Chapter 1
Post war worries

Gusts of winds blew through the fire nation. Blowing the ashes of the fallen and raising them up in to the desolate skies, then back down to their dusty graves.
The war had decimated the city, sacked it of the wealth it once owned- and that hadn't been all the war taken. It stole mothers from children and husbands from wives. The unyielding hope that manifested itself as smiles on the mouths of each citizen, finally yielded.
There was sadness and despair even in victory. After the death of the Avatar during the battle of Wulong Forest, a heavy mist of melancholy covered the world. Though he had defeated Ozai, who was left to build a world of peace from the ashes that stained a once war plagued world?

Day after day there was word of one revolt after another. There were those who supported Azula's claim to the throne, those who wanted to abolish the monarchy and those who claimed they had more right to be fire Lord and named Zuko usurper.
And what of the other nations? They too had struggles, many had joined with revolutionaries in the fire nation, many attacked citizens of the fire nation in revenge. There needed to be peace but how to unite the nations and bring joy back to the kingdom of fire?

Zuko stood on the balcony of his palace and pondered.

The next morning the Gaang sat around the breakfast table, they were all in the fire nation for Zuko's coronation and were organising the plans for Aang's funeral.
"Pass the turkey-lizard jerky Sugar queen!" Yelled Toph "Don't finish all the meat Sokka my feet need fuel so they can see straight!". Removing the plate of Jerky from a very hungry Sokka, Katara passed it over to Toph. "Anyone seen Zuko?.. I'm worried about him" The young water bender said while staring at the doors as if Zuko was going to burst through at any second.
"Relax you know how sparky gets in the morning, he's all angry and has to fire bend". Toph said reassuringly while petting Momo.
"I know but he's been in that room for two days now, I'm going to check on him".

Zuko sat at his desk staring at an old scroll on politics and peaceful negotiations Uncle had given him. How does this even help? He asked himself. The scroll told the story of two warring tribes, the Won-yu and Jie-li. Negotiations failed, peace agreements were broken and soon as a result of the wars the people of both tribes grew poor, restless and angry. The only agreement that gave the people hope and stopped the rivalry was the marriage of Su-lee and Rontan, the children of the chiefs of each tribe. "This scroll is just a waste of time, a fantasy love story." Zuko huffed in frustration.

But he knew this story, he recognised the names of the tribes from his history books. The merger of Won-yu and Jie-li led to the creation of the Agni-Xìntú. In other words, the first generation of the fire nation, one of the greatest nations one earth- at least before his great grandfather came about.

"I never knew it was a marriage which led to the merger". If a marriage between two great families could create peace and lead to the foundation of a great empire centuries ago, what could it do now?

Yet, who could he marry now? The air nomads were now gone forever, the earth kingdoms did not have any eligible brides and he knew none of their noble women- except Toph, but that was a no.
The water tribes didn't have princesses or nobles that were eligible- did they? Think Zuko!

*Knock knock*

"Enter" Zuko said authoritatively.

Katara stood at the entrance of his study.

Blue met Gold. And Zuko's whole body filled with realisation.