youngest daughter, Natalia, was petite and lovely with ice-blue eyes.

U: Oh, brother, sister, that's us!

B: Yes, we'll be together forever, brother, isn't that wonderful…?

R: … Belarus go home…

Well… Uh… A-anyway…

A: Hey, the hero hasn't shown up yet!

Indeed, but he will soon, alright? Just have to finish introducing our heroines!

A: Oh, ok!

Poor Natalia was always being, albeit lovingly, teased by her older sisters for being so forgetful. When they left with their father to the market and told Natalia to watch the stew, she promptly forgot what it was they had asked of her.

"Maybe they wanted me to do the spinning… Yes, that must be it!" she decided at last.

B: How dare you paint me as forgetful and stupid in front of brother…! How… Dare… You…

Ahem… W-well…

When Katyusha, Ivana, and their father came back from market, Natalia had spun ten skeins of wool, but had completely burnt the stew that had been meant for supper! She was scolded by her elder sisters.

"You're the most forgetful girl in all the land!"

Then, one bright day, a handsome prince with blond hair and bright blue eyes rode up to the cottage where the three sisters lived.

A: Hey, that's gotta be me! I'm a prince!

You are indeed!

R: My condolences to the prince's kingdom.

A: Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!

B: It means you are stupid man and bad prince.

Whoa, hey, hey, be nice..!

R: Hm, let me think… No.

U: Vanya, you're being mean again…

R: …

Ok, is everyone settled…? I'll continue. Let's see… Oh, right, the prince.

When he knocked on the door, Katyusha opened it, and the prince thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Until he saw Ivana and Natalia crowding in behind her to get a better look. He decided then and there that one of them had to be his wife. But how to decide?

R: I will not marry him.

B: I will only marry brother!

U: Oh, does that mean it's me…?

Uh… No, actually… What you guys think has nothing to do with the story, sorry.


I don't think you have to worry about that either.

U: Wait, then that means-



"You are all equally beautiful," the gallant prince said. "And so… I'll marry whichever one of you can keep a secret!"

All three sisters were flustered, and hid their faces in their aprons, but Katyusha agreed to go first. The prince smiled and whispered something in her ear.

"Oh! You don't say!" she exclaimed.

The prince laughed and said he'd be back in a week to see if she'd kept his secret. As soon as he rode off, Ivana and Natalia pestered her to tell them the secret, but she refused with a shy smile.

"It's a secret, you know…"

But as they days passed, Katyusha found it harder and harder to keep the prince's secret. On the fifth day, she thought of an ingenious plan!

"I'll whisper it down the well!" she said to herself happily. "That's just as good as telling, only no one will hear it, and I'll have kept the secret!"

U: Oh! That's really clever!

A: Yeah, you're right! Wow, Ukraine, you're so smart! What a clever plan!

B: … For a five-year-old, maybe…

Well, that's not nice, Belarus. In any case…

Katyusha went out and whispered the prince's secret down the well, and afterwards she felt much better! She went about the final two days with a little skip in her step, thinking happily about marrying the handsome prince.

When he returned, he asked everyone in the house if she had told the secret, and they all replied that she had not. Just as the Prince was about to lead Katyusha to his horse, a strangely bearded frog hopped up. Ivana giggled to herself at the sight of him, but that really doesn't have anything to do with the story, right?

R: Of course not~

A: You know, that sounds kind of familiar, doesn't it…?

I have no idea what you're talking about, haha…

In any case, the frog had bad news for poor Katyusha, because he had been down the well when she whispered the prince's secret. He croaked it for everyone to hear.

"You, silly prince, have a hole in the heel of your left sock."

The prince's smile dropped, and he let go of Katyusha's hand.

"I'm afraid I can't marry you," he said regretfully.

U: Oh… That's too bad…

A: Yeah, there went my last hope for a sane wife in this story…

R: …

Russia, pickaxe down please… Down… Good boy. Now then.

The prince turned to Ivana.

"Can you keep a secret?" he asked her.

"I'm sure I can manage it," she replied.

So, the prince whispered something in her ear, and then rode off soon after. Just like with Katyusha, Ivana was pestered about the prince's secret. She just kept quiet with a smile. However, just like Katyusha, the wear of keeping a secret all to herself was too much for poor Ivana. After three days, she couldn't take it anymore.

Since she knew the well was inhabited with a perverted frog with strange blond facial hair, she snuck into the orchard behind the house and whispered the prince's secret into the trees. Then, satisfied, she walked back into the house. For the next four days, Ivana slept easy.

The prince returned again after a week and asked everyone in the house if Ivana had told them his secret. They all agreed she hadn't, and the prince was about to declare that she would be his wife when…

R: Oh thank goodness. I do not have to marry the idiot prince.

B: He wouldn't dare take brother away from me…


When suddenly there was a great buzzing and a cloud of honey bees appeared at the kitchen window.

"We heard, she told us! We were in the orchard when she whispered your secret, prince. You have a hole in the big toe of your right sock."

The prince sighed again, and then turned to Natalia, the last of the three.

"Can you keep a secret?" he asked her with a smile.

She just shrugged, but the prince took that as a yes and whispered something in her ear. After he left, her sisters pestered her about it. Natalia just shook her head and scolded them for trying to get the secret out of her. However, she was only trying to cover for the fact that she had already forgotten it. As the week went by, she got more and more worried and depressed.

B: Why? I don't want to marry that buffoon, I want to marry big brother Russia!

It's just a story, you know… Anyway, where was I…? Oh, yes!

At last the prince arrived, and asked if Natalia had kept his secret. She, however, was a very honest girl, and told him that no, she had not.

"I haven't kept it at all," she admitted. "I've completely forgotten what it is."

This made the prince laugh, and he grabbed her hand.

"Well, I don't care if you can keep a secret or not. It's you I want to marry," he declared, and kissed her sweetly.

Then, the two of them rode off to his palace and were married. Natalia never had to sweep floors or watch stew or spin again, but every evening she had to sit down with a basket and darning needle, because the prince was terribly hard on his socks.

A: Well, I guess it could be worse…

B: I would never marry you! Or fix your socks! I will marry brother if it's the last thing I do!

A: … It could also be better.

U: I'm sorry I couldn't keep your secret…

R: Belarus go hooooooooooooome…!

Well there you have it, folks. It's-

The End