A/N: Hello all you readers out there! Yes, yes, yes ya'll! Here is yer another SOA story for your viewing pleasure, but this one will be a tad bit different. I've never done an Opie/OC story, so hopefully this will be a good one. Not explaining who everyone is, because we all know who they are! Right? Good. This will be AU and I'll be putting parts of the show and plus I'll add in my own twists and turns. So enjoy this and as always R&R kiddos!

P.S. I own NOTHING from Sons of Anarchy or the awesome song lyrics... just my OC's! Thanks!

Oh... and I can't say enough that... I FREAKING LOVE SOA!

...Chapter 1...

It was a warm Friday night in Phoenix, Arizona and Amanda Teller was out at the bar, because her boyfriend Joseph wanted her to meet his sister Jessica, but so far, they were an hour and a half late, so Amanda was on her fifth shot of Patron, and she was feeling a little buzzed.

A few minutes later, she spotted her best friend and roommate Holly, walking in. Amanda giggled as Holly shook her head, sitting down next to her. "Manda, what the hell are you doing?"

"Drinking some Patron... want some?" Amanda said, wiggling her eyebrows.

"In a minute." Holly put her purse down. "I thought you were supposed to be meeting Joseph and his sister?"

"Well, they're over an hour and a half late and I've been drinking here all by my lonesome."

"You know, you shouldn't be drinking."

"Yeah, well, I figure... fuck it." Amanda took another shot. "So calm down and have a few drinks with me."

"All right, fine." Holly nodded, then for the next twenty minutes Amanda and Holly were drinking a bunch of shots of Patron, and by that time, Amanda was drunk and Holly was on her way.

"Show me how it ends, it's alright. Show me how defenseless you really are, satisfied and empty inside. Well, that's alright, let's give this another try."

"Hey." Amanda started. "It's my brother."

"Where?" Holly looked around.

"He's in my phone." she giggled, digging into her purse, while Holly felt a little silly, actually looking around the bar for him. "Shh... wait." she pulled out her phone, but ended up dropping it. "Whoops." Amanda laughed out loud, making Holly laugh, then as Amanda grabbed it from the ground, she almost fell, but caught her balance, and pressed the talk button. "Um... Domino's Pizza, how can I help you tonight?" she giggled. "Is this for delivery or carry-out?"

"Um... Amanda?"

"Uh... Jax?"

"What? Hey, what are you doing?"

"Nothing much, Big Brother, what's going with you?"

"Wait... are you drunk?"

"What? Me? No, you're silly."

"Okay, the reason I called... guess what?"

"What is it, Jackson?"

"Opie's out of Chino." with those four words, Amanda felt like her world came crashing down, and she almost fell out of her seat. "Amanda, you there?"

"What?" Holly saw the weird look on her face. "What's wrong?"

"Um... Jax, let me, uh, call you back." then she hung up her phone and slowly looked up at Holly. "Opie got out of Chino."

"Shut up... seriously?" Amanda nodded. "Wow, your ex almost-baby daddy finally has his freedom."

Amanda took a deep breath. "Well, yeah... him nor Jax knows that it was Kyle's fault for making me lose the baby. Only you know about it, but I'm glad the club excommunicated that asshole." she shook her head and groaned. "You know what? Fuck Joseph! Let's go home... I need sleep."

"Of course, Sleeping Beauty, good idea." Holly nodded, paying for the drinks.

As Amanda and Holly were walking out, Joseph and Jessica were walking in. "Hey." Joseph grabbed Amanda's arm. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Leaving, I'm done waiting for you."

"You can't leave, we just got here."

Amanda laughed. "That's a bummer." she ripped her arm out of his grasp. "You were too little too late, goodbye." then she kept walking outside with Holly. Both of them decided to call a cab to go to the apartment. When they got there, both of them crashed for the rest of the night.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep

Amanda groaned. "It's too... too fucking early to be awake." she muttered, rolling over to smack her alarm clock, but missed it, almost falling out of her bed, not knowing how she got there in the first place. Seconds later, she heard a deep chuckle to her right, then her eyes shot open, and she threw her blankets off of her. "Jackson?" she blinked her eyes from the blinding sun, shining through her windows. "W-what are you doing here?"

"It's not early, it's ten am, and I told you last night... Ope's out."

Amanda groaned, again, as she sat up. "So, you came all the way over to my apartment, crossing the state lines to tell me this?"

"We were already in LA, half way here, when I called you."

"We?" her eyes widened. "Who exactly is we?"

"Me, Chibs, Hap, and Juice." he smirked.

"Oh." she nodded, covering her legs back up with her blankets. "So, why would I care that Opie is out?"

"Why wouldn't you?"

"Because Jax." she sighed. "Ope and I are ancient history and it's been that way since he's been with Donna."

Jax sat down on the bed. "If I remember correctly... you two were together before way before Donna came into the picture and about three or so months, while him and Donna were seperated, before he went to Chino, he was messing around with you."

"And after he went into Chino is when I lost the baby, because of Kyle." she thought to herself, looking down, then shrugged. "Like I said, ancient history." she looked back up at Jax. "What are the guys doing?"

"Talking to Holly."

"Okay, get out."


"So I can get dressed."

Jax stood up. "Fine, but hurry up." he said, walking out of her room.

"Is she not coming out?" Holly asked, taking a drink of her coffee.

"She needs to get dressed." Jax sat back down on the recliner. "So where were you two last night?"

"At the bar." Holly laughed. "Manda was supposed to meet Joseph's sister, but they were late, and we were a little smashed, by the time they did show up."

"Who's Joseph?" Happy asked, playing with his knife.

"Her boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" Juice repeated.

"Yeah, but he's an ass, and she needs to leave him."

"Why, Love?"

Holly looked over at Chibs. "Because he's mean to her and treats her like shit on a regular basis."

Happy frowned. "Has he hurt her?"

"Not that I've seen, but he has grabbed her a few times, and the way we left the bar last night, Joseph looked beyond pissed." Holly shrugged. "But who knows, I still think he's an ass." seconds later, Holly saw a truck pulling up. "Speak of the devil, he's here." all four of the guys got up and looked out the window to see what this guy looked like, then as Joseph got closer to the door, they sat back down, acting casual, as the door opened.

"Holly." Joseph started, then saw four strange men in the livingroom with her. "Who the hell are you? And what are you doing in my girlfriends apartment?"

Happy smirked, still playing with his knife. "We're here to kidnap the girls." Chibs and Juice tried hard not to laugh, but it was damn near impossible, since Holly was laughing her ass off.

"I don't care who you are... y-you guys need to leave." Joseph demanded.

Jax stood up and got into his face. "Or what, Junior?"

Joseph swallowed hard as Amanda walked out of her room, seeing her brother toe to toe with her boyfriend. "What's going on?" she asked.

"These guys came to kidnap you." Joseph said, not looking away from the man in front of him, who was smirking.

"What?" Amanda laughed. "Kidnap me?"

"What the hell is so funny?"

"Well, Joseph, first of all... that's my brother Jax." she pulled on Jax's cut to get him out of Joseph's face. "It's okay, Babe, I know these guys."

Joseph frowned, then grabbed Amanda's arm. "We need to talk." he pulled her into her room and slammed the door. "What the fuck is wrong with you lately?" he asked, shoving her onto the bed.

"What are you talking about?"

"Last night and now this."

"Well, you were late, so I made the best of it, and got drunk with Holly." she got off the bed and stood up. "As for the guys... I didn't know my brother was coming to visit me."

"Well, they need to leave."

"Excuse me?" Amanda scoffed. "That's my family out there and I ain't telling them to leave, they can stay as long as they want to... it's my damn apartment."


Amanda quickly grabbed her cheek in pain as she tasted blood, and in shock that Joseph would actually hit her. He got into her face and pointed his finger at her. "Now, get them the fuck out of here."

She slowly nodded, then walked out of her room with her head down. "Asshole, you done fucked up." she thought to herself, then looked up at everyone. "Hey."

"Manda!" Holly yelled. "What the hell happened?"

The guys went up to Amanda and looked at the bruise forming on her cheek and Jax was pissed. "Did that motherfucker just hit you?"

"Yeah, he did." she nodded. "And he wanted me to tell you all to leave." Happy growled, charging into Amanda's room first, followed by Jax, Chibs, and Juice, slamming her bedroom door behind them. "Uh, Holls, I think that's our cue to exit this place and pack."

"I agree."

"Let's go pack your shit first, then I'll go pack mine."

"All right... I don't want to be here anymore anyway." Holly laughed, then both of them went into Holly's room.

By the time Holly was done packing, her and Amanda walked out into the livingroom and saw Joseph, beat up on the floor, groaning. Amanda looked up at the guys. "Um... thanks for that." she nodded. "Now, I have to pack."

"So you're coming with us?"

"Yes, Jax... but I'm driving my car."

"Fair enough." he smiled. "Just hurry up."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." she waved her arm and went into her room.

Amanda went into her closet and pulled out her suitcases and duffle bags, then packed all her clothes, shoes, and whatever else she would need, since she didn't know how long she'd be gone.

Five minutes later, she heard a familiar voice by the door. "Need any help?"

Her eyes widened as she slowly looked over. "Ope? W-what are you doing here?"

"Like Hap said... we're kidnapping you." he said, smiling at her.

A/N: Okay peeps! That was chapter one and I hoped you all enjoyed it! Don't forget that this is AU and I'm hoping it will be great! Also, don't forget to R&R!