Lyra's Pov.

Ah, winter. It was one of my favourite seasons, when the snow fell from the skies dusting the ground in a soft blanket made of a powder as white as an Absol's fur coat. I loved it, when I was a little kid I would sneak out of the house and make Snow Angel's with Ethan.

Sadly this year it seemed that I wouldn't be making a Snow Angel, for the snow instead of falling gently on the town of Violet City it was hailing as if to show rage.

I, Lyra, am currently in the Pokémon Centre, almost snowed in, if I was to go outside now I would risk catching hypothermia along with putting my Pokemon in danger, and I would never, ever put my Pokemon in danger.

Nurse Joy was currently tending to my them, in getting here I had used my recently caught Rapidash and told her to gallop through the snow as best she could, she'd slipped a few times and was frozen on quite a few parts of her body, I'd done my best to keep using Ice Heals so she wasn't that bad but still needed to be treated.

Right now I was huddled in front of the Centre's fireplace, sat on a wing back chair cuddled inside a spare blanket with a mug of hot chocolate. Heaven right? Nope, because I was one of the only people here in the Centre, all of the rooms had suffered a power outage meaning the couch at the moment was the only option, meaning most people had left to find adequate sleeping quarters. Leaving me all alone.

So I was mostly alone apart from Nurse Joy and my Pokemon. Nurse Joy had her Raichu currently keeping the back-up power going, meaning only the most important machines were working, eg, the doors, and healing machine.

I cuddled more into my blanket wishing the chill would drive from my bones. This is why I winced as the doors opened, but curiosity took over me and I looked to see who it was despite the cold.

His hair was shoulder length and dripping wet, covered in the snow making it look as if it were white. All of him was covered in white due to the snow making it almost impossible for me to tell who he was. My only clue was the Weavile stood next to him, sniggering at his trainer's appearance.

The boy quietly growled at his Pokemon before stomping over to Nurse Joy. "May I help you?" She asked in a small polite voice.

"Yes, do you have a towel?" The boy asked and I gasped, I knew that voice anywhere.

"Silver!" I shouted as he was quite a ways away, he turned and looked at me, shaking his head to get rid of the snow, leaving droplets of water on the floor and reviling his startling red hair. "Hey!" I greeted merrily.

His Weavile walked over to me and greeted me with his paw which I shook, he smiled at me and ran when he saw Silver's scowl. "What are you doing here?" He growled at me, pleasant as ever.

"Keeping out of the storm." I replied as if it were obvious. "And I was going to challenge Falkner to a re-match for fun." To which I smiled, Silver looked as if he was about to reply but Nurse Joy called him over with a towel in hand.

Silver took it pausing to mutter a small thank you of gratitude and handed over Weavile now in his Pokeball, and proceeded to dry himself off. Plopping down on the couch he stared into the flames of the crackling wood. I tried to ignore him but he kept shivering every now and again, it was small as if he was trying to stop himself but I noticed.

Getting up I sat myself next to him and covered him with my blanket while keeping it on myself. "W-What are you doing?" Silver stuttered, he was quite cute when he did that.

"Keeping you warm." I warmly smiled back at him. "You kept shivering." I pointed out; he blushed, probably hoping I didn't notice.

"You don't need to." He whispered.

"I want to." I replied.

...Well that shut him up! He blankly stared at me, slowly turning his head back to fire; I took this as permission to stay where I was, and so I stared at the fire like the boy sat next to me.

It was quite a while later I was feeling really sleepy, Silver must have noticed because he kept nudging me every now and again whenever my head fell on his shoulder, he was really comfortable, either that or I was more tired than I thought.

"Lyra." Silver whispered my name, nudging me with a bit more force than before.

"Hm." I hummed, too tired to answer properly keeping my eyes closed.

"Wake up." He nudged me again but it wasn't the least bit irritating, which in all honesty was probably irritating him.

"Nuh uh." I childishly replied, shaking my head nuzzling it further into Silver's warmth. For someone who acted cold most of the time he was surprisingly warm. "Warm." I purred like a contented Skitty.

I heard Silver lightly sigh above me, though I couldn't tell what from. Suddenly I felt myself being hauled up in the air which caused my eyes to snap open. "W-What are you doing?" I asked, repeating Silver's earlier phrase.

"Taking you to bed." Silver replied, I blushed as my mind took that the wrong way, hey I was seventeen what did you expect?

"B-But the d-door's aren't open!" I protested, I was quite happy to go back to the couch and sleep there!

"I'll make them open." He determinedly replied, "Put your arms around my neck." I blushed again at his boldness but did as I was told and placed my arms around his neck he quickly let one of his arms drop as he took a Pokeball off of his belt and chucked it before re-grabbing me again.

His Magneton was the Pokemon that popped out of his Pokeball looking extremely tired and followed us up the staircase. I was surprised that Silver was able to carry me that far, I mean I wasn't exactly the lightest thing ever.

Ignoring that fact I began to relax slightly as I let me head fall against his chest and my eyes closed again as I focused on his strong heart beat.

I faintly heard him give an order to Magneton and the sound of a click. Soon I left myself being lowered onto a bed, I then opened my eyes again to see Silver leaving the room.

"Where are you going?" I asked sleepily, my eyes half lidded.

"To sleep on the couch." He replied turning around slightly to answer me.

"No you're not." I smiled groggily, "Magneton's too tired to open another door and I'm not letting you sleep on the couch, sleep here."

"Where, there's only one bed." Silver pointed out.

"I don't mind sharing." I replied before letting my heavy head drop on the pillow. I heard him return Magneton, then I felt the weight on his frame on the bed.

He must have thought I was asleep because I felt him pull me towards him in a sort of lay down hug. His arm rested around my waist and strangely I didn't find this uncomfortable, maybe it was the fact I was sleepy but I found myself snuggling into him more. It defiantly wasn't because I liked him. Nope. Not at all.

At least that's what I told my brain, though my heart didn't agree.

What do you think? This is like only my 3rd attempt at writing a one-shot, I might continue this if I get people asking for me to carry this on. Also I might do a Silver's Pov since people seem to like that.

Please tell me what you think and don't hesitate to tell me if anything doesn't make sence.