Hey guys!
I have no excuse. I've been busy with classes and sports… but that is no excuse… Just… don't kill me…
I'll make it quick next time.
SO MANY OF YOU SUBMITTED CHARACTERS FOR THIS EPISODE! I feel so happy knowing you people like this story :D If I didn't get to your character this episode, I promise, the next special episode I write your characters will be the first I write about; so hard to keep track of your characters nowadays. :P
No more wasting time! Here's Part two of Interviews with Demigods Special Episode!
Disclaimer: Didn't I say I wasn't gonna waste time?
The horrible excuse for music had FINALLY stopped, so I was ready to continue. I fixed the cameras and we began rolling again.
"Welcome back to Interviews with Demigods! Finally we have fixed our little 'issue'… so let's begin! Let me introduce… wait… before we begin, I'd like to do one special torture, for a good friend of mine! We are now at war, a torture war, so I must get revenge! So let me introduce… Kristen! Again!"
Kristen appeared onstage with chains. She was struggling to get free.
"Never!" I took her and threw her in a special chamber that does several tortures at once. Soon I heard shrieking.
"Good luck with that!" I hollered above her screams of horror. Soon everything went silent. I peeked inside, and pulled out a stone Kristen. "Uh…. ether Peabrain turned her to stone, or she escaped. I'm just hoping its option one. Well anyways…" I threw the stone Kristen offstage. "Let me introduce…. The hunters!"
"WHAT?" Elizabeth yelled from offstage. Then she realized that was recorded and she mouthed, That wasn't in the plan!
I rolled my eyes. Plans… who sticks to those anymore?
The hunters appeared onstage, bows already aimed at me. I flicked my wrist and the bows flew out of their hands and into the crowd. One lucky audience member stood up and held up their prize, showing off their new silver bow, and a nasty bump on their head, where their "prize" had hit them.
"Tsk tsk… I'm getting bored to torturing you girls! I just thought you would like to see this! Besides, if I were torturing you, wouldn't you be chained?"
"Good point." They all agreed. I decided to mix things up. I whistled, and a guy, tied to the back of a large white stallion, with a Mexican sombrero tied to his head, trotted in. The stallion stopped in front of me and reared up on its hind legs. I cut the boy's bonds and he tumbled to the floor. He fell, stood up, and was chained again.
"Curse you!" He shouted, struggling against his bonds. All of the hunters laughed at him. The stallion trotted off stage.
"Let me introduce… Evan Latz!"
"…I hate you..." Evan muttered. I smirked.
"Well I know you, and the hunters are very eager to see you embarrassed, so I'm going to show the crowd a video of your best act of stupidity! Here's the clip."
"Conner! Aim the camera towards me!"
The camera shifted its view over to Travis. He waved "Hi! Travis here, ready to give you all of Camp's weirdest, stupidest, and awesomest moments! Here's Evan Latz, a total idiot who doesn't know that messing with the hunters is suicidal!"
The camera view shifted through the window of the Artemis cabin, when Evan was slipping Valentine's Day cards underneath the pillows of each hunter. Suddenly, two hunters, Alicia and Phoebe, walked in. They looked at Evan, then at the pink cards in his hand. You could've sworn that they had a fire of hatred in their eyes.
"VALINTINE'S DAY CARDS?" Phoebe screamed, ripping the cards out of his hands. Alicia grabbed the hunting horn off the silver bunk and blew it. In less than thirty seconds, 23 very angry hunters of Artemis were standing in their cabins, bows aimed at Evan.
Evan jumped out the window, into the camera.
When the camera was working again, Evan was tied in a tree, and the hunters were shooting him with Fart arrows. Travis and Conner were helping, and the hunters didn't look too happy about that.
I stopped the clip, and the hunters were laughing at Evan, pointing and rolling around on the floor. Even Artemis cracked up.
Evan on the other hand, was staring at me in shock.
"How did you… did they… you…. them…. I'MMA KILL THEM!" He screamed, and he struggled against his chains some more. I threw him in the Torture Track, a newer addition to my variety of tortures. He hopped up and down on the moving conveyer belt, hoping not to fall into the pit filled with all my toys. When a bowling ball came down the track, he jumped it. I clicked a button on my remote control, and the crowd booed him. Next, I clicked another button, and 10,000 marbles came rolling down the now slowly slanting track. He stumbled as the marbles started to trip the chained-up-Evan. Soon he fell and began his decent to the pit.
First, He landed in a tar pit. A mechanical arm designed by Hephaestus picked him up and dropped him in a feather pit. Another arm picked him up and gave him a chicken beak and tail. It threw him into a metal, sound proof chamber where Justine Peabrain was playing, live. After about ten minutes of hearing the poor boy scream, he fell down onto a large concrete block. He groaned as he did a split. He face planted and fell unconscious. I had a few doctors examine him.
"Oh, he's gone insane." The head doctor said as he pulled open his eyelid. "Ether that, or he's dead."
"Throw him out onto the street! Maybe he'll wake up and go annoy everyone else!" I commanded. The doctor and his colleagues didn't argue. They picked him up and kicked him to the curb! Oh well.
"That was fun while it lasted… well, now I have another surprise planned! Don'tcha just LOVE surprises?"
"NO!" The whole crowd yelled, including the hunters.
"TOO BAD!" I made a cage appear around each and every hunter. They all screamed and tried to draw their bows, but the crowd had them.
"Let us out!" They all screamed. I shook my head. I pushed them into a small room, connected to a large spring and eject button. I pressed the big red button, and the hunters sprung out the open sky window. "AHHHHHHH!"
"Aren't my machines awesome?"
"He-he…no…" Elizabeth muttered under her breath. I glared at her.
"Time for another interview… Let's all welcome… Camren Callaugh!" A black haired, pale, 15 year old girl materialized on the stage, in the usual celestial bronze chains. She blinked her eyes, which were lined with black eyeliner. Her dark clothes told me, daughter of Hades.
"Aw crap…" She muttered, noticing the chains.
"You ready Cam?" I asked, mock niceness in my voice.
"Shut up and get it over with…" She muttered.
"Wow, not a single strain at the chains," I mused, "First question, so, I've heard you have summoned an army of the dead, which attacked your boyfriend. True or false?"
"True…" She admitted, blushing.
"On purpose?"
"No, but he still broke up with me." She growled. I smirked.
"But when you saw him the next time, you summoned the skeleton army again, right?"
"He so deserved worse than that… and I also started playing Go-Fish with the others to see who would get to dump him in the bay."
"Revenge, I can respect that. So I'll take it easy on you. I was planning to dump you into one of my newer contraptions, but, why bother? Let all of Hades loose boys!" I called off stage, where a skeleton army had all of their beady red eyes locked on Camren. She looked scared.
"They're mechanical, but deadly. RUN GIRL, RUN!" I pushed Camren out of the chair, while I ran and jumped off the front of the stage to avoid getting run over by the army of Zombiebots, which were already in pursuit.
I grinned, "You know, this whole thing never gets old. I love this job! Okay onto our next-"
At that moment, a sort or portal opened up in front of me. A tall girl with long, straight hair I'd kill for. It's a bit odd, with a blonde top and black tips, but it's cool enough. Her eyes were a startling green, which reflected her obvious excitement. She walked across the stage, and then grinned. "Awesome! I'm here…"
"So you are," I looked her over, "Change of plans, you're the next lucky interviewee." With a snap of my fingers, the girl was sitting in a chair, chained at the ankles and wrists. Her happy expression flickered in confusing, but quickly returned.
"So, who are you?" I questioned.
"I'm Taylor Chase! Mom told me-"
The crowd looked at her questioningly, and I reflected this, "Excuse me? Chase? Are you like, Annabeth Chase's daughter?"
"Yeah! I'm from the future! I really, really wanted to be on this show, 'cause mom and dad told me about how they were on this show a long, long time ago!"
"Did they ever tell you what this show is about?"
"No. They just said they were on TV a long, long-" I cut Taylor off.
"Okay, that's awesome! Well, let me tell you…" I put my arm around her shoulder, "…what this show is REALLY about."
I whispered what it was in her ear, and her jovial expression vanished. I smiled contently. "That's right… be afraid."
At that moment, the TVs set up all over the stage lit up, showing Taylor kissing a kid who looked a bit like Travis. I guessed it was his son. Taylor blushed furiously.
"How did you- I never- I-"
"I see no reason to be in denial… I have the clips right here," I shook the remote, "Did your parents tell you what they experienced on this show? I suppose not…"
Taylor blushed furiously and looked away. I peered into the audience and saw Percy and Annabeth staring wide-eyed at both each other and the screen. I didn't need to have the ability to read minds to know what they were thinking.
"That's a lovely expression you two are making. Meet your future child!"
That little comment earned a series of snickers from the audience and glares from the two lovebirds.
"Well, while I would absolutely love you keep you here and interrogate you about the future…." I smirked, "That can wait 'till another episode. For now, I'll leave you in the hands of a new member to my crew, Blaze Zero. I call him Zero. He's my torture assistant now!" I cheered gleefully.
Oh, her expression was a Kodak moment as Zero walked from offstage with his broad sword and ripped, black clothing that helped him blend in with the shadows. He stared intensely at a horrified Taylor and he smirked.
"Come with me…" He got behind her and poked her with the sword. She jumped and ran offstage.
"Zero, you truly terrify me sometimes," I sighed. He simply smiled and walked offstage. Elizabeth stared at me and was throwing plans in the air and gesturing how off-track I got. She looked pissed, but oh well. I don't live to please her.
"Um, well, let's get back to our 'interviews'!" I smiled brightly and whistled. A thirteen-year-old boy sporting a fisherman get-up ran on-stage and stood beside me cheerfully.
"I'd like to introduce my nephew here, who wanted to apply for a job on my crew. His name is Ryan."
The audience smiled and one person even said, "Aww, she actually has a heart!"
"Okay Ryan, here's what you do. Go over to the audience and fish one of them in."
Groans resounded through the whole studio. Complaints were shouted and people started crying. I sighed.
Ryan carried out my orders and fished out a random audience member. It ended up being Percy. He was scrambling and the hook had nearly torn his shirt in half. Some fan girls and Annabeth were staring at him like he was Zeus or Apollo (You're welcome Daddy!) or something; I face-palmed.
"Ugh, not the best catch! We got him already, and he smells. Throw him back and let's catch a better one, 'kay?" Ryan nodded and even though he was 13, he could easily throw Percy back to his seat five rows up. Percy looked both offended and terrified and he soared back to his row and hit Annabeth in the head. They both toppled over their seats and onto the fan girls sitting behind them, and they attacked them like a pack of monkeys. "That's my super-strong nephew for you, Jackson!"
Ryan reeled in another boy, approximately seventeen years of age, and he looked decent enough. It took me a few seconds to recognize him as one of the people who sent me mail. He sent me an awfully long letter that went along the lines of 'I'm all-powerful, immune to torture, markers, and everything you've ever used. Bring it on!' Oh, I got this and felt a challenge. I was gonna get to him, but then I realized this would probably be a decent finale. I wasn't expecting to pull him up so early, but I suppose this is my signal to begin wrapping things up. Sorry!
He never once exaggerated his looks; many girls in the audience were staring at him like he fell from heaven and was about to pop the question. I, however, could not afford to let this get under my skin. His was my victim, and I was gonna make sure he knew that.
"Oh, it's you…" I growled.
"It's you..." He growled back. We stared at each other for a terrifyingly long moment, and the tension was high and you could've heard a pin drop. Everyone couldn't have been that silent if they were still alive.
I smiled vaguely and nodded, "I suppose my challenge begins."
"Thirty bucks says I'm going to win."
"Ryan, go tell my crew to start collecting bets. This is gonna get bloody." Again, he obediently followed instructions and sprinted off-stage. My competitor and I sat down adjacent to each other, and I purposely kept his chains off for the moment.
"I never caught your name, would you mind sharing it?" I inquired, somewhat good-naturedly. The boy smiled, and a few girls in the audience already seemed in danger of drooling. Ew.
"You can call me Blood. And you're Tori, am I right?" he responded in the same good manner. The audience was staring at us, astonished. Two people who seem be egging at the opportunity to tear each other to shreds to prove a point, acting so kind. Amazing, how we pulled that off.
"Before we begin this little competition, I suggest we each spend 30 seconds bragging and sharing titles, don't you agree?" A timer magically appeared above us, "You go first, visitor. This is my turf." The clock began counting down. Blood stood up, his posture impeccable as he leaned forward the slightest bit in order to appear intimidating.
"I'm Blood, god of Chaos, Disasters, Pain, Sorrow, Hate, Anger, Confusion, Lies, Darkness, Trickery, Carnage, Lust, Time, Space, and Weaponry! I'm a son of Zeus, Ares, Hades, Athena, Aphrodite, and Hestia. I have fire powers, the power to call the dead, geokinesis, I'm intelligent as hell, I have lighting powers, the power to control air, and I'm so obviously sexy. I'm immune to grapes, make-up, markers, stupid," he smirked, and I leaned back, taking notes and giving him that 'yeah-well-I'm-gonna-kick-the-crap-out-of-you' smile, "… questions. I can make you bleed endlessly and without mercy! I will send you to the depths of Tartarus if you even try to defeat me! And I am just egging for the chance to do so." He smiled and stood and faced my audience, and accepting their applause graciously. He turned to me and sat down, studying me intently, "I believe it's your turn."
"Just for the record, a way to be really sexy would be to be modest. Now I just see you as stuck up. Haven't you ever heard that's an attractive trait too?"
"Only from ugly people." Blood winked, and the audience laughed.
The clock reset, and I stood up, furious. No one, NO ONE, steals my audience, taunts me, then makes me look like a fool on live Hephaestus TV!
"Alright, if that's how you're gonna play it! I, Tori, am the goddess of pointless knowledge, storms, cookies, ignorance, annoyance, torture, and embarrassment! I'm the daughter of the great Apollo and the muse of tragedy, Melpomene! I can transform any matter into any other object I require! I have any amount of torture devices at my disposal! No one has escaped my wrath just yet, and I don't plan on the one who escapes to be you! Tell me, god of trickery, can you outsmart me? I have experience on my side! I've been alive for much longer than you have, teenager! Welcome to my world, this place will soon become your hell!" All throughout my speech, my voice rose until my voice would've rang throughout the whole studio without the help of the microphone.
Silence settled for a few moments, until it exploded into applause by, ahem, MY audience. I shot my fist into the air and a blast of lightning struck me, illuminating the room until it was blinding. Everyone screamed as I brought my fist down until it was pointing at Blood. Lightning crackled around me, and my eyes lit up in determination.
Blood looked vicious. He shot up and a ring of fire exploded around us. His fists were aflame and we stood off like that for a few moments. Suddenly, all hell broke loose as we simultaneously attacked. A small explosion happened that rocked the studio back and forth. I summoned chains and wrapped him up until it must've been hard to breathe. He's immortal, though, so he doesn't really need air. I hung him from the ceiling, upside-down, and my team came into the ring of fire.
"Who's winning now?" I called up.
"No point if you can't hurt me."
"Who said that's the only way I can torture? I am the GODDESS of torture. You can't beat me here," I smirked. Blood simply smiled. And suddenly a searing pain shot up my leg. Golden ichor flowed freely down my leg and poured onto the floor, "How in Hades..."
"Someone didn't listen to my rant," He sneered. I growled as I ate a square of ambrosia, and the wound began to heal. I can't hurt my audience, so I've been holding back. Within seconds though, more cuts and wounds opened all over me, and I was in a puddle of sticky golden blood of the immortals. Shit…
"Shoot him!" I command, and my torture team is shooting him with everything we have: AK-47s, paintball guns, hammers, toothbrushes, even a coat hanger here and there. Anything that was anywhere was being thrown at him, and even the audience was joining in. To no avail, though, as he was smiling as the bullet holes closed instantly, the paint melted away, and everything else just missed due to bad aim.
I was preoccupied with my wounds, and every time one closed, another formed. I realized it was futile.
Have I met my match?
"… oh HELL NO!" I shrieked. "I WILL NOT! LOSE! TO YOU!" I brought him down and stared him in the eye, flames dancing around me, and lightning continuing to crackle.
"You seem irritated," he smiled well-naturedly. I growled.
"I'm not done with you yet…" If I can't hurt him… or embarrass him…
"Give up, sweetheart?" He winked.
"Don't all me that," I snarled, "I'm not done yet."
"You seem to be."
I snarled yet again, and then came up with an idea. He never said anything about boredom… did he?
My face lit up. "I'll NEVER be done with you…" I dragged him deep into my darkest dungeon, with the most chains and the most security. It must be harder to escape than Alcatraz! I locked him up, and then over the PA system I installed, I said, "Enjoy your stay."
That's when I blasted Peabrain and left him there.
I came up, feeling triumphant. I wouldn't know if that would work for days, maybe months, but I was gonna check on him every day until I was sure he was done. Perhaps it wasn't the most genius of plans, but with time he'll get bored. He'll lose his sexiness and his attitude. He'll give up and he'll realize I will always be superior on my turf. And if that doesn't work…
… I'll think of more plans…
I sat down in my chair, and the audience stared at me and why I looked to triumphant. I shrugged at them and laughed like the madwoman I am.
"Well, this has officially been my longest episode ever!" The audience applauded, "We will go back to our regular schedule! So far 32 people have been tortured, if I count the Huntresses as one, and I'm ready to torture some more! Unfortunately, we've run out of time and must end the episode here! Sorry!" I tried to rally the complaining audience. We will see you again next-"I was cut off as the front doors blasted open in a huge explosion. An army of people I tortured were standing in the door, and they were armed, "I'LL SEE YOU WHEN I'M DONE GETTING KILLED!"
And that's when all of Hades broke loose all over again.
YES! SPECIAL EPISODE FINISHED! :D Okay, so down to business. Any characters that weren't used in this episode, I'm sorry! I will try to get you in another special episode which I'm bound to have. I have a surprise for people who would actually like to see this series… animated!
I'm going to possibly begin a (possibly) voice acted series on YouTube. It will basically be this series, only animated using Sony Vegas and Bannedstory. I will give more information in later episodes, but for now please go vote on the poll, which is on my profile! I want to know your opinion about this! PM more for more details, if you want.
I hope that I'll update soon, and I thank those of you who encouraged me to finish this! Please review; it's really great incentive for me to continue! xD You'll get another episode and cookies! Kaythanksbye!