If you have any questions about specific stories, look below for what plans I have for it:

"ALL ALONE" - This story will no longer be updated and will be deleted within the next one to two days so if anyone wants to take the story off my hands and continue it, you are welcome and must contact me within the next few days before it is deleted.

"DISCOVERING AMAYA" - This story I still believe will be continued once my Ouran obsession comes back. That might take a while so if anyone wants to continue this or any of the stories I said I might not continue for me, just message and I'll email all the chapters to you.

"DOUBLE D STANDS UP" - I am still on the rocks with this one. Not only has the desire to finish this story left me but I have absolutely no idea what I could write about to make this story more interesting. It's a very dull story and kind of just drifts along without too much drama. I attempted to make the story more targeted for an older audience by making the characters older and older looking but the story still seems kidish to me. This one is also up for grabs if you want to make it your own.

"MAI'S THE ONE: THE SEQUEL" - For a very long time this story captured my attention and I was diligent about updating chapters on the first story and this sequel but I have also lost a small amount of desire for it. One of the main reasons for that is that so much has happened between Mai and Naru that I don't know what else could go on that would truely suprise the reader short of making them sexually active (which I don't want to do). I will not offer this story to anyone else because I am almost positive I will continue it soon.

"Mailbu New Moon" - This one was really supposed to be my golden series. I was going to write all four books in the POV of the Hannah Montana characters so it's a shame I couldn't find the will to continue. My computer often has trouble and after writing about five chapters for this story to add on to what you see, the computer malfunctioned and the hardrive had to be wiped clean. That was a major downer and I know I could never make it the way it was so I sort of gave up the fight there. If I were to offer this story, I'd have to offer Malibu Twilight so i will not be offering it.

"NEVER LET GO" - This was supposed to be my awareness piece. To show readers that terrible things like this really happen. It was supposed to cover Terrorism and even Sex Trafficking. Since the flame died with this one (mostly because the topics it featured were just dang depressing) I put it aside at the time to focus on the Malibu Twilight series. If anyone wants to continue it, it is also up for grabs.

"NOT ANOTHER MITCHEL FAN STORY" - This was the longest chaptered story I have ever attempted to write and the topic was very easy to write about because at the time I was in love with Mitchel Musso (not even remotely an overstatement. I was hooked.) When I finally snapped out of my Mitchel fantasy that lasted almost four years and found out what true love really is (In my case it was very very painful), the will to finish this story seemed both childish and pointless so I very maturely pushed it to the side. This story has a very completed plot almost thanks to the many chapters I have written. If anyone wants this, it should be very easy to finish.

"SQUIDWARD'S LIFE" - This story was just me trying to get back at the guy who created Spongebob. Squidward was never able to catch a break so I gave him one. It is basically completed in a sense and doesn't need to be continued. If you disagree and would like to see it live on, message and you can have it.

"TAKE MY SPIRIT AWAY" - I had really been in a fantasy mood the day I had posted what little of this story I had posted. It was supposed to be a very romantic and adventurous story so I am very sorry I never continued it. Also up for grabs.

"THE LION, THE LAMB AND THE SOCCER SNOB THE SEQUEL" - I am very proud of this story because of it's plot and response by the readers. It was very fun to write and I almost wrote more but some stuff went on at the time. And on top of that, there was a chapter mix up and one of the chapters was deleted. D: I won't be giving this one away.

"I'LL TRY" - Has been deleted because it had a very poor response and I did not like it after the first couple days.

I hope everyone will enjoy the stories I have finished and will finish soon. :)