Author's Note: Hello to all! I hope you enjoy this story. It is A LOT like my Anna Stern story from a few months back. I know that I already have a story that I started on this cite that I have not finished yet. And I'm not sure if I'm going to because I'm having major writers block with that. Hopefully, that will not happen with this story because right now I am already loving it! And I hope you do to! There is one slightly racy scene, but so slight in fact that I thought this needed an 'M' rating, so I'm just giving warning. Please review. Getting feedback is one of the best things for a writer.

Disclaimer: For all the time I spend thinking about this show, I really should have some shareholding in it.

Christopher Berry was pissed. His mother decided to take a job at Ohio State and therefore forcing her son to move to from New York City to Ohio. OHIO! As in a middle of nowhere state not near an ocean or a decent city or anything familiar. Chris was really fucking pissed. Fucking Ohio?

"That's a tough break, man," chimes in Jonah, Chris' best friend.

"Man, there's no ocean or anything there. I think my mom actually lived on a corn field."


"No, it was just a suburb, but man it is going to suck," concludes Chris as he and Jonah they brace themselves for the dreaded 'change at Jamaica' from one packed LIRR train to another; because it's the middle of summer on a Friday afternoon and everyone is leaving the city for the weekend. The boys are embarking on a train trip to The Hamptons where Johan's parents have a house. Ah, the lives of the mildly rich Jews of Brooklyn Heights. Both boys were excited for a week of surfing, over priced comfort food laced with crustaceans, and rich-bitch babe watching. The boys crossed the platform with their bags to the Montauk train taking them to Bridgehampton, and sat on the top deck of the double-decker train (because the top was just cooler). It was the middle of July, and Chris was not cool about having to change schools. And his whole lifestyle, the summer before his sophomore year of High School. He worked his ass off to get into Styvesant, one of the best high schools in the US, and now it was all going to go to waste at some cow poke town nowhere near civilization as far as he was concerned.

Chris had heard from a young age that he was a good-looking kid. Jonah was also not too shabby either according to the girls they played Coke and Pepsi with on the Bar Mitzvah circuit in seventh Grade. Both the boys always had girlfriends by the time it was considered acceptable to be attracted to the opposite sex. Chris knew that when he flashed his dimpled smile, the girls swooned, so he did so often. At the current moment he was single so he wouldn't feel guilty about his plans to hook up with as many girls as possible this week at the beach. Especially because starting August 20, when the truck comes to pack their items, he will most-likely be in a serious babe drought.

Chris, like his best boy Jonah, had a charmed life. His mom, Rachel Berry, was a famed music director for Broadway. She started out as an actress in small parts on the stage, but when she directed her first Off-Broadway play just for fun, she suddenly found her stride and passion, and was now a Tony Award winning music arranger for several musicals. Rachel has also done stuff for TV and movies and won a Grammy for her work with R&B sensation Mercedes Jones. The diva, Ms. Jones, said Chris was one of her favorite people in the world. Chris still has no idea why. Possibly it was his ridiculous height. Chris was 6'2" and still very much a growing boy. Big and muscular, Chris played several sports. He also loved music just as much as his mother, playing the guitar, piano, and base, besides his obvious singing voice.

Growing up it was just Chris and his mom. He didn't have a father, and in Chris' opinion, his mom was more than enough. Despite being as successful as she was, Rachel always put Chris first, she attended every PTA and parents meeting. She made it to every sports game. And made sure their home was in a safe neighborhood with good schools and lots of families. No expense was spared for her baby boy she would say. Rachel once told Chris that she was sorry that he didn't have a father figure, but in Chris' mind he didn't need one. Whoever his dad was obviously didn't care enough to stay around, so why on earth why would Chris ever want him. Plus having to granddads also helped with the lack of a father. Both boys had their headphones in and still had a ways to go before their destination. As Chris stared out the window watching the blurs of homes, cars, and landscape pass rapidly by, he couldn't help but feel unbelievably disappointed that he was going to have to leave all this to move to Ohio. And on top of that, he was moving to his mom's hometown, so now he was going to have to be persecuted with people wanting to catch up with his mom and all her stuff…blah, blah, blah. God, it was going to suck.

Rachel Berry was surprised when she got the call asking her to be a professor at the music department of Ohio State. Rachel was already tremendously successful and had achieved everything she had ever wanted. (Including a Grammy with her name on it, her elliptical goal for fall of 2009.) So when the opportunity to teach arose, it was so tempting. It meant immediate stability to her life. At her age, although it is not by any means an old age, the idea of a more stable existence seemed like a never-ending vacation in the Bahamas, even with the actual location being Ohio. Plus, with this particular job offer, she could be closer to her family which was also a lovely notion. And… the fact that she was being asked to teach said to Rachel that someone thought she was smart and accomplished, and that was just pretty awesome.

The more Rachel thought about it, the more she realized she wanted to go home. She wanted Chris to experience life outside the pollution, and the noise, and bustle of city life for something quieter and softer. She wanted to slow down. She also wanted the opportunity to use her experiences in a different way and impart her knowledge on others. She wanted this opportunity and she didn't even know it until it fell at her doorstep.

Rachel knew Chris would be upset. Livid. But, she wasn't expecting the horrendous guilt trip he tried to take her on. Saying that their household was a democracy and that making this decision without consulting him first was just unfair. Ha. He honestly thought that would work? First of all, as Rachel has informed Chris many times in the past, life isn't fair. Second, Rachel has tired her damndest to be the best possible mother to her son and the fact of the matter was that he was a minor and just had to keep his mouth shut. It was times like those that Chris reminded Rachel of his father. Not that she would ever tell Chris that. Not that Chris' father even knows he has a son.

Chris loved spending time out at the beach. The smell of the salt water, the heat of the sun, the chicks barely clothed. It really was one of the best creations on the planet. After he sets a date with the hot lifeguard, Chris and Jonah decided to get some FroYo and relax a little at the cottage before getting ready for their big evening ahead. Jonah's dad got the boys into some fancy party at some fancy club. The best way to cap off Chris' last week of freedom before he has to pack to leave. He only has a few weeks left, and only 72 more hours in the Hamptons.

As Chris and Jonah ate their Pinkberry near the window, watching the muff walk by, Chris scowled at the city-dweller, actor-jackass that walked through the door. Jesse St. James. There were very few people that Chris Berry hated, Andrew Carson who kissed Chris' girlfriend in 5th grade before Chris got the chance, is one of the only others to make that list, but Jessie St. James has kept the top spot since Chris was 13. His mother was directing a new play when Jessie St. James was invited to the opening night party. Jessie was talking to Chris' mom Rachel and being very aggressive. He could see his mom getting increasingly uncomfortable and upset. Chris had never seen his mother look like that before and the only time he had ever seen her like that since was when she was around Jessie. The Broadway Theater Community was small and Rachel and Jessie ran around in several of the same circles, which was a thought that infuriated Chris. He had never heard his mother's conversations with Jesse, but the few that he has witnessed in his life were some of his worst memories. Chris eye stalks the Broadway star as he gets his frozen yogurt. Jesse walks up to Chris on his way out the door.

"Well, if it isn't Christopher Berry. How's your mom?" Jesse says in a purposely snarky tone. Roughing Chris' feathers.

"Why do you care?" Chris retorts back.

"She's my friend."

"Really? She's never referred to you with that before. And I'm going to go to the bathroom now, because if I don't remove myself from the situation at the current moment there is a high likelihood that I will punch you in the face and I really don't want to be yelled at for making a scene. So good day." Chris finishes his lecture, stands straight up to stalk over the others with his 6'2" height, and walks into the restroom; leaving Jesse and Jonah alone.

"That boy is just like his father," comments Jesse to Jonah on his way out the door. Jonah finds it an odd thing to say considering Chris doesn't have a dad. Jonah contemplates the statement for about 3 nanoseconds until a few girls in very little clothing, still dam from the beach water, come walking in. Chris returns from the bathroom and takes in the sight as well.

"God, I love the summer," muses Jonah when Chris sits back down.

Later that afternoon, Jonah's father, Adam is working on his 1976 Chevy Camero and as Chris hands over a wrench to help. Adam knows that even though Rachel is a wonderful mother, Chris is seeking the guidance of a father, although Chris has never truly admitted it. It's the occasional random questions that Chris has asked, since Adam first met the young boy 10 years ago at Jonah's Little League practice, which helped Adam understand that Chris' need for a father figure. Someone to look up to. Adam didn't mind being that person to Chris, and Rachel always seemed very grateful towards it. Adam knew that Chris was more upset than he even let on about the fact that he was moving from one of the most exciting places in the world to grow up – leaving one of the best high schools in the country in the process by doing so – to move to the middle of America. Adam also understood that this experience might just be the thing Chris needs to grow up. Adam felt that Jonah needed an experience like this as well, but with how Adam and his wife shower Jonah with every opportunity, which may never happen. Adam knew that you couldn't be a perfect parent all the time.

As Chris yammers on about how enraged he is that Rachel is doing this to him, Adam simply says, "Chris, this is one of those moments where you have a choice on how to act, and how you behave in this moment, it distinguishes the boys from the men. You can act like a man and try to find the good, or you can act like someone who will never grow up, and take it as a punishment. It's your choice." And with that Adam walks away and Jonah comes outside to tell Chris that he's done and Chris can use the shower. Chris is left feeling dumbfounded, but still enjoys his lovely date at the fancy shindig, that ended in some very nice third base action, as he goes to bed that evening. When Chris left his Brooklyn Heights home a few days earlier, he saw that Rachel had packed up half the house already. He hasn't seen her so happy in quite some time. Chris knows he has to be a man.

Rachel composed an e-mail to her closest friends to let them know that she was moving back to Lima and that she had a new position. The first e-mail she receives back was from Quinn Puckerman letting her know that she was excited to have lunch with Man Hands as soon as she arrived in town. Then she received one from Finn, who was all the way across the pond in Europe, informing her that Carole was glad to hear this news.

Rachel spoke to Finn on occasion; now and then. They were able to a good relationship after all these years and she still considered Finn her best friend. Sixteen years ago Rachel never thought that was going to happen, when she got the prognosis that changed her life forever. So now as she reads this lovely e-mail updating her about Finn's life in another part of the world, with a great picture of the wonderful landscape he now called home, Rachel was slowing coming to terms with the fact that not telling him was probably the dumbest decision of her life.

It was an overcast Saturday when Quinn Fabray and Noah Puckerman made it official in front of nearly everyone they had ever met. It was a big, grand outdoor ceremony at a ranch about an hour away from Lima. The place had these lovely little cabins where everyone stayed. It was what Rachel Berry always imagined the real life Kellerman's to look like. After the lovely ceremony, Rachel sat with the rest of New Directions as they watched Quinn and Puck have their first dance as husband and wife. Rachel has never seen Puck smile so wide as he was at that moment. Rachel wanted that. She was sitting next Finn in a comfortable silence that had come with the friendship they had somehow formed despite the fact that they were no longer 'Finn and Rachel'.

After a few hours of food, conversation, and lots of champagne, Finn very politely asked Rachel, "You want to dance?"

As they walked out on to the dance floor, Finn took Rachel's hand and led her right to the middle and she felt as though every eye was on her. As the song changed to a soft rock classic, perfect for a slow dance with Finn, Rachel couldn't help but start to blush. Finn grabbed the small of her back and held Rachel close. With his arms wrapped around her body, Rachel melted into his embrace. She breathed in his masculine scent and smiled into his chest when she feels him do the same.

After a few more songs, the party was starting to die down. "You wanna get out of here? There is something I want to tell you," says Finn quietly into Rachel's ear.

"Yeah, let's go," she replied happily as they walked out of the party and towards the cabins. Several of the guests were doing the same, ending the night with the warm glow that radiated from the reception.

Finn had been working in Cincinnati with an Embassy program that brings people from all around the world to other parts of the world for school and work. Mainly kids at university. The organization had offices all around the world and Finn felt so lucky to get a job there after his internship Senior Year. He was a Human Services major and this was exactly what he wanted to do as a career. He would get an ear to ear grin just discussing his job and his employers seemed to like him as well. Rachel would do the same as well as she discussed her success as a music director for plays.

As Finn and Rachel walked into Rachel's room with a bottle of champagne they snatched up on their way out, Finn quickly closed the door behind them, excitement radiating from his body. "Rachel… I have big news," he says in an exhilarated whisper. She's sitting down on the side of the bed as Finn is leaning against the door.

"What's going on?" she questions, happily enjoying his company. Knowing he was thrilled about something.

"I'm getting promoted!" He says, nearly jumping out of his skin.

"Oh, my God! Finn! That's incredible!" She remarks, as she jumps off the bead and gives him a big hug.

"But Rachel, that's not even the incredible part…" Finn says as he unlocks their hold and puts his arms on her shoulders, finishing his sentence," the job's in Ireland. I'm moving to Ireland!" he exclaims.

"Ahhh!" is all that Rachel can think to say as she jumps right back into his body, wrapping her arms around his neck. "This is amazing news!"

"I know. And you're my best friend and I wanted to tell you first. I haven't even told my mom yet. I just found out Wednesday." Finn says into her shoulder.

"Finn, I am so happy for you! Congratulations!" she says with her head buried into his chest.

"I have to thank-you so much for this. I probably wouldn't have gotten into college if it wasn't for you. You've always believed in me and can't thank-you enough."

"You always believed in me, too..." Neither has left their embrace.

"You didn't need me. You always knew that you would be successful and having the time in your life in New York or Los Angeles or some other wonderful place…"

"That's not true." She murmurs into him and there is a warm silence. After a moment, Rachel lets go of Finn and says, "This calls for some more champagne."

"Yes," he agrees. Finn sits down on the side of the thick, luxurious linens as Rachel opens the bottle and starts to pour.

She walks over to him and hands him a glass filled with the sparkling elixir. "I really am so happy for you," she says and she stands between his knees, his long legs stretched out far from the bed.

"To new beginnings," Finn toasts as he raised his glass.

"To new beginnings," Rachel repeats as their glasses clink and they both take large sips.

She leans down and presses her forehead against his. Their noses touch gently. She takes a step back and looks down at him, running her fingers though his hair. He smiles shyly at her. Rachel sits down next to him and looks at him with wide eyes. The wide questioning eyes that he loves so much. The eyes that take away all rational thought. The eyes she had the day at the doctor's office when he told her that she had lots of great things about her besides her voice, and she asked 'like what' with those eyes, he couldn't answer.

They look at each other a little while longer, both nervous as to what might happen next. Will Finn go back to his cabin and bid Rachel goodnight? Would she kiss him? Would he kiss her? Would more than that happen? These were the questions filling up their minds as they sat and enjoyed the comfortable quiet. Both finished the last few drops of beverage in their glasses. Rachel gently takes Finn's glass from his hand and places it down on the nightstand with hers alongside it. She turns back towards facing him and gently touches his cheek. "I am so happy for all your success, Finn," she says quietly with earnest.

"I'm happy for you as well," he repeated, gently rubbing his fingertips against the forearm, wrist, and hand that were caressing his cheek. Their faces are inches apart as they both lean in an equal distance and kissed, letting their lips touch for the first time in such a long time. The familiarity of it is astounding. The energy that floats though them is the same as that first kiss on the McKinley stage. Both succumb to it, engrossed in the moment.

Rachel places her hands around Finn's neck and slowly leads him down on top of her. His hands are firmly around her waist as he accepts the invitation on lying on top of her. The formalwear wrinkling on their bodies. Finn gently kisses Rachel's neck as softly moans his name. At that, Finn brashly breaks apart from her, panting. 'I… I don't have a… I didn't think..." he says, barely able to catch his breath to finish the sentence. "Do you…?"

"No, I don't," she continues, "But its okay, I've been on the pill since we were seventeen." A very true proclamation.

He looks sternly into her eyes, "Are you sure? We don't have to do this."

"Yes, I'm sure. I want to be with you," she says before she leans up to continue kissing him. As his lips find their way back to place on her neck they just left, she whispers in his ear, "I want to feel you inside me." If it had been a few years earlier, Finn would have lost his load at that remark, but now he has had plenty of practice, most of which with the woman lying below him.

They made passionate love twice that night. Rachel got lost in the familiar feeling of the weight of his body on top of her, his gentle touches, his light musky sent. She couldn't get enough him. In the not-so-distant past, they had made love several times before. Sharing several firsts together. "You're my best friend, Rachel. I love you," Finn says seconds before they fall into sleep, as they lay in bed together.

"I love you, too, Finn. You are my best friend as well," she says returning the sentiment.

"Can you believe all that has happened to us? How lucky we are?" Finn asks his eyelids closing. Rachel doesn't even get to answer, as Finn has entered a comatose state. 'No, I can't' is the answer in her head as she dozes off as well. They made love one final time the morning after before everyone gathered for brunch. They both knew their lovemaking was goodbye.

A few weeks later Finn was on the plane to Europe to start his new life and Rachel was back in New York, slowly getting recognized for her work. Rachel had been seeing someone in New York before the wedding, nothing serious and they had only gone out a few times. When she came back from New York, there were a few more dates with him until both of them realized it wasn't worth much. Neither were 'feeling it'. It only took a few more weeks until Rachel started 'feeling' something completely different. When she went to Duane Reed, she purposely purchased the most expensive test they had with the digital read out of clear, English words. She also purchased three other tests from three different manufactures just to be sure. When all of them confirmed her suspicions, it still wasn't enough. When her doctor showed her the blinking light of the heartbeat on the little man growing inside her, Rachel felt a wave of unconditional love. She decided to keep him.

She couldn't tell Finn. If she did, she would destroy the opportunities he had work so hard for, in that moment she decided to do this alone.

Rachel saw another e-mail from Finn on Sunday that contained a picture that was the view from his apartment.

Hey Rach,

Once again I feel the need to discuss my joy about you moving back to Lima. Considering the fact every time I have asked you to come and visit me here in the past 16 years you have refused. And every time I have asked to visit you, you have come up with some lame excuse why you can't, I have think this might give us the opportunity to see each other once again. Despite the years, you are still my best friend and I miss you. Maybe we will finally see each other soon. And until then, I am sending you another photo of the wonderful landscape you keep on missing out on because you refuse to get your ass on a plane.

Later for now,


She reads the e-mail and leans her head down on her desk. Part of her hates the fact that she still loves him. A bigger part of her hates the fact that she's never told him.

Christopher bid Jonah goodbye and walked down the street from the subway to his brownstone. Reenacting his wonderful vacation at the beach over in his head. He saw that the 'For Sale' sign had been covered with a big, red 'SOLD' sticker. He stops in his tracks, the weight of his duffel digging the strap into his shoulder, and sighs. Despite his best efforts, Chris Berry, the perfect model of a city-raised kid, was moving to an Ohio suburb. Fuck.

A/N: Thanks again so much for reading. I want to get a new chapter up soon, but my computer might be going in to be repaired in the next few days. Please review and let me know what you think. Hopefully it will motivate me as it has in the past!