Disclaimer: So not mine.

Um, yay? This one's really short, and really bad. Sorry for the inconvenience. XD Well whatever, it's an update... right? Don't hurt me...


I startled awake at the sound of my alarm clock. My eyes burned with the, what, hour? I got of sleep. I was so tired. I don't know how I'm going to make it through the day -

Wait. Where's Eli? I patted the empty spot next to me and sighed - it must have been a dream. That makes two dreams about him in one night. This is getting bad.

I shivered when a breeze blew through my room and wrapped my blanket around me tighter, wishing I could just curl up and sleep through the day and hope another dream doesn't haunt me.

Then I realized. My window is open. I know for a fact that my window was closed before I passed out; I wasn't that out of it. So, does that mean...?

No, Clare, Eli Goldsworthy was not in your room last night. Don't be preposterous.

I sighed and forced myself out of bed. My eyes fell on my Bible on my nightstand before I walked over and shut my window, closing all ridiculous thoughts from my head. I need to stop daydreaming about Eli.

Mom dropped me off at school, didn't question anything, so Eli must have definitely been a dream. It's getting pretty depressing, the fact that I can't even decipher the difference between dreams and reality anymore. That dream, though... it just felt so... real. A blush crept up my neck and covered my face in red. Stop it, Clare.

I said goodbye to my mom and shut the car door. Taking a breath I stepped through the doors of Degrassi Community School, hoping it doesn't get awkward with Eli. I can never tell him about these dreams. He'd be so smug, it's disgusting. He'd tease me about it forever.

"Hey, Clare!"

I turned to see Adam catching up with me. I smiled, thank goodness it wasn't Eli. "How are you, Adam?" After he told me and Eli about Gracie, and we completely accepted it without a single problem or second thought, he's opened up more. I've grown to realize that I love his smile. It's... contagious.

"I'm great," he said, grinning. "Seen Eli yet?" I felt the blush coming back and let my hair cover as much of my face as I could. "He's been talking about you since he came in today."

"I -" I turned away, hiding my blush. "He has?"

I could tell Adam was about to respond, but he immediately stopped himself as he stared at something behind me. "'He has', what?" I turned around and came face to face with Eli, smirk glued to his perfect face, one eyebrow cocked. I forced myself not to squeal. Clare Edwards does not squeal. But I couldn't say the same for swooning. This boy made me melt.

"Oh, n-nothing, Eli," I managed to sputter out, giving him a feeble smile. I could tell from the look in his eyes that he didn't believe me, but he let it drop anyway, of which I was thankful for. I changed the subject quickly and asked, "S-So, what did you two do last night?" I tried not to decipher what it meant when his smirk widened. His eyes were intent on me. I felt hot all over again, like I was going through last night again, a flashback, though it was just a dream.

"Just, uh, hung out at home," Adam said awkwardly, "you know, chilled." It was cute when Adam really tried. He always managed to make me smile.

I turned back to Eli and all he did was smirk a 'You know what I did, Blue Eyes' smirk. I quickly averted my gaze. Adam shrugged and spoke again, "What about you, Clare-bear?" he teased, letting my nickname slip. This was also cute. It aggravated me when anyone else called me it, but Adam had this... innocence that I couldn't say no to.

"O-Oh, well, I worked on my English paper and -" Eli and I locked eyes, his sparkling as if to provoke a challenge. I declined. "- went to bed early. You know. What us 'bookworm' types do," I laughed without humor and walked ahead. If that wasn't an awkward conversation, I don't know what was. "I'll, uh, see you later, you two!" I ducked into a classroom and busied myself immediately. No more confrontations, please... It would make my sin so much easier. I can repent this way, without sinning all over again.

The things you do to me, Eli Goldsworthy. Lord, where are you when I need you?

Like a flashback, sneak attack, chain reaction

At the first sight you just might be the right one

You got something (and again) like a rerun

Try but can't explain this chain reaction.