So this is my new fanfic yayz!

OK first of all yeah I know that I kinda have this record of starting a fic and not completing it.

But this one I wont stop writing ya' know those peoples out there in the world who take the time to read my fics keep getting disappointed. So I've vowed to not ever, ever, ever not complete a story ever.

It might take time for me to upload a new chapter what with school, family and overall just my laziness.

Disclaimer: I don't own naruto just my oc's

"Mommy, mommy where are going, mommy?" a young girl about eight called out wide eyed

"Mommy's going out sweetie I'll be back soon okay" the young mother replied with a smile

"Okay hehe" the small child giggled crimson eyes sparkling.

She never came back…

It's been seven years, seven miserable years seven years filled with hatred, sadness, fear and father that would put the devil to shame.

The Bible says; thou shall respect thy parents but what if one of those parents is an abusive, alcoholic father and the other a mother that just didn't care.

What if you returned home from school each day knowing that you would return to the sting feel of steel on your torso, the feel of shards of glass ebbed into your hands, the feeling of being whipped over and over again?

Tell me please I want the answer I don't know apparently I am a simple minded pathetic demented soul well that's what I've been told ever since that day December 21st 2001 that cold day that freezing cold day. The day my Mother left. The day my once kind care-free loving father turned into an in short asshole.

Bruises litter by petite frame but never my face oh never my face because my father is supposed to be this kind hearted gentleman tch that bastard just lies through life so casually.

Enough of the woes of my life lets see high school is starting tomorrow and father-bastard is taking me shopping for books and stuff. I was surprised by this he usually will force me into a job to get the money to buy it myself … and then hit me some more I'm surprised at how casual I am of this, but then again if he started caring I would probably think he's gone crazy-wait isn't he crazy now I mean I don't think most fathers hate their child so much. So this is the result of being abused for so long; its starting to be a normal thing ugh I'm way to tired need to get sleep yeah sleep sounds good…-BAM "Saya! Where the fuck are you! You bitch get your lazy ass down here this second!" A very pissed man yelled

Oh shit…

Saya silently frantically rushed through their mansion. Out her door down the hallway right, left down the other hallway, left again down the elevator down the twin stair case down yet another hallway across the maids quarters across the lounge until she came to the door, taking a deep breath she swung the door open.

"Wha-" she was stopped by the cane coming into contact with her collarbone

"You little brat I thought I said 'this second' what the hell took you so long!"

He screamed nostrils flaring. Saya stood there wide-eyed sweaty hands and a heart beating like a drum.

He struck her again and again and then screamed at her to go clean off the blood.

Saya ran to her room there sat Ayane her 'nanny' with a knowing expression, "child, lets get you cleaned" and without a second word Ayane appeared behind her and pushed her gently into the bathroom.

Ayane stripped Saya down and began gently washing the blood off. Saya didn't feel awkward though Ayane was kind of like the big sister she never had. She might not have expressed any emotions and Saya knew she didn't really care but Ayane was always there for her…unwillingly.

Once Ayane was finished she gave Saya a black, blue and white halter neck, knee length dress.

'what the heck' Saya thought.

Ayane seemingly read her mind and muttered "Your father is taking you to an opening party to one of his new restaurants, the party is mainly for the restaurant but he's also celebrating the company's 15th anniversary."

Saya nodded her head gently.

When Ayane was done with the dress she pulled Saya's plum hair into a loose but elegant bun.

"Now Saya remember you can always call on me to be there in your thoughts, I'm sending Rick and Liam to be your body guards. I can't attend tonight I've business to take care of alright" Ayane explained.

Saya hated this Rick and Liam were arrogant and lazy bodyguards from America all they cared about was; money, cars and 'babes'- like any other guy with raging hormones did I mention they're just 18. I mean Ayane's a couple of hundred years old. So naturally I felt less than comfortable with my life in their mammoth hands.

So anyway I'd better get back before I get hit .

The actual naruto characters will pop up next chapter. This was just to get some info on Saya.

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Love you… I guess (if it'll get me reviews)

longer the reviews the longer the chapters

I'll also try my my chaps longer