Warning: I D of D'n'A000 am not responsible for any one who is maimed , driven mad, struck by the master bolt, drowned, thrown in Tartarus, turned into a jackalope, robbed, blinded by the sun, has their love life ruined, is destroyed by an undefeatable master plan, burned in a forge or turned into a daffodil. Read this at your own risk and pray the gods have pity on your soul.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series Rick Riordan does =(. Though it would be AWESOME if I did.

D: This is gonna rock

A: You shouldn't do this they'll be mad

D: That's the point

A: I still say-

D: (posts list) -Too late

A: Okay then it's your funeral (leaves)


1. Say the words "May Castellan is PSYCHO" to his face( Bonus points if you add " –and it's all your fault!")

2. Tell him that the postal service is lame

3. Call him a "Messenger Boy"

4. Mention that any guy whose symbol is two snakes intertwining a big stick must be over compensating for something

5. Steal HIS wallet and see how he likes it

6. Give George a rat and explain how not feeding him is a form of animal cruelty

7. Steal and then sell his flying shoes on E-bay

8. State that his son was his grandfather. When he denies this point out that Luke, his son, was possessed by and therefore became his grandfather Kronos. Which is quite weird.

9. Explain how watching your kid get mauled by a dragon is the definition of bad parenting. When he states the rule that the gods can't intervene on a quest yell, "Since when did the god of thieves start obeying the law". (Bonus points if you are a Hermes kid cause that would take guts)

10. Tell him you have a very important message from Zeus that must be delivered right away. When he asks for the message explain in careful and exquisite detail why it is so important and when he gets annoyed and demands you give him the message state some obvious fact like "The sky is blue" or "The sun is bright". (Bonus points if you tell him I forgot and then tell him to come back when you remember)

Until next time this is D of D'n'A000 signing off.

Hermes: (Pulls out laser cattle prod thing) Okay, you asked for this!

D: (Logs off computer) Uh-oh…. Later Hermes gotta…um…walk my dog

D: (Throws smoke bomb and sneaks out back door)

Hermes: *Cough* *Cough* Get back here! *Cough*

*5 minutes later at a coffee shop*

Coffee shop guy: That'll be $4.50 sir

Hermes: *Grumbles* Huh, oh yeah

Hermes:(Reaches into empty pocket) No way….he didn't.

Hermes: (Checks pockets frantically) Curse Him he stole my wallet!

*Some undisclosed location*

D: (holds up Hermes's Wallet triumphantly) Mwhahaha!

!Reviews are welcome and appreciated!