Hey. This is a really short one-shot for Covert Affairs, because it's just something that has been on my mind. Also, please check out my other Covert Affairs one-shot called Comfort. Reviews are appreciated, thanks!

Disclaimer: I do not own Covert Affairs

It was obvious that Annie and Auggie were meant to be together, well it was obvious to everyone but them.

Whenever he was frustrated, she would always bring him a cup of coffee.

Whenever she was upset, he would always bring her a red velvet cupcake, her favorite.

Whenever she was out in the field, he was always in her ear or right beside her.

Whenever he was stuck on a hard case at the office she was always either talking him through it or keeping him company while snooping through his stuff.

Whenever he had to use a fake name, his last name was always Walker.

Whenever she had to use an alias, her last name was always Anderson.

Whenever Jai and Annie flirted, Auggie's jaw would clench and he'd grip his coffee mug a little tighter.

When Auggie had an assignment that dealt with his ex-girlfriend, Annie punched the nearest thing in site (which happened to be an innocent man on a doughnut run).

When they started dating, they thought they were doing a good job of keeping it a secret, but their co-workers were already placing bets as to when they'd get married.

And when they finally did get married, no one was surprised...

Because it had been obvious all along.