I own nothing… Not even this plot…

There was once a little dream.

No one knows who dreamt it.

It was really such a small dream.

This made the little dream think…

"I don't want to disappear…

How can I make people dream me?"

The little dream thought…

And at last had an idea.

"I will make people come to me,

And they will make my world."

"The first Alice was a wrathful woman of the Spade.

And righteously she held a sharpened blade within her hand.

Never hesitating to slay all within her way,

Creating paths of blood that followed her through Wonderland.

Deep into the darkened forest, Alice walked the line.

Captured and imprisoned as an embodiment of sin.

If it were not for the murderous wake left behind

No one would have suspected that she had ever been.

The second Alice was a fragile man of the Diamond.

The broken echo of the lies within demented words.

He sang his twisted melodies to all in Wonderland,

Creating the image of the sick and the disturbed.

Deadly yet so beautiful, a voice just like a rose,

Was shot by a madman who silenced him to death.

Single rose bloomed in his place with no music composed.

With twisted grin, this dying man lay breathing his last breath.

The third Alice was an innocent young girl of Club,

And enchanting graceful figure in the world of Wonderland.

She charmed the people in the land to every beck and call.

A peculiar country answering to each command.

So she rose into the throne to be the country's queen,

Consumed by paranoia of her own impending death.

Soon the queen succumbed to a dark and nightmarish dream.

Disguised in kindness, loathing fate, she secured her regime.

And as this passed, two children walked in the woods,

Partaking in tea underneath the trees they'd never part.

They found an invitation to the queen,

It was the Ace of Hearts!

The fourth Alice was a duo of curiosity.

Both were lost and could not find the boat where they began,

And so they ran through countless open doors so recklessly.

A brother and a sister running wild in Wonderland.

A stubborn elder sister,

A witty younger brother,

But they had strayed too far into

Alice's Wonderland.

They were never woken from their terrifying dream,

Forever they would wander in this twisted fairytale!"

A small child sat in the back of someone's mind. "I want to be remembered." He said. "I want to live on…" It looked up. "Maybe, the dream people can help!"

It spawned the idea of being remembered into the artificial mind of a dream person named Meiko. Meiko had been shining her father's sword, when she felt a sharp sensation in the back of her mind. Looking down at the sword, she got a wicked grin. She picked it up off her lap to find it very light. She threw down her rag and stood up, still grinning evilly.

She walked off into the forest to… eradicate any lost villager. She spotted a small child, and crept up on her. Swinging the sword, she brought it down onto the child's head. A group of villagers heard the cry and ran towards the sound. Meiko was spattered with blood, and grinning. "Come on, I can take you all!"

Some villagers had hunting knives with them, while others wielded swords of their own. Meiko had managed to diminish them by about half before one struck her with the hilt of their sword. She went down, and they dragged her to the old prison nearby.

The villager that had struck her, a woman with blue hair, spat in her cell. "How could you do that to my sweet Euta?"

The young boy watched from afar. "It seems she wasn't ready to wield the power of dreams." He said sadly.

A blue haired teenager sat just outside of the forest. "Euta…" he whispered sadly. "Why didn't you listen to mother…?" tears fell from his eyes. "And Meiko… how could you end such a young life? She was only seven, for God's sake!" he heard her screams from her prison far off in the distance. He had known, and even befriended the once kindhearted Meiko. To think that she could turn into such a cold-blooded killer… the thought of what caused that made Kaito shiver, even under the blazing sun.

He felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, and he looked up. "I'll sing to pass on her memory…" he said softly. "I'll sing, and the whole village will remember the coldhearted killing that ended my sister's life…"

He stood and walked to the village square. He opened his mouth and began to sing. "There was once a sweet little girl who could do no harm, and was kind to every one, but her only problem was following instruction. One day, against her mother's orders, she walked into the forest, and was brutally murdered by her brother's friend. Her brother was distraught, and began to sing of her tale, to sing forever and…" he trailed off. He didn't write this song! Where was it coming from? And… who would write such a terrible song?

Villagers had gathered around him while he sang. "Please, continue!" one pleaded.

"… And… he was destined to end his own life…" Even as he sang the words, he felt his hand clasp on his gun. Wait, gun? When did he get that?

His hand was shaking as he tried to stop the inevitable, but it seemed impossible. He held the gun to his head, and even as he pulled the trigger, a tear slipped down his face, and the rose he was going to bring to Euta's grave slipped from his pocket.

The child frowned. "Another failure. I just want to… to be remembered."

The rose blew away in the wind, and flew into the hands of a green haired girl named Miku, who had been watching the scene. She was the daughter of a nobleman, and without a member of the royal family left alive, it was her duty to take over the throne when she grew of age. "What a tragic tale." She whispered, holding the rose close to her heart.

She walked back to the palace to see a young boy waiting by the gate. "Can you help me, miss?" he asked.

"What do you need?"

"I want to be remembered. Can you help?"

"Huh? Remembered where?"

"Here. All here." The child waved his arms to signal the entire land.


"The host is forgetting me."

"What? Host?"

"Yes, the owner of the land we live in, the mind in which we exist."

"So, we're a dream?"

"Sort of. I'm the dream embodiment. You're all dream people, made from the host's subconscious."

"… Okay. And we're being forgotten. What would happen then?"

"Poof! We disappear. Our version of dying. Will you help me?"

"… Yes. But how?"

"You need to become queen!" he smiled.

Miku nodded. "All right."

Days later, Miku had been crowned queen, and then felt a sharp sensation. "… The assassins. The rebels…" she whispered, trembling. "They'll be coming. They'll come to kill me!" She frantically looked around.

The child appeared again, and Miku gasped. "No… not you… you… you're going to kill me!"

"No!" he pleaded. "I won't!"

Miku began to cry, and locked the door to her chambers. The child disappeared. "It seems even Queen Miku isn't strong enough." He whispered.

A pair of twins, Rin and Len, sat in the woods. They heard the screams of Meiko, the crazed murderer.

"Hey, what do you think made Miss Meiko co crazy like that?" Len asked, the ever polite one.

Rin shrugged. "Dunno. Oh, did you hear that Kaito killed himself a few days ago? And that Queen Miku shut herself from the world?"

"Really?" the younger twin listened intently.

"Yeah. Strange, isn't it?"

The two walked into town. A maid from the castle found them, and said, "Oh, Miss Rin, Sir Len! Thank goodness!"

The friends of the queen looked up.

"I hope you can help. Her Highness has shut herself away. If you could come, and maybe talk to her…"

The twins agreed, and followed the maid.

When they entered Miku's chamber, the queen shot her head up. "No!" she screamed. "No!"

And she reached over and plunged a dagger into Rin's heart.

The child pulled Len into an alternate dream, and Len was holding his dead sister. "Why…?"

"Now do you see why you have to work for me? Older dream people can't hold my wish!"

Len sighed. "And that's why Queen Miku…" he trailed off.

"Yes. Will you help me continue on?"

Len, who had been looking at his sister, picked his head up with resolve. "Yes."