Hey, y'all. I randomly wanted to do an OC Zelda fic, so here it is. The first part seems kinda random, but that's usually what happens in our house at nine. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Zelda, or any kind of Star Trek theme. I'm not that lucky. My life is depressing. I like nachos. More random stuff. Purple.

"NOOO! It's nine o'clock! I'll miss the theme!" I leapt out of the car and sped up the garage steps into the house. Frantically I dashed to the living room, only to find that Sarah Jane was watching Pride and Prejudice. Mentally cursing my older sister, I flew down the stairs into the messy basement. Flicking on the lights, I grabbed the remote and turned the TV on, flipping to the appropriate channel.

The USS Enterprise filled the screen, customary thruster sound in the background as Captain Jean-Luc Picard's voice came out of the television. "Captain's Log, Stardate 49382.1…" I sighed with relief and plopped down on the couch.

Over the next two commercial breaks, I made myself a bowl of popcorn and some ice-cold water, as we didn't have any iced tea today.

It was a good episode, as usual, but I won't bore you with the details. Supreme omnipotent being with an annoying and arrogant attitude (A/N: Nice alliteration!) gets bested by Picard yet again (Go Frenchies!) with some slight Troi/Riker shippage on the side. Nice.

I waited for the credits to end- I love the music- and flicked off the TV. Though it was ten, I did not feel tired. I should've, I've been out shopping for a dress for my uncle's wedding since five pm. (You have no idea how many dresses his fiancé had picked out.) I felt strangely, I don't know, weird. Odd. Like something was going to happen. Not that it would. I've had that feeling before, and nothing ever happens. My life is just exceedingly boring like that.

Standing up, I stretched my arms above my head with one of those little sigh-like noises people make while straightening up.

Suddenly, I heard a small noise coming from the unfinished side of the basement. We keep our junk there, and that's where the crawlspace is. I used to pretend there was a portal to a make-believe world back there, before the toy shelves got put in.

Thoroughly creeped out, I stepped tentatively towards the sound, passing through the open door into the dark room. There was some bluish light coming from the crawlspace. A thousand creepy things passed through my mind, aliens and monsters and vampires and werewolves, making me step back. But curiosity got the better of me, seeing as the source of the blue light was exactly where I my 'portal' used to be.

Pressing myself up against the wall, I peeked into the crawlspace.

All the boxes which held our decorations for various seasons were gone. All the Easter Bunnies, our old book, suitcases, maternity clothes, every kind of junk we own was gone. Instead there was a swirling vortex, like one you would imagine was in the Season 2 finale of Doctor Who, the Void, which you've never seen, only heard about from your older sister. In the vortex, which took up the entire back of the crawlspace (about 10 feet long and 4 ½ feet tall,) was the silhouette of a tall man, his head thrown back in what I assumed was laughter. My first thought was Kronos, then Voldemort from Harry Potter, then George Whickham from Pride and Prejudice, Firelord Ozi (Avatar: The Last Airbender), then Emperor Ozorne (The Immortals Books), but none of them seemed right.

Suddenly, I recognized the laugh.


He was and always will be my worst enemy, from The Legend of Zelda games. But what was the evil lord doing in my crawlspace? Isn't he supposed to be, ya know, fictional? But he was there, and I wasn't imagining it, and I wasn't dreaming (I had already pinched myself). He was very real, and, as always, terrifying. Especially since Link wasn't here to save me, and I had no Master Sword.

Steeling my courage, I stepped in front of the vortex, glaring at Ganon. He seemed to notice me, as he stopped his cackling. His raised his left hand…

Suddenly, the vortex expanded greatly, and I was sucked (or blown, as Data would say) into the great swirling mass, Ganondorf tumbling in front of me. I screamed, loudly, but then everything went black.

The first thing I noticed was my head hurt. My vision was blurry, no, I couldn't see at all. I was lying on grass, slightly damp. Dew, maybe? That means it must be early morning. I could feel heat coming from a direct source. Perhaps a fire...

Regaining the use of my limbs, I sat up slowly and rubbed my head. Dang, it hurt. My body ached like I had just finished 6 hours of nonstop basketball practise. My eyes adjusted to the dim light, but not fully, as I didn't have my glasses on. Vaguely I groped for them with my hands, placing them triumphantly on my face when I discovered them. I drank in my surroundings.

I was sitting in a field, with a small river and bridge, along with a shallow pond. The water was crystal-clear. A few trees dotted the landscape. It was rather chilly, seeing as the sky was not yet fully lit and I couldn't see the sun. I shivered in my jeans and T-shirt. Somewhere along the way I had lost my flip-flops, but I still had my socks on. (A/N: Yes, I actually do wear flip-flops and socks. It's comfortable!) Miraculously, my bag had survived, though a little worse for wear. I was sure my hair was a complete mess, but that didn't seem very pressing at the moment.

Suddenly I remembered the fire. I turned to the right, where I felt the heat coming from.

I saw the fire. It was dim but flickering.

And I saw a young man in a green tunic sitting on a small rock by it, his back to me. He was wearing a green tunic and matching pointy hat, blond hair sticking out around the edges.


No! It couldn't be Link! He was fictional! This must be a dream! I slapped myself quietly. No, it hurt. This was real. It was all real!

Well, if Ganondorf was real, then I suppose Link could be.

I looked around for any sign of the evil lord, but he was nowhere to be seen. Instead, I coughed vaguely to let Link know I was there. Oh, geez, what if he only spoke Hylian?

But Link didn't even move. I coughed again, louder this time, but he remained still as a statue.

I hauled myself to my knees- my weak body couldn't handle standing up- and dragged myself to him. Peering around his back, I saw that his eyes were closed; the Master Sword leaned against the inside of his thigh. He was snoring softly. I giggled. He looked almost exactly like the poster I have of him. Handsome to no end.

This was crazy. This kind of thing only happened in movies and books and fanfiction! Not to normal people like me. But that, of course, is what the people who weird stuff happens to say also. So now was I one of those "I'm-just-a-normal-person-and-nothing-exciting-happens-in-my-life-but-oh-no-this-really-weird-thing-happened-so-now-I-guess-I'm-not-a-normal-person-anymore" persons? That's odd. Definitely not the style of my life. But now it's different, cuz this weird thing happened. Oh, whatever. You people get it.

Anyway, I noticed his eyes were baggy and had dark circles around them. Oh, no, don't tell me he stayed up all night to keep watch! That's just the sort of thing he would do. Grrr. He should've slept! He doesn't even know me!

Just then, my nose started to itch. Oh, no, please don't let me sneeze, it'll wake him up! No, no, no, no, no, no…

"AA-CHOO!" I covered my mouth just in time not to spray snot all over him and fell backwards with the force of the sneeze, no resistance from my weak body. Link's eyes shot open, and he leapt to his feet, grabbing his sheathed sword.

"WHO GOES THERE?" he shouted, drawing his sword and looking wildly around, missing me on the ground.

"Only me," I said weakly, slightly lightheaded. Link looked down, surprised.

"Oh." he re-sheathed his sword and swung it around his back. He knelt down next to me. "How do you feel?"

"Like I've been run over by a truck," I answered truthfully.

He frowned. Aw, he was so adorable! "What's a truck?"

"Never mind." I tried to sit up, but Link put a restraining hand on my shoulder.

"No way. You have to rest. I don't know what happened to you, but I do know that you are not in very good condition. Stay," he commanded, and got up to put more wood on the fire. I sighed, but remained on the ground.

"You should talk. I know you didn't sleep last night."

He shrugged. "Someone had to keep watch. Besides, I slept in yesterday. I'm fine."

"Right. Whatever." I didn't feel like arguing with him. And if this Link was anything like the Link I imagined, he would never admit he was tired when there was work to do. Thus, arguing was pointless anyhow.

Soon the fire was going again and the sun was peeking out from behind the trees, warming the air and evaporating the dew. Link sat down next to me. He had a blue potion in his hand.

"Drink this. It'll help you feel better," he said, pulling the cork from the bottle. Ugh. I always imagined these things tasted horrible. I didn't take it, merely looked warily at it. Link saw my face and smiled.

"Don't worry," he told me. "It's not poisoned."

"I'm not really worried about that," I admitted.

"It tastes fine. Like water." I looked at him disbelievingly. He chuckled. "Really! Why would I lie to you? Well, other than the fact that I'm a complete stranger offering you a drink, but I swear, it's just blue potion."

"I believe you…" I slowly took it and raised it hesitantly to my lips before drinking it. Surprisingly, it tasted just like water, and I began to feel better almost immediately.

"Thank you," I said, handing him the empty bottle.

"You're quite welcome." He put the empty bottle in his pocket. Man, I loved those transdimestional (bigger on the inside) pockets. We sat in silence for a while, watching the sunrise. I had no idea what to say to him. I mean, what are you supposed to say to a video game character?

"So…" he said.

"So…" I echoed.

"What's your name?" He asked me.

"Annie," I replied simply.

"Annie. That's a nice name."

"Thank you. I'm rather fond of it."

He smiled. "I'm Link."

"I know," I blurted. He frowned, and I cursed myself.


"Never mind. I like your name."

"Thanks," he said, his face still slightly curious. "How old are you? I'm seventeen."

I put on a mock-offended face. "You dare ask a lady her age? I have never heard anyone so rude in all my sixteen years of living."

"Oh, forgive me, your royal majesty," he smiled, playing along. "I did not mean to offend thee so, your Highness. Forgive me of my impertinence."

"Thou art forgiven, at least for now, measly squire." I stuck my nose in the air. We laughed together, and I noticed how his blue eyes sparkled.

"So," he said after we had calmed down, "if you don't mind me asking, how did you get here? You don't look like you're from around here," he informed me, gesturing towards my clothes.

I looked down at my shirt.

Okay, totally weird moment here. I was wearing my favorite shirt, my "I heart heart half-heart Zelda" shirt I got at Hot Topic. (A/N: Look it up on Google!) This would be really awkward if Link could read English. But then, maybe he could, since he was speaking English. Or was I speaking Hylian? I couldn't tell.

"It's a long story," I warned him.

"I've got time," he replied, leaning back on his hands. Could he be any cuter?

Slowly, I told him about the vortex and Ganondorf and as little about our world as I could manage. I said I was probably from another planet, and the vortex was a cross between them, but I thought I was from another universe entirely. Particularly, I avoided telling him about the video games in which he starred. I talked until my voice was hoarse.

"…And so, I woke up here and I saw you and I sneezed and woke you up, and here we are," I finished.

"What's 'sneezed'? he asked.

I stared at him, my mouth agape. "Haven't you ever sneezed?" I asked, incredulous.

"Uh, not… really…" he said. "Why do you sneezed?"

"Uh…" I said. Unfortunately, I did not ace human anatomy. "Well, first of all, it's sneeze. Sneezed is past tense. When something gets inside your nose and irritates it, it blasts out air to get rid of it. Thus, a sneeze."

"That's really weird," he said.

"Yeah." I never really thought about sneezing before. It really was weird. "So, now what?"

He seemed to think about it. "Well, you really don't seem to have any place to stay, so you can come back to Ordon, my village, with me."

My eyes widened. "Ordon? I'm going to Ordon?"

He frowned. "Yeah, I guess. Is there something wro-"

I squealed. "ORDON! This is awesome!" I leapt to my feet and almost tipped over, but Link caught me.

"Whoa!" He laughed. "Hold on there, Annie. You're gonna fall over." He slipped his arm around my waist. His well-muscled arm was very warm. I blushed furiously. With his other hand, he pulled out Illia's horse whistle and blew.

Illia. What about Illia? I thought they had some kind of relationship. But here, in Link's arms, I tried to imagine there was no one in the world but us.

Soon, Epona trotted up to us. She was more gorgeous than I had ever imagined. I stepped towards her, holding out my hand, hoping I looked friendly. She stepped toward me and whinnied, tossing her beautiful white mane. I stroked her head gently while Link adjusted her saddle. She seemed to like me, nudging her head into my hand, begging to be petted more.

"Let's go!" Link held out his hand. I smiled, then slid my hand into it. His was a whole lot larger than mine. I stuck my left foot in the hangy-thing, (I had ridden horses before, but I don't know any of the technical terms. Stirrup, maybe?) and Link helped me over. He hopped on Epona in front of me and took the reins, urging Epona into a slow trot. I assumed we were going south towards Ordon, as my magical sense of direction was lost in this world.

I was unsure where to place my hands. His waist would probably be best, but I didn't want to seem forward. So I placed them lightly on his shoulder as Epona gained speed.

Suddenly, Epona leapt over a random wall in the field. I panicked and threw my arms around Link's chest from behind. He laughed, and, once we slowed down after the jump, he took my hands and wrapped them around his waist. I blushed again, but leaned my still-aching head into his back. We were now just trotting, growing slowly closer to Ordon. So surely there was time for a little nap…

So, what do you think? Review! And yes, in my world, HYLIANS DON'T SNEEZE! Random idea I had.