Blood Status

Beautiful Alice

Summary: Harry's life changes drastically once again after Dumbledore promotes an ancient ritual long unused and Harry discovers that his status is the highest of all. WIP. AU.

Genre: Adventure/Drama

Rated: M, for future chapters.

Chapter One: Renewed Ritual

"So what is this for, really?" Dean demanded, hurrying up to the Golden Trio that happened to be in the front of the group, and discussing the upcoming Feast. "This…tradition thing?" He was muggle born and didn't understand. Neither did Harry, for that matter.

"It's a very old tradition," Hermione started to explain as the descended a part of the moving staircases. "You try on the Sorting Hat, and it informs you of your status in the wizarding world. Mostly, it's just to reassure people that you are who you say you are, and to remind them of your rank. In the old days, though, it was considered a very serious matter, and those that were of the highest rank received the highest honors, and were expected to marry into families of similar-or higher-status. It basically helped get families and friends closer together…and sometimes farther apart. Status meant everything, especially to the Slytherins and Salazar Slytherin himself was regarded as the most highest of status in the wizarding world. Families that were linked with him were considered to be some of the highest ranking wizards in all of the world." Hermione continued, and they entered through the hallway leading towards the Great Hall. Harry exchanged looks with Dean, who frowned. Hermione sighed. "It's all in wizard history books." She informed them, waving to Parvati and Padma who were a little ways away. They waved in return and went into the Great Hall.

"So when was the last time this…Blood Status ritual…was done?" Harry asked, interested. It wasn't every day you got to see some old history being redone. Though he didn't really care about status, he was interested in all the stories surrounding it.

"Around the eighteen hundreds, I think." Hermione said thoughtfully. "It didn't leave a specific date, though. It only mentioned that the last few families to use the Blood Status were the Malfoy's and the Lestrange's-which isn't so surprising. I think that every single Slytherin-except for a few muggleborns-are going to try to do the Blood Status, before it's forgotten again. I wonder why Dumbledore wanted to start it up after all these years?" She added, frowning.

"Maybe he's just trying to remind people that status could have some meaning?" Neville said unexpectedly. They all looked towards him, surprised. He blushed, but continued. "Status meant everything with families…and for some it still does. Maybe he's trying to get a few more families onto our side by using the Blood Status ritual."

"That's an idea." Ron remarked, grinning. "Can you see Malfoy joining us through some ancient ritual?"

"Ron, this isn't a laughing matter." Hermione reprimanded, and he shrugged.

"I already know my status-my family may be considered 'blood traitors' but we've got some of the highest status around." Ron said smugly. Harry frowned, not liking where this was going. Suppose his mother had very high status? Or his father? But his father had been muggle born, hadn't he? He suddenly had a bad feeling about this, and Hermione seemed to notice almost instantly.

"Are you alright, Harry?"

"I'm fine." He said automatically, but Hermione stared at him skeptically. He, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Dean, and Seamus entered through the doors of the Great Hall and went to their usual spot at the table of Gryffindor. There weren't any food or things around, and everything had been cleared away for the occasion. Harry felt giddy and a little uneasy about the entire situation. He noticed Malfoy looking smug and scowled towards them, remembering him calling Hermione 'mud-blood'. He scowled towards Malfoy, who apparently didn't notice as he was talking with his friends at the time. Harry turned back towards Hermione, and Ron, both of whom shrugged at Malfoy's attitude towards the whole issue.

It took, perhaps, half an hour before everyone was finally in the Great Hall. A few ministry officials were there to take notes-Madam Bones and Minister Fudge were both recognized among them-before Headmaster Dumbledore approached his usual spot when directing speeches to his students.

"Welcome all," Dumbledore's voice echoed around the Great Hall, no doubt using a spell to amplify it, Harry thought remembering the Quidditch World Cup where Bagman had done the same. "Welcome to the Blood Ritual of Hogwarts! For the beginning, we shall introduce and welcoming the ministry-Minister Fudge was quite pleased by the idea of the renewal of the Blood Ritual, and I myself thought it was a marvelous idea-a chance to find out who you really are among your peers!" Dumbledore said enthusiastically. Most of the students looked rather annoyed at that, but the Slytherins all looked eager for a change. Snape, in particular, looked bored, while McGonagall looked slightly put out with Dumbledore-or Fudge, it was hard to tell. "We shall be examining every student in Hogwarts for the occasion. If there are any objections, please speak to your head of house about the issue." Dumbledore paused, and everyone waited expectantly. "We will begin momentarily-in the meantime, please consider using this chance as an extra study session, especially for you older students here at Hogwarts." He added, with a slight, knowing smile.

Harry and Ron rolled their eyes, and Hermione grinned as she got out the book that she'd brought along with her. The two of them watched her for a bit, before turning towards Neville, Seamus, and Dean-each of whom looked equally amused at seeing Hermione doing exactly what Dumbledore 'asked'.

"So what exactly is the highest status?" Harry wondered. "I know there's pureblood, half-blood-"

"Those are the two smallest, actually." Neville answered, as Hermione devoured her book like it was food. Harry blinked.

"Smallest?" He wondered, surprised. The way Malfoy had been going on about 'pureblood' status, one would think it was the most important.

"Yes. It follows like this: the smallest, lowest level of blood is obviously muggleborns. It doesn't matter if you're muggle-raised, however, but that would put a damper on things, because it means that you're ignorant in the wizarding ways." Neville explained, looking uncomfortable. Harry shifted slightly. "The second lowest is half-blood status. It's basically just saying that you're a little better than muggleborns, but not by much." He paused, and frowned as he thought for a moment. Ron took over.

"The next after that is pureblood-basically, Malfoy's only one up on you Harry." Ron said, chuckling. Harry mock-glared at him, but he didn't really care about status anyway. Neville, Dean, and Seamus grinned at the innuendo, while Hermione rolled her eyes as she continued reading her book, making her seem momentarily just as strange as Luna, who was sitting over with the Ravenclaws.

"And then there's Black Status." Seamus chimed in. Harry stared at him, surprised, wondering if it was connected with Sirius-Hermione eyed him, but didn't explain, seeing as how they weren't in a private place to do so. "Black status means that you have money, and lots of it. A few of the Malfoy members-like Narcissa Malfoy-has Black Status. It's a small part of honor towards the family." Seamus explained.

"Then there's the Silver Status-that means you have money, and a bit of power." Ron added, for both Harry and Dean's benefit. "Silver Status is the lowest, highest bit of status you can get."

"Right." Seamus agreed. "After which comes Blue Status-which means that you've got money, power, and a small amount of your family is interconnected with the most famous witches and wizards of history. Something which is quite rare, according to my grandmother." He added.

"And the second most highest status of all is Gold Status." Neville put in. "It means all of what Seamus said, and adds the fact that you're also one of the most powerful wizards or witches in the world. Only a small handful have that status, and all of them are said to be dark wizards."

"Unsurprisingly." Ron muttered under his breath, and Seamus nodded agreement.

"So what's the highest status, then?" Harry asked, curious.

"Blood Status." Neville said solemnly, and Ron nodded as did Seamus. "It's the most powerful, the most valuable, and the most famous out of all of them. It means that there's more money in the family than any could imagine, and that the wizard or witch with the status has the most powerful magic than anyone could ever dream. It also means that they're family is tied with all the most famous witches and wizards of Hogwarts, including and not limited to other famous witches and wizards throughout wizarding history. Some claim to have the 'Blood Status' but if you don't have proof, then you are lower than a muggle because of your filthy lies." Neville said, wincing.

"Why?" Harry asked, confused, and Dean also looked momentarily annoyed at not knowing what they were talking about.

"Because it's a sacred status, Harry." Hermione finally spoke in the group, surprising all of them. "It means that you're practically a king. There is no one living that really has Blood Status any more. The closest anyone has come has been Gold Status, and the few that have those are rather old." She said seriously.

"Huh." Harry said, after a few moments of silence in which they all thought of the Status rankings.

"Don't worry, Harry." Hermione said kindly. "I'm sure you're not going to get Blood Status. You're status is just going to remain Half-Blood." She added, seeing his doubting look. He hesitated, and then nodded.

"What's your families status then, Ron?" Dean asked suddenly. Everyone turned towards Ron, who blushed and muttered,

"Blue Status."

"No way!" Seamus said, impressed. "And here I thought the most your family was, was Black!"

"It doesn't matter what blood-status people have though." Harry said firmly, as Ron glared at Seamus, who grinned. Everyone around him nodded agreement.

"What's yours, Neville?" Ron asked, curious. Harry sighed, and Hermione gave him a sympathetic glance.

"We're actually one above yours, Ron." Neville admitted, blushing. "We're Gold Status."

"That you are mate." Dean agreed, chuckling, and Seamus laughed. Ron and Harry both grinned at seeing Neville's evident blush.

They quieted when Dumbledore began speaking again, talking about the Blood Status Ritual, and the history before it. Hermione had already filled them in about it, but they listened again because it was interesting, and they each felt it would be rude not to do so otherwise.

Finally, Dumbledore stated that it was time, and that the first students were to be sitting on the stool, where the Sorting Hat would announce their status, one after the other. Harry briefly wondered if there were any other long forgotten rituals that hadn't been done in centuries. He decided that it was better left a mystery, they were already having to deal with one of them now, after all.

The first years went first (ironically enough, thought Harry), each more nervous than the last. The highest ranking first year was a boy named Daniel, and his rank was only Silver. The first years apparently found him popular as well, but he wasn't that familiar with any of the older students, especially Harry and his friends.

The seconds years were much the same, as well as the third years.

The fourth years managed to get the highest status yet among their group, a young girl named Natalie whose status was actually Blue, the same as Ron's family, and Ginny who was actually Blue as well, since she WAS in Ron's family.

Then it was the fifth year's turn.

Each went one after the other. Harry felt nervous as he watched, first the Slytherins (Malfoy was only a 'pureblood', which was higher than all the Slytherins), and then the Ravenclaws (Luna had the highest status there, being a Blue, which surprised all of Harry's friends), and then the Hufflepuffs (Cedric Diggory had the best status, which turned out to be Silver), and finally the Gryffindors.

Harry watched as all his familiar classmates and friends-some not quite his friends-went up to the stool and had their status called out for all the school to hear. Hermione was ranked a Muggle. Ron was ranked as Blue-everyone in Gryffindor cheered him on. Dean was ranked as Muggle. Seamus was ranked as Silver. Neville was marked as Gold-the highest out of all those who had been up there before. Malfoy looked extremely annoyed at that, and glared at the Gryffindor table afterwards. And finally…it was his turn. Every single person went quiet as Harry's name was called, and he walked nervously up to the stool, feeling as if he was suddenly going to be put on trial. He sat on the stool, and his headmistress, Professor McGonagall, placed the Sorting Hat on his head. He closed his eyes, and listened.

Ah, Potter, is it? The Sorting Hat sounded amused. I greet you, child. You have much power, much knowledge hidden inside you-

No I don't! Harry protested, annoyed, and the Sorting Hat chuckled.

I can see everything in your head, Harry. It reminded him. Even the things you can't see. Even the things you refuse to see. It is all there, regardless. And what I see is most interesting. Did you know that James Potter was not your actual biological father?

Harry would've stared at the hat, had it been human and not sitting on his head.

Yes…I can see that now, too. It was hidden from me before, I am unclear as to why. But now it is in the open, I can see it perfectly. You're father is a mystery, of course, but that does not matter. You're blood status-

Wait, wait-Harry thought, panicking slightly. How do you know about my father? I don't-

Potter, there are many things a hat such as I knows that none other could possibly see. I give you my word as the Sorting Hat that I would never lie to you. I cannot lie, it is impossible. The Sorting Hat responded soothingly. I realize that learning James Potter is not your father is a shock, but it is true. You are not James Potter's son.

Is…Lily…The thought hurt too much to ask. The Hat paused, as if considering, and then said firmly,

Lily Evans IS your mother, of that I am most sure.

Harry felt relieved.

Yet your father I have no idea who it is, only that it is not James Potter. He may have been part of your family, but he has no blood ties to you. Your blood status is-

"BLOOD STATUS!" The hat bellowed, and dead silence fell among the whispering students. Harry still felt rather shocked that James wasn't his father, and didn't want to believe it. How could James not be his father when strangers told him all the time that he looked so much like him? He slowly slid off the stool and handed the hat back to McGonagall, who stared at him with stunned disbelief.

"Mr. Potter, please go and see Madam Bones." Professor McGonagall sounded slightly unsure.

"Why?" Harry asked, surprised. All the other students had just gone back to their seats, and he had expected-at the very least-to be able to do so also. McGonagall sighed.

"Muggles." He heard her mutter. He frowned in confusion and annoyance. She cleared her throat. "All the highest status witches and wizards are protected by law once they are discovered to have the highest status. I promise everything will be explained, but for now, Harry-" He felt relieved when she said his first name, but wasn't sure why. "Please go over to Madam Bones-you do know which one she is?" She added, and Harry nodded reluctantly. She waited, and he went to Madam Bones, who greeted him with a warm-if uncertain-smile.

"Hello, Mr. Potter. I suspect you received something of a shock from the hat. Should I fetch Madam Pomfrey and ask for-"

"No!" Harry said quickly, surprising her. "I'm fine, really. Just…confused. And annoyed. I really didn't need any more fame added onto my list." Harry spotted Kingsley, Tonks, and Moody coming towards him and frowned. Did he really need this much of a body guard group?

Madam Bones stared, and then choked back a laugh, making Harry blink.

"Oh, you poor child." She said after a few moments of which she managed to regain control of herself. "I'm sorry, Harry, but if you weren't the most famous wizard of our time before then you most certainly will be now. There is not a single living Blood Status witch or wizard alive today." She informed him, and Harry blanched.

"What? There has to be! I thought-"

"I'm sorry, but it's true. But, please, we must remain quiet now for the rest of the ritual. It is almost over, and then we shall explain everything, if we can." Madam Bones added, making him frown. He went quiet, and concentrated on seeing his remaining friends-who gave him puzzled and awed looks-while everyone remaining was announced their status. Predictably, he was the highest ranking out of the entire school. He glared down at the floor, feeling that this was all phenomenally unfair. Once the last student was announced (Frankie Gerber, Pureblood) Dumbledore finished off with a speech, and everyone quickly went back to their usual activities for the day. Though seeing as how it was close to four o'clock already, classes were already finished, and all that remained was either Quidditch practice or studying. Most of which were probably going to do the latter so that they could discuss the surprising news of Harry being Blood Ranked.

Finally, everyone had left the Great Hall-Harry had searched for his friends, but it was hard to see them among all the older students that surrounded them. Harry waited impatiently as the last few students trickled out, and finally only the staff and teachers of Hogwarts remained, along with the ministry officials.

"I just don't understand." Minister Fudge was saying to Dumbledore, as the two made their way over. So far, those that surrounded Harry were people that he was very familiar with-and at least two that he wasn't. "How could Potter possibly have Blood Status? We've been over his records-"

"Without his consent?" Dumbledore asked, his voice dark. Fudge swallowed visibly.

"At the time it seemed important." Fudge admitted, wincing. Dumbledore didn't glare, but his eyes weren't sparkling like usual. "See here, Dumbledore, all this-is impossible!"

"Harry, what did the Sorting Hat say?" Dumbledore asked, ignoring Fudge, as he turned to the Boy-Who-Lived. Harry swallowed nervously.

"It said that…James wasn't my dad. But I don't understand, Professor-everyone says I look exactly like him…"

"Your mother was extraordinary gifted with potions." Snape said, surprising all of them, so that they turned towards him. Harry stared at him in astonishment-it was rare that Snape ever complimented anyone-especially anyone regarding Harry. "She might've hidden the truth from all of us…even you, Potter."

Harry frowned.

"Why?" He asked, desperately wanting to understand. It was bad enough being an orphan, without ever seeing your parents. But to discover that one of your parents wasn't your real parent after all was even worse. "Why would she do something like that?"

"To protect you." Snape said softly, his voice smooth as silk and lined with actual sympathy. Harry stared at him in surprise, and McGonagall frowned at him, but before she could respond, Moody spoke.

"Why don't we just run a few tests on the boy, Dumbledore? We'll probably find exactly what we're looking for-"

"We're not going to run tests on him like he's some sort of animal, Mad-Eye!" Minerva said sharply, and Madam Bones shifted Harry behind her, and Kingsley and Tonks both guarded him as well. "Really, what nonsense! I'm sure with a bit of research we can discover who Harry's father really is-and if he's still alive." The comment made Harry think of Hermione, where he turned to see his friends were struggling against the crowd of students heading back to their dorms. He turned back to the adults, feeling the situation quickly stirring out of hand.

Harry felt rather irritated at this point-everyone was discussing him as if he weren't even there, and talking about what to 'do with him'. He glared at the adults in front of him, wondering if he could somehow use his invisibility cloak to disappear from the room and head back to his friends for better protection-at least they explained things to him.

"Excuse me," Harry said, and everyone turned towards him. "I don't understand. So what if I have Blood Status, it doesn't matter does it?"

"Actually, it does matter a great deal, Harry." Madam Bones said, quietly. "Blood Status makes you the highest ranked wizard in the entire wizarding world. Everyone will be expecting a great deal from you, especially since you're the Boy-Who-Lived as well. You will have a constant body-guard surrounding you, so that others don't kill you because of your Status. You will be given whatever you desire, as well as whatever you might need for others that are close to you." She looked at him apologetically. "We'll even train you in self-defense, as well, and you will achieve even higher education than before."

"I don't have enough time for classes as it is, how am I possibly going to be able to work all of that in, especially with people watching me all the time!" Harry protested, beginning to feel the panic return full force, as he began to realize what this just might mean.

"If you need help with your schedule, it will be provided." Madam Bones said soothingly, casting Kingsley and Tonks a glance. Kingsley left the room, and Harry stared, wondering what she was up to. Tonks quickly intervened.

"Harry, perhaps you'd like to go and see your friends and explain? Would they perhaps be in the library studying? I noticed Her-Ms. Granger in there, perhaps she can help explain things better to you?" She suggested.

Harry nodded, relieved, but just as he was turning Minister Fudge protested.

"Dumbledore, the boy needs to stay so that we can further question him-"

"He is just a boy, Minister." Dumbledore said mildly. "I sincerely doubt that he has any understanding about any of this. If I'm correctly guessing-Ms. Granger only just informed him of what all of this could even begin to mean, along with his friends-am I right, Harry?" He added, his eyes twinkling towards him. Harry nodded, frowning. He didn't like the way that Dumbledore had implied that.

"Yes, sir. I didn't even know about the ritual until it was mentioned last week." Harry added, frowning.

Fudge scowled, but Tonks took his arm and moved him towards the door again.

"Harry-" Madam Bones suddenly made him pause. "I'll speak with you later, tomorrow perhaps? It is late in the evening, after all, and it will soon be dinner time. But tomorrow I should like to talk to you-just to get a few things sorted out, if you do not mind?" She questioned.

Harry hesitantly nodded, and she smiled at him.

"Perfect-if you're curious about the sorts of things I might ask, speak to my granddaughter, Susan Bones. I believe you know her to be in Hufflepuff." Madam Bones added, knowingly. Harry blinked, then nodded. He followed Tonks to the hallway where he could hear the arguing picking up again inside the Great Hall. He sighed, wondering what this could possibly mean for his future now…and who his father really is.

"Whew." Tonks said breathlessly as they made their way down the hall to the library. "That was intense. Are you okay, Harry? Should I fetch Madam Pomfrey for anything?"

"I'm fine…just a bit…shocked, I guess. I always thought James was my dad." He couldn't help feeling the need to say something at that point, and Tonks looked at him sympathetically. He went on. "And I really didn't want that Status-I would've been happy with just a half-blood status…or even pureblood would've been okay…but I don't need all of this!"

"I understand. My family's considered one of the higher ranking blood status in the wizarding world. We're mostly Blue's and Gold's among my family. I'm considered to be a Gold Status, like Neville." Tonks explained, trying to make him feel better. Harry blinked.

"You are?" He asked, surprised. She nodded.

"That's why I became an Auror-it got me a job, respect, and people trust me because of what I do on top of it all. Well, all but Mad-Eye." She said with a slight smile. Harry smiled back, though uncertainly. "I don't have a large amount of money, but it's better than most." She added, thoughtfully, as they began to walk past a hallway of classrooms. Harry noticed that they were all empty-from the ones that had the doors opened-and that it was strangely quiet. He felt giddy, nervous, shocked-so many emotions running through him, and he wasn't quite sure how he was going to go through the rest of the day. James wasn't his father. James wasn't his father. James wasn't-

"Here we are." Tonks's voice brought him back to the present, and he noticed that they were indeed in front of the library, one of his most favorite places in Hogwarts because of how many books were inside-and not just wizard books, but muggle books as well. He usually browsed through the muggle books because they were comforting in ways that the wizarding books made him feel anxious and irritated at the same time-especially with his name as part of the title.

They searched and meandered throughout the shelves full of books, until fifteen minutes later they finally found Harry's small cluster of friends (Ron, Hermione, and Neville) together at a partially hidden table from the rest of the library in Hermione's favorite corner.

"Harry!" Hermione half-ran to him and hugged him, making the guys snicker, and Tonks look at him in amusement. "Are you okay? What did they say?" She asked anxiously, releasing him after he hesitantly hugged her back.

"Madam Bones is taking care of everything with Dumbledore and McGonagall and a few others." Harry explained, as Hermione lead him to the table. Tonks remained where she was, standing guard over him, which Harry found vastly irritating. "Tonks is here because apparently I need a guard."

"It's required." Neville explained, making Harry sigh. "Having the highest blood status in wizarding history alone makes you a large target. Not to mention you're inner connected to the most powerfully known wizard in history, Salazar Slytherin."

"But I don't see how!" Harry protested, frustrated. "Everyone always says that I look exactly like James, even his best friends said it, and they knew everything about him! Even Snape says it, though not in the most polite way of course-"

"Snape? Polite? That'll be the day." Ron muttered, and Hermione cast him a frown. Neville quickly intervened.

"You're mother was good at potions, she probably just hid you're true form from the world with a kind of potion that only she would know about…until revealed to everyone else, of course." He said, considering.

"Maybe a Shield Potion?" Hermione said doubtfully.

"What's that?" Ron asked, confused.

"It's a potion that, when drunk, makes the person look like another person-but it's extremely complicated. I don't think that even I could've done it." She said, and Ron stared.

Harry took a seat next to a stack of books, and Ron, Neville, and Hermione followed suit.

"You really okay mate?"

"No I'm not okay." Harry snapped, his nerves finally getting the best of him. "The Sorting Hat told me my dad wasn't my dad. I might actually have a dad out there somewhere, and I don't even know if he's alive or dead or gives a damn about me at all. Not to mention I'm practically a king now with this bloody status!" He took a breath, seeing Ron's hurt look, and Hermione's disapproving-though sympathetic-one. He sighed. "Sorry…I just wasn't expecting this. I wanted to just have a normal status…you guys know me, status doesn't mean anything to me at all, especially where my friends are concerned." He reminded them.

"We know, Harry. And we don't care that you're status is the highest there is-but we do want to help you." Neville said seriously, leaning towards him over the table. "Dean and Seamus aren't here-they're trying to protect you in Gryffindor Tower, telling everyone else what exactly happened, and what you're part in it is-which is nothing. They're trying to help you as much as they can, because they know you just as we know you. We know you hate being famous. We know you hate being 'the boy who lived'. But we also know that you need help, and friends, and a chance to be normal as much as possible." He said earnestly.

"Neville's right, Harry." Ron added, nodding. "We're backing you, despite who you're dad is-though I draw the line at your father being You-Know-Who."

"Ron!" Hermione said, scandalized, and Neville choked. Harry, though, laughed at that. Ron grinned.

"Thanks." Harry said, blushing but grinning. "Really, I mean it, you guys-you don't know how much this means to me, having you as friends."

"Actually, we do know how much this means to you-but we'll pretend that we don't so you can feel better." Hermione said, amused. "Now, I've got some books on Blood Status that can help you understand its importance and meaning. I've also found a few books on the history of the ritual. I've picked two that I think might help you better on the situation, especially where the politics are concerned." Hermione shoved two heavy leather bound books towards him. Harry took them with interest, and Ron groaned.

"More homework. Honestly, Hermione, how do you expect us to achieve getting O.W.L.s this year, if we can't even have time to study?"

"That's what all those extra classes were for, Ron, the ones you thought were just going to be free periods." Hermione said sternly. Ron sighed and hung his head.

"We're doomed." He said in a deathly kind of voice. "Doomed."

"Good thing we have Hermione to help us then." Neville said unexpectedly, making Hermione blush a bright, fiery red.

Harry put the books up and was just going to start speaking when Tonks interrupted him.

"Harry? Madam Bones wants to know if you're going to sleep in the Gryffindor Tower tonight. Kingsley and I are going to be your guards, and Mad Eye's going to be with Madam Bones, sorting through some of the paperwork." She added. Harry blinked.

"Of course I'm going to be in Gryffindor Tower. Where else would I sleep?"

"Having Blood Status allows you to be able to live off of Hogwarts, Harry." Ron explained, while Hermione and Neville nodded. "You're considered a king-of sorts-which means that you're also, basically, an adult. You can even do magic outside of Hogwarts so long as its nothing like what You-Know-Who and the Death Eaters do." He added.

"Really? I can do magic outside Hogwarts?" Harry asked, turning to Tonks who nodded confirmation. "What about apparition?" He wondered, remembering the fifth years talking about it excitedly during the Feast at the beginning of the school year.

"You still have to take a test for that, but I think you'll be given a little bit of ease when it comes to that." Tonks answered, shrugging. Harry nodded.

"Okay. But yeah, I'm going to stay in Gryffindor Tower. IF I change my mind, I'll let you and Kingsley know." He promised. Tonks smiled.

"I'll go and tell Kingsley-can I trust you three to keep Harry safe while I'm away?" Tonks added to Ron, Hermione, and Neville each who nodded solemnly. "Good. I'll be back as soon as I can-don't go anywhere Harry." She warned, and disappeared out the library almost instantly.

Harry sighed.

"So." He said glumly, turning back towards his friends. "Think I'll ever get a peaceful moment in my life now?"

Smirks were returned in answer to his question, making him sigh.

Authors Notes:

Regarding Status-I noticed that J. K. Rowling didn't have a whole lot of that mentioned or explained throughout the series, unless it deals with 'purebloods, halfbloods, and muggleborns' and so I decided to write a fic about it. For those that were confused, I drew up a chart that listed each status from highest to lowest so that you could better understand what Harry's friends were talking about.

Blood Status=highest rank (Harry's status)

Gold Status

Blue Status

Silver Status=middle rank

Black Status

Pureblood Status

Half-Blood Status

Muggle Status=lowest rank

I hope that chart cleared things up-I know it can be a little confusing, but I tried to explain things as best as I could. (And yes, the BLACK STATUS was done on purpose-it'll be explained in a later chapter.)

Side Notes: I'll probably update again later. I only posted this to see what kind of response it would receive, and if it was even worth bothering continuing. After reading so many Harry Potter stories, I decided I wanted to write one that wasn't a Crossover. If you like it, I'd appreciate an honest opinion of your thoughts.