Chapter 1:Shackles and Chains(Part 1)

Moon has Cast a Pool of Life in the Mountain of Malefor,Dark Clouds Swirled around at its peaks and distant Howls of the Apes reverberated from every Crevice and Fissure of the Mountain,Inside of the Mighty Mountain,Spyro was prodded along a Dark Passageway lit only by glowing blue and green fungus,Shackles and Chains encompassed his body as two apes jostled him forward,One was Bulky and Grim-faced,the Other was Slim as a Reed and Calm

The Bulky Ape Growled: Move it,whelp!Malefor wishes to see you

The Slim Ape Nodded: And we don´t like to keep Our Master Waiting

Spyro snarled,I will escape from this Prison,trying to free himself from his shackles and chains,revealing his Dark Purple Scales shining as the Night Sky,You can´t keep me here forever you dirty flea bags.

The Large Ape Grunted at the Insult and Punched Spyro across the Face,Blood squirted from the Bruised Face as he doubled over and felt another blow in his stomach

Careful Blitz,if you hurt him,the Slim Ape Warned,Malefor will have our skins for sure

Don´t Worry,Thadmus,Blitz have Said grinning and hauled Spyro to his feet,as long as he´s chained and not loose,we´re in no danger

If you Say so,Thadmus Sighed,hurry,let´s bring the Prisoner to him

Accordingly,Spyro was pushed along,he wished he could do something to distract them,but nothing came in his Mind,but the Purple Dragon believe that the escape from the imprisonment was possible,Only it would take some time to devise a Clever way to leave if it weren´t for the Patrolling Guards,the trio traveled for hours,past descending Stalactites that hung like sharp canines,Spyro also felt the Dampness of the Cavern Puddles against his worn paws,Howls of the Wind resonated in his ears as Blitz and Thadmus rushed him deeper into the Mountain towards Malefor´s Chamber and as they progressed closer and closer,Spyro could smell the Faint Tang of the Brimstone and hear the deep ragged breathing of his Greatest Foe,an enemy he had defeated once but mysteriously returned from the grave

Ignitus told him that once a Dragon dies,it was never truly dead and felt fear creep back inside of him,How could have the Evil Purple Dragon could Live even after the war has ended,Spyro could not say nothing as they finally reached Malefor´s Chamber,Darkness filled the interior except with the glow of a clump of blue-green moss but Spyro didn´t need to see to know who were laying in the Center of the Chamber,lying in the pool of the Moss Light was none other than Malefor,ragged and silent as the Grim Reaper,his cold and sadistic Red Eyes held Spyro´s as Blitz and Thadmus Shoved Spyro onto his Knees before Malefor,the Large Purple Dragon grinned wickedly as Spyro stared defiantly back in his eyes and spoke in his usual demonic voice.

Malefor: Welcome Spyro,it has been ages since we have fought

Malefor: I have never forgotten the day when you beat me and restored the world,and now that I have you in my lair,you´ll help me conquer the world as my Servant

Spyro: Never ever I won´t serve as your slave

Malefor: Never,I am afraid you have no choice,you´re at my mercy,young hero

With the Talking finished,Thadmus and Blitz forcefully commanded Spyro into his Cell and tossed him in it locking the Cell.

To be Continued