
"Welcome to Wammy's House, young girl. I promise you a wonderful time here" Roger said.

"Thank you." The 12 year old girl was awfully shy.

"Let's go meet the boys. I trust you all should get along." Roger started walking her to the playroom.


Near and Mello were fighting. Mello "accidently" knocked over Near's 6 foot card tower. In anger, Near stepped and crushed the blonde's chocolate. Matt was sitting on the couch, not paying attention and Beyond was in the corner fighting the urge to strangle them both.

"Near, I swear to God, if you ever do that again, I'm going to murder you." Mello said, obviously more than pissed.

"Sorry, Mello. But you started it." Near was just trying to keep his cool.

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!" Beyond spat. "You're giving me a headache..."

"Boys, I'd like you to meet-" Roger was cut off.

"I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING !" A certain blonde haired teen yelled.

Roger sighed. "Mello, I'm not here to punish you."

"Well, why are you here?" Beyond was curious.

"Boys, I would like to introduce you to the new member of Wammy's."

The young girl walks out from behind Roger. She has pin-straight black hair with pink bangs, obviously not natural, covering her left eye. She's tall for her age. Her figure was about normal. She has lips that are a faint purple. But, her eyes are what instantly got Beyond's attention.

They were blood red.

"Hi there." She said shyly, and knocking Beyond from his thought.

All the guys just kinda stared at her.

Matt, being the only one not phased, introduced himself.

"Hi there, I'm Matt." The redhead stuck out his hand and smiled wide.

"Hi, Before." She took the hand and shook it.

"I'm Near." Said the pale boy.

"Mello." Well, you know who that was.

"I'm Beyond" said the shinigami eyed boy.

Beyond...Where had she heard that before?

She knows that name, in a place a little too close to home.

"Well, Before, let's get you settled into your room." Roger guided her towards her new room.

As soon as they left , the boys went to town.

"She seems nice" said Matt.

"She's hot" oh, that Mello.

"Maybe we can all be friends" Near was happy to have met someone sane for once.

"She's hot"

"I wonder if she likes video games"

"Maybe she likes toys"

And again "She's hot"

"Mello, we fucking get it." Beyond was done with this conversation. He stomped to his room.

"What's up with him?" Mello asked , a single eyebrow raised.

"I don't know" said Matt.

"I'll go check" Near shuffled out towards Beyond's room.

Thanks for reading ! :3 Please Review and tell me ways I can improve my stories ! (: