Me: Well, in any case, I just wanna see what happens if I include my character in it. Just a little test.

Luffy: Shishishishisi. this would be interesting *grins*

me: saaa... who knows?

1. I'm Luffy!

"What a great nnnaaaaappppppp!" Luffy yelled out as he barged out of the barrel that the two, weirdly placed, teens were in, much to Yuca's dismay.

Sheesh, just because his best friend is fully rested doesn't mean he is. He was awake through out the trip in the barrel to make sure some kind of sea creature did not try to make any attempt to eat them! At this rate, he doesn't know where they are or what they were doing here. As long it wasn't inside someones stomach, he's good.

Without another word, the blue haired man slump himself over the barrel scratching his hair, barely listening to the voices of Luffy and two more men who seems to be screaming at him. At Yuca's line of sight, he blinked as he found a man laying on the floor out cold. Without a thought asked,

"Why is he sleeping?"

Hearing a 'tsking' sound in a disapproving tone from his best friend, Yuca look at the raven haired boy, seeing him shake his head as if he felt sorry for the guy for being stupid.

"He's going to catch a cold sleeping there." Luffy stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

"IT'S YOUR FAULT!" the two men accused as Luffy climbed out the barrel without a care in the world.

Yuca yawned as he soon climbed out of the barrel too, looking at his best friend who seem already intrigued and curious at his surroundings. He can't help but smile at Luffy's childlike expression he's making.

Luffy is no more than at least 16 to 17 or probably a little younger judging by what he looks like. He's wearing his regular red vest and blue capri with the same sandals that he wore on a regular basis. On his head, his signature straw hat with the red ribbon around, perched on top.

Unlike Luffy, Yuca wore more warmer clothing... a lot more warmer clothing. On his head is a knitted, winter hat with snowflake designs, blue lining and a big puff ball on the top. Around his neck is a blue scarf which seems a bit too long for the teen, reaching down the floor. He wore a short sleeve jacket with blue lining that is open at the front, under is a plain long sleeve navy colored shirt. On his hands are brown gloves that only leave his fingers expose to the air. The lower part of his body wear lighter clothing. Having brown pants that stop at the knees and sandals like Luffy.

Basically, Yuca is a winter kind of guy while Luffy obviously look like a summer kind of guy.

The two guys put their sword out in front of the two weird teens, making Luffy look at the sword crossed eye while Yuca tried to read what situation they're in but, then again, he would probably careless.

"Bast- ! Don't you know we're pirates!" The guy with ebony hair stated.

When the two pirates mention about them being pirates, Yuca didn't hear them, nor did Luffy since the raven haired teen stomach growl. Almost immediately, as if on instinct, the two boys turned to a pink haired boy nearby, ignoring the swords pointed at them from behind.

"Oi, do you have foo-"

"DON'T IGNORE US!" the men interrupted Luffy's requested.

Yuca put on a devilish smile, knowing what's gonna happen next. Sensing that Luffy got it covered, he began to walk around to find some place where they can get food. As soon Yuca began to walk away, right on time, the two pirates attacked and Luffy, sensing danger, turned. The pink haired guy closed his eyes, not wanting to see the blood splatter but all he got was a 'clank' sound from the swords and a yawned from behind him. As soon as the boy figured it was quiet all the sudden except for the calm sounding footsteps around the room, also wondering how this weirdly dressed guy be in peace, he opened his eyes, seeing that the swords of the two pirates are broken. The missing pieces stuck on the ceiling.

"Luffy," The raven hair teen look over at his first mate, who is looking in a cabinet for anything edible. "Don't broke too many random stuff, we don't know if we have to pay for it."

Yuca said it so calmly and without a care in the world, it creeped the two pirates out as if he sounded like he knew they can't win this battle.

"Deeemmmooo... They're the one who started it..." Luffy whined childishly, pouting at the fact his first mate just preached him.

"W-Who are you two..?" One guy stuttered, the blonde one next to the ebony hair guy.

Luffy look back at the two frighten pirates, which made them flinched, grinning with confidence that can't be falter.

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy. Nice to Meecha." The guys didn't bothered to learn Yuca's name at all. They just zoom out of the room, along with the knocked out cold man.

The two boys look at the door where the left through, blinking a couple of times.

"What's with them?" Both Yuca and Luffy asked, confused on why they ran away.

The pink haired guy, coming back to his sense, realized what they've done and began to panic.

"You both must hide! Or Alvida-sama will get you!"

Luffy put his arms behind his head, looking up with a pout. Yuca look at the two on the corner of his eyes, smirking as he heard that Iron Club Alvida is on this ship. This should be an interesting day.

"Demo.. even so, I'm hungry."

"How can you say that so calmly!"

Yuca laughed at the sight and shook his head, opening a door and grins as he found a storage room of food.

"Oh Luffy~" He called out, letting the smell of the food coming to him.

Luffy did in fact smell the food right on, drooling as he walk towards the storage room. The meek guy with the glasses tried to stop by pulling him back and shouting off protest but proved to fail. Yuca can't help but laugh at the sight, seeing that once Luffy is hungry and set his mind on food, there is no stopping him.

"Uwah!~" Luffy exclaimed happily seeing the place full of crates of food.

Luffy yanked himself away from the feeble teen trying to stop him, picking which crate to try to open, and later eat. Yuca closed the door of the room, snickering as he saw the pink haired man jump.

"If you're worried about them finding us, this is probably one of the best places to hide." Yuca reassured him, smirking as he saw a bit of relief in his expression. Yuca twitched as he heard chomping and slurping to see Luffy stuffing his mouth full of apples or something like that from a crate. Unlike any another person, who would probably be disgusted, Yuca just laughed and said,

"Save me some!"

The blue haired man ran towards next to his captain and sat down with him, beginning to stuff them into his mouth before Luffy can shallow the whole thing in one bite. Watching the two strangers stuff their mouths, the nervous teen fumble around before saying anything.

"Ano...I'm Coby...You're Luffy-san, right..? And your..." Coby look shyly at Yuca as the blue haired man just grinned, still having food inside his mouth.

"Yuca. I'm Yuca." he said with a mouthful, spitting out a few things that made Coby glad he's at a safe distance.


Yuca went back to his eating and Coby just watched them, a bit amazed at how much they can stuff their mouths into.

"You were amazing back there Luffy-san.. how did you do that?"

"These are good!" It's obvious at this point that Luffy isn't gonna answer.

Yuca belched as he finished his share and leave the rest for Luffy to stuff his face in. He leans on a nearby wall, crossing his arms behind his head.

"So, are we in a pirate ship? Doesn't look like it..." Yuca look around the storage room and replay all he had seen so far. "Probably a passenger ship for the rich or something like that."

Cody gulped. This guy is really good. He barely even saw the whole ship before determining where they are. Then again, he didn't know how long these people are in that barrel or on this ship.

"H-Hai, that's correct... Alvida-sama is raiding this ship..." Cody jumped at the smirk that formed on Yuca's lip.

"Eh? Iron Club Alvida?"

Cody nodded franticly.

There was tension in the air and Cody shook nervously, scared out of this mind. Never mind Luffy, this guy is scary! The way his hat is shadowing his hair and the icy cold look that sure to come, it's like he's a blue demon! Cody didn't like the silence hanging around, except there is the occasional chomping and slurping from Luffy.

"Oh well, nothing we can do about it, hey Luffy, let's capture a Sea king later, I'm sure the meat will be delic-"

"BE SERIOUS!" Cody screeched.

"I am being serious. Sea King meat is good."

"Oh! Barbecue! Barbecue!" Luffy cheered, putting his fist up in the air.

"Yeah, we should try that. Been a long time since we had a barbecue."

Cody at this point can't help but slump down to his knees, his head hanging out of tiredness and despair.

Some how...this conversation turn to the subject of meat... Sea King meat that is... Cody thought, sighing as he knew from the fact that these guys are gonna be killed and get him killed.

"Oi, is there any boats on this ship?" Luffy asked as Yuca somehow dosed off to sleep instantly.

Cody can't help but twitched at the sight of Yuca, seeing a bubble coming out from his nose.

How can he be so carefree! Don't they know they're in danger!

"T-There should be..." Cody stuttered, turning his eyes towards Luffy who is somehow still stuffing his face. "demo..."

"Our ship sank in a whirlpool." Luffy stated, not noticing that Cody jumped in surprise.

"W-Wait...shouldn't you two be dead...?"

Luffy just laughed as he turn his head towards him, taking another fruit in his mouth. "Yeah, it took me by surprise!"

Cody sweatdrop at this, wondering on how he can say something like that so happily. Then again, these guys are not your run-of-the-mill normal people.

"Aren't you a pirate also?" Cody jumped at the sound of Yuca's voice and turned to face him, only to found he's still asleep, snoring his life away. The glasses wearing teen blinked confusingly, wondering if it's just in his mind but his attention towards Yuca was soon taken by Luffy's loud laughter, holding his stomach as if he found the funniest joke of the world.

"Yuca has this thing where even though he's sleeping, he can hear people and talk to them also! It's Sugoi!~" Luffy said, jumping on Yuca in a glomped, making the sleeping teen wake up in the jolt. Yuca raising his eyebrow at his captain and sighed.

"I-I see..." Cody now know that Yuca is undoubtedly an alien.

"Well... It was a..."

Cody went back thinking about how he got to be with Alvida, not wanting to remember.

"I went on aboard a boat so I can go fishing..."

Cody think back as he remembered getting on the boat with fishing gear, not noticing other, not so friendly looking, people coming towards him. As soon as he saw a shadow blocking the sun, his eyes turn wide and a look of horror came with his expression. Sooner, or later, he was taken out with the pirates on the boat, knowing he can't say anything to stop this.

"...but that boat ended up belonging to the pirates...for two years, I worked like a slave so they wouldn't kill me..."

Luffy stared at him while Yuca leaned on a wall, looking at the two in the corner of his eyes.

"Aho." Luffy stated while Cody hung his head in despair and shame.

"Oi, oi.. isn't that a little cruel..." Yuca said from the background, smirking.

"But he is! He could've escape!" Luffy argued.

The thought of escape felt like a good idea for Cody and something he'd hoped for. But then, his fear for the female captain, Alvida, came back in his head, and he shook his head in protest.

"Impossible, Impossible, Impossible, impossible!" Cody said, thinking it's the most absurd thing in the whole wide world. "Thinking about when Alvida-sama founds out... makes me legs tremble and collapse and I get really scared!"

Luffy laughed as he tilted his head, thinking he figured out what's wrong with him." Ohh, so you're a cowards. I don't like you.~"

Cody can't help but make waterfalls of tears go down on his face. Yuca laughed at this, enjoying his captain's little comedy show.

Up on the deck, Alvida is enjoying her time of taking all valuables to her ship, even though there's a little cat burglar inside... Well, anyway, it was then two of her men came out from the lower levels, spatting off nonsense about monsters. In some way, Alvida thought they were referring to her and threw her club at them. While the two ducked down, a third one, the one who was out cold, came up, not knowing a club was throw towards the trio. The club came in contact with the third guy's head, making him flew out of the boat. Don't think that the other two got out of this because the club came down with a bam.

"G-Gomenasai..." a blonde one of the three victims said. "I mean a weird guys pop out of barrel..probably a bounty hunter...?"

Alvida twitched. Who would dare to mess up her plans?

"P-Pirate king!" Coby exclaimed in a surprise tone, looking at Luffy as if he's crazy.

You see, the conversation went with that Coby pushing himself down by saying that he's not brave enough to drift into the ocean with a barrel. It was then that Coby realized that he didn't know the reason why the two teens are in the barrel. So, with that, Luffy told him his dream about being pirate king, with a determine and a look for adventure kind of aura around him.

"Yep." Luffy said, grinning.

Coby wished that he heard wrong but apparently he didn't. He tried to reason out Luffy on why he shouldn't go becoming the pirate king, or, in any case, go and try to find one piece.

"And you're just gonna follow him Yuca!"

Hearing his name, Yuca turned towards Coby with a carefree expression and shrugged his shoulders.

"Why not? It's worth it even if I die."

Coby look at both of them as if they're dying already.

"Impossible, impossible, impossible! You're gonna die if you do that!"

"So what?"

Coby look at Luffy, surprise at his response. It's the first time he saw someone not caring whether they die or not. Many people care about their lives. Yuca smirked, still looking at the both of them in the corner of his eyes.

Luffy took off his hat and look at it with love and care, smiling as he remembers the memories he got with this straw hat.

"It's my dream so I'll chase after it. I just do it because I want to do it and I don't care of I die fighting for it."

There was a moment of silence and many thoughts pass by Coby at what Luffy said. To die for your dream... to chase it to the ends of the earth and face any obstacle in the way. Can he be like that? Would he do that for his dream?

Yuca can't help but chuckled at his captain and Coby, who seems to be in really deep thought. He knew his captain would say this. It's basically his catchphrase these days. His dream is more important than his life. Of course, he's not gonna let his best friend die on him, that's one of the reason why he's here. To make sure his baka of a captain is gonna live, and to accomplish his dream on the way, though he wouldn't say that to Luffy. He hates being protected and rather be the protector instead. It's just his pride. It's just Luffy.

"Yosh, shall we find a boat and head off?" Yuca mentioned, breaking the silence, his signature smirk on his face.

Luffy just gave him his grin, nodded and he started to walk to the door happily.

"Can I... do that also?" Luffy and Yuca stopped, hearing Coby talked again.

"Can..I really do that?" It's like he's asking if he can follow his dreams.

"Nani?" Luffy questioned, confuse because it kinda did make no sense.

Yuca just laughed.

"It's not a funny matter!" Coby fumed. "I'm want to be a marine! I want to be someone who can catch bad guys! Someone who would catch Alvida-sama! No...I will capture Alvida-sama!"

Shaking his head, Yuca slowly stop laughing as he look at Coby, making the poor boy flinched a bit. It can't be help that Yuca's eyes are ice cold. Hearing a creak from above, Yuca smirked.

"It's time to prove that you can." Yuca said, earning two confuse look from his Senchou and Coby.

"Wha-" Before Coby can say anything the ceiling collaps above, someone appear through.

Luffy instinct kicked in and he jumped out of the way, dodging the rubbles. Seeing that Coby isn't moving out of shock, Yuca dived in and grab him in his arms, making them get out of the way of the destruction to the corner.

Luffy and Yuca can make out a person in the scattered dust, noting on how large the person actually is.

"Make friends like that..." a voice in the dust cloud start, sounding pretty menacing from Coby's point of view. "Who are you gonna catch, huh Coby!"

Yuca coughed a bit at the dust, knowing exactly who it is, and move away from Coby, seeing him quake in fear.

"Heh. That's what I call dropping off." Yuca said, standing up as he dusted his shoulder, putting on a smile.

Luffy was about to come forth to Yuca but was stop by how suddenly swords where pierce through the wall Luffy was near. It didn't hurt or touched him but pretty much closed. Alvida look from her Yuca to Luffy to Yuca again, smirking as she made a conclusion.

"You're not the pirate hunter Zoro."

Luffy made a confuse face while Coby squeaked a bit.

"Zoro...?" Luffy looked at Yuca as if he concluded that the warmly dress teen have all the answers in the universe. Yuca notice how Luffy is looking at him and chuckled, smirking at his captain.

"If we ever meet him, I'll tell you all about him."

Luffy made a grin towards him, happy at the thought he might meet a strong person one day. Alvida during this conversation hates the lack of attention.

"Coby!" the poor teen jumped and look at the egotistic woman, frighten to the max.

"Who's the most beautiful woman in this sea!"

Fumbling, trying to make sure he can still stand up and not fall down, Cody answered reluctantly,

"W-Well of course its..." Cody pause, afraid to even speak to the woman.

"Who's this fat lady?"

Everybody, even the pirates from above, froze, thinking that this scrawny, stupid guy has done it, well, except for the also Yuca who is laughing the day away, using the wall for support as he hold his aching stomach. Luffy, not noticing everybody's shock face, looked at his first mate in confusion, wondering why he's laughing at a time like this.


Yuca, noticing that Luffy isn't paying attention, grabbed Coby by the collar and his childish captain, jumping through the hole in the ceiling and up at the deck, dodging the club.

"Luffy, pay attention!" Yuca lectured, still in some kind of laughing fit.

"Gomen~" Luffy apologize, snickering. Yuca just rolled his eyes, ending his laughter.

Seeing Alvida's crew, Yuca smirked, his eyes scanning and determining what's gonna happen next.

"You wanna take care of them by yourself, Senchou?" Yuca questioned, putting his hands into his pockets.

Luffy gave his trademark grin at his first mate and pushed Coby to Yuca.

"Take care of him!"

Yuca chuckled and nodded, putting his hands on Coby's shoulder. "Hai, Senchou. Don't bring too much destruction."

Luffy turn to face the crew in front of him, smiling and beaming with confidence. He crackled his knuckles. "No promises!"

"That's my Senchou."

Yuca laughed merrily as he pushed Coby to the side, who gave him a 'how can you be so confident about this!' look. Yuca just ruffled his hair and lean on the railing, watching his captain does all the work.

Alvida's men are finding it very hard to catch the straw hat boy, who is twisting, turning, throwing punches and kicks to avoid the crew. Yuca would just laugh from time to time seeing the expression on the men, being perfectly at ease as if this is only a children's fight.

"Luffy, watched out!" Coby warned as he saw a guy up the sails jump towards Luffy with a sword.

With ease, Luffy dodged it and grabs the man's head.

"It's not fair to attack behind!" He preached as he threw the guy over at one mob of men. It was then a crew behind him started to chase the monkey like teen.

"It's also not fair to attack with so many!" Luffy whined as he ran away from the mob.

He then grabbed onto the mast and his arms started to stretch, and stretch and stretch and... well, you get the idea. Anyway, because of that, it's obvious for any kind of human would be in shock. Yuca is another case because he already knew this long before. Saying that, the mob stopped, their eyes widen at the site.

"Just kidding." Luffy look back at the crew and stick his tongue out, obviously planning this ahead. Well, if he can plan ahead.

"Gomu Gomu no..." Alvida's men began to come to their senses and retreat. "Rocket!"

Luffy shot out towards the men, making a lot of them scatter and injure. Alvida was getting out of the hole when she saw this, having the same shock look as Cody's. After Luffy finished his fight with Alvida's men, Yuca pushed himself off the rail, going over to his best friend with the same carefree attitude. Cody reluctantly followed, still gaping at the raven haired teen.

"W-What are you...?" Cody asked, not sure if he's gonna regret asking that or not.

Luffy grinned at his meek friend and pulled on his cheeks, making it stretch unlike any kind of human abilities. "I'm Gomu Gomu man." Luffy told him, laughing.

"" Cody asked, still not believing what he saw.

Yuca flashed his eyes above Cody and pulled him behind Luffy and himself, looking up at the over weighed woman. Luffy also look at her too from under his straw hat.

"You...ate the devil fruit, didn't you?"

Luffy let go of his cheek, snapping it back into place. "Un, I ate the gomu gomu fruit."

Alvida sneer, her club closed by for attack.

"I see... I heard of those before but I never think they existed."

As Alvida inched closer, Cody back away, only the two, obviously abnormal, teens stay in their place, never fazing.

"Are you a bounty hunter? You got some moves..."

"Pirate." Luffy corrected, saying it without hesitation, making it clear that he's proud to be one.

"Nani? Only you?" Alvida sneer, raising an eyebrow.

"Nope, Yuca's here! My first mate!" Luffy told her happily, grabbing Yuca's sleeve as he tug it on repeatedly. Because of this childlike notion the warm clothed teen chuckled. "I'll get more later ten people should be right."

Alvida closely inspect the wannabe captain of this crew he's making. He doesn't look tough. Pretty much look like a regular kid except the stitch under his right eye. Pretty scrawny but you can't underestimate him at all. Especially if he has a devil fruit power.

Alvida raised her eyebrow at the weirdly dress teen. He doesn't look special except for the extra cloth he's wearing. Who wear a knitted winter hat and a scarf in this hot weather? He doesn't carry a lot of muscle himself. Looks a bit scrawny and weak. Fast is something I'll give him credit for if he can dodge my club carrying two teens. Got good legs on him for jumping up through the hole.

Just a couple of brats. She can take care of them easily.

Alvida chuckled darkly as if she have some bad plan for them. "I see, you're pirates. That makes us enemies, doesn't it? Eh?"

Yuca ignored what Alvida said, getting out a notebook and started to write some things. Luffy can handle himself. Whether the crew makes enemies or not is the captain choices. If he thinks another pirate crew, the world government, or the marines are his enemies, then ok. Luffy has a good sense on who deserve to be kick in the a- so he doesn't have to worry about his seemingly brainless captain making a brainless decision.

Luffy didn't answer since Coby interrupted.

"" Coby told them both, fear etched in his tone.

"Why?~" Luffy questioned, not getting if there's anything to run from. Both of the teen seems to carefree in this situation.

"Are you joking!" Coby screeched. "Did you see her str-..." Coby stop himself as he look at Luffy and Yuca, remember their converstation.

"Why not? It's worth it even if I die."

"It's my dream so I'll chase after it. I just do it because I want to do it and I don't care of I die fighting for it."

He could fight for his dreams too, right?

Alvida look at Coby and smirked.

"Number one what?" she asked him, obviously demanding for a compliment towards her beauty. (Well, as beauty comes..)

"Num...num...num..." Coby began to muster up the courage. He has to fight for his dream! Even if he tried dying. "Number one stinking, ugly, old hag!"

Coby didn't believe he said that, or even the crew mates that were on Alvida's ship who were gaping at the actual insult coming from the meek boy.

At that moment the two abnormal teens... laughed like there's no tomorrow. Both of them holding eachother's shoulder for support. Alvida twitched. Furious isn't a word to describe her expression.


Yuca was the first one to recover from the good laugh, now trying to calm down his captain though he's having trouble because he end up laughing again.

"I will join the marines and fight pirates like you!" Coby screamed, facing Alvida all the way with a determine expression.

"Do you even know what you're saying?" Alvida voice is not a friendly one, making Coby have a feeling of backing up but he continue on his declaration.

"I know! I'll do what I want!"

Coby clenched his fist tighter, tears starting to get to his eyes though he doesn't know if it's because he's afraid or he's proud of himself for stand up to Alvida.

"I'll become a marine and...and..." He gulped. "Capture you!"

Alvida growled. Oh, she's beyond furious.

"Nice job. Now I know exactly that you can do it." Yuca said, stepping in between Alvida and Coby, staring right at her eyes.

The over weighted woman froze as their eyes went into contact. A visible shiver develops down her spine. Those eyes of his are solid ice cold. Even the colors of his ice blue eyes didn't help at all. A smirk visable on his face, making it look like as if... she can't win this battle at all!


Coby's expression of fear can be seen miles away when he saw Alvida bring her club down at them. Expecting to be hit or to find Yuca flying over him or through the floor, he did not see that Luffy took the hit instead, the club landing on the top of his head, the force making the wood floor crack.

"Luffy!" Coby yelled out.

Yuca sighed, rubbing the back of his head. How could Yuca be so calm right now?

"Oi, I can take care of myself you know." Yuca said, pouting that he haven't got any fun out of it.

"Ora? You're finished?" Luffy asked as he lifted his head up, not fazed or hurt by the attack at all.

"Hn. Not much information to write down with at the beginning." Yuca said, huffing. "Besides, her attacks won't work on you anyway, Gomu Gomu man."

Alvida can't help but be shock. Not a scratch on the brat at all.

"Do what you want, I'll get us some food." Yuca said as he calmly walked passed Alvida and climb down to the celler.

Luffy grinned.


He pushed away the club, swinging back his arms as it stretched further and further back.

"Gomu Gomu noooooo..."

Grabbing the stretched arm, he sling it back towards Alvida.


Alvida got a direct hit in the stomach, making her fly right out of the ship...

"Oh, you three." Luffy look at the remaining crew who jumped right out of their skin when the rubber man turn his eyes towards them. "Get Coby a boat. He's gonna become a marine."

The three remaining crew quickly did what the seemingly now scary guy demanded.

If you think it would be a happy ending from there, well, no. Cannons were soon shot out from nowhere and to everyone's surprise, the marines are here.

"Well, isn't this great Coby?"

The poor boy almost have a heart attack to see that Yuca is already back with two crates of in his arms and a small hand size bag of gold.

"The marines are here so are you gonna go with them?" Yuca asked as he smirked, jumping up on the railing with perfect balance.

"We're pirates so time to go!" Luffy mention as he jump down over on the boat ready boat below. Yuca soon follow him.

"No way! They'll arrest me before I can even join!" Coby reasoned as he jump over to the boat with him.

The three of them are soon dropped into the water with the boat, surprising an specific orange haired woman who is getting her money ready. At that moment, Luffy's eyes met hers. She can also remember a ghoulish smile from Yuca, his eyes not visible to her at all.


"Hm? Yea Luff?"

"Why do we have small hand size bag of gold and another bigger bag of gold? If I remember, you only had hand size bag"

Yuca lazily blinked and look over at the loot he brought, seeing them open and the gold shining against the sun. They just got away from the marines and is now thinking of a place to head off first.

"Ah, that's your food money."

"Oh, then that's fine."

"That's not fine!" Coby preached. "Where in the world did you get that anyway!"

Yuca yawned, leaning against the mast and crossed his arms behind his back without a care in the world.

"I got the little bag from some pirate guy Luffy knocked out and..." He replay the time where they saw the orange haired woman and smirked, chuckling to himself. "I stole some from that woman we slam near our boat to."

"Some! You stole!"

Luffy laughed at this. "You're a demon Yuca!"

"How can you be so happy about this?"

"What wrong with the pirate stealing?"

"And you, start reflecting!"

Yuca can only grinned, making no promising on the reflecting thing, high fiving his best friend. Coby can only just sigh in defeat, seeing there is no getting through with these two.

"Well.. we some how got away from the marines..." Coby mumbled, looking out at the vast ocean, not seeing the ships any longer.

"Yeah! That surprise me a lot but it was fun!"

Again, Coby wonder how this guy can be so carefree.

"Ano... Luffy-san, Yuca-san."

Luffy turned his head towards while Yuca just look at him in the corner of his eyes.

"Your after One Piece, right? So that means you two will be head for the Grand Line, right?"

"Un." Luffy answered

"It's also called the graveyard of pirates."

"Yeah, that why I need a strong crew. At first thought I just need Yuca but he said it's more fun with more people."

Coby sweatdrop, giving Luffy a 'what the heck' look.

"It makes me wonder why you thought you only needed Yuca..." Coby mumbled in the background, his eyes end up wandering over to the now instantly sleeping Yuca.

"Well anyway, what about that pirate hunter? What kind of person is he?"

Coby blinked. "You mean Zoro? I heard he was capture by marines."

"Nani? He's weak then."

"Not at all! He's terrifying beast!" Coby corrected. Wait a minute. "Why are you asking me this...?" He questioned, knowing his answer is something to be outrageous and reckless.

"Well..." Luffy grinned. "I was thinking that if he's a good guy, I'll make him part of my crew."

And his prediction is correct.

"Yu-chan!~" Luffy whined as he glomped his blue headed best friend, who grunted at the sudden weight on him.


"You said if we get to meet Zoro, you'll tell me about him, right?"

Yuca yawned, scratching his head as he pushed the teen off him. "All that I have right now."

"Yay! We're going to get him part of my crew!"

"Hm? Zoro Roronoa? I thought I heard that correctly... Alright then. We'll set sail to him then."

"Wait a minute, how can you agree with this! And how did you heard that! Weren't you sleeping?"

"Like I said! Yuca can talk and listen in is sleep! Isn't it cool!"

"It's creepy! Yuca-san! Stop him!"

"Can't. I learned that once Luffy made his mind, there's no stopping him Coby. You shouldn't try stopping him also unless you're inhumanly strong."

"Besides, he could be a good guy!"

"He got caught because he's a bad guy!" Coby reasoned. "It's impossible! Impossible, impossible, impossible, impos- OW! Why did you hit me!"

Nami:... I can't believe he actually stole gold from me...

me: You were too busy looking at Luffy so he took the chance

Nami: no wonder there was a creepy smirk from him -_-

me: eh, you'll live... not sure about Yuca though as soon as he meets your devil punch ^^

Nami: -_-