"Browning, it was Browning," Arthur whispered, fear gnawing at his gut at naming his… his, well the man responsible for Arthur's new reactions to the world.

Exhausted, bag-ridden eyes went unfocused as Arthur begun to sway as if in a trance, watching a private movie that only he could see. Flashes of hands, and mocking laughter followed.

Arthur wasn't aware his legs have collapsed under him until Eames's arms were around him, and he was brought back by the scrapping of a chair being pushed over to him by Ariadne, Robert on her heels with a glass of water.

Ariadne and Robert moved as a unit. Ariadne helping Eames put Arthur in the chair, while Robert, on the other side, gently pushed water into trembling hands. It's then that Arthur realized that Robert was just as shook up.

It was the second time his uncle, the man that he loved growing up, had betrayed him.

The first had been after the announcement that Robert was breaking up his father's company. The shutting down had not gone well. People on all sides of the fence of the business doing everything they could to sabotage Robert and his efforts. When Saito, who had been monitoring the company, learned about the two failed attempts of murder on Robert's life, he had stepped in.

Saito, had met with Robert in secret saying that he could help protect him, only to have Robert turn him down. Saito had not been deterred and had men follow Robert secretly as he went digging to see if there were plans for any more hits.

Saito had been suspicious about how quiet Browning had been considering what he stood to loose, so Saito was not surprised when he learned that Browning had been behind one of the two attempts on Robert's life and intended to try again.

When Browning had learned about Robert's new intentions, he had done everything under the sun to try and get him to reconsider all the while planning Robert's murder. When his plans had changed he had moved the date up to use Robert's death as a way to keep the company together.

Saito had been beyond furious, and had done the only thing that could be done; he had gone to warn Robert, who had not believed him. Two days later Saito had nearly failed and Robert had almost been killed, but they had arrived just in the nick of time. Saito and his men had executed every member of the hit team before whisking Robert off to Japan.

It was there, with Robert reeling from the betrayal of his only family, that they had fallen in love, Saito had been enamored with the lost American who just wanted a place to call home again. Saito had been more than happy to provide that place in his arms.

Saito had not known he could be so happy as he was with Robert, they could talk for hours about work, and Saito could vent knowing his lover truly understood. They loved to do the same things, Robert was everything that had been missing from Saito's life.

Robert's eyes found Saito's and Saito growled, wishing he had killed Browning when he had almost destroyed his lover. He had not because Robert had pleaded for his life and Saito had given it.

"Beloved," Saito began only to have Robert shake his head.

"I know, I know." Robert turned to Arthur and sighed, this was his entire fault, if he had just allowed Saito to kill him.

"Stop, right now this is not your fault Robert." Saito pulled Robert up on his feet.

"If I had let you kill him, Arthur wouldn't have been hurt. It's entirely my fault." Robert blinked rapidly, his heart feeling like it had the day his father had died.

'Disappointed' his father's voice rang in his ear.

"This isn't your fault… I got sloppy, I wasn't paying attention." Arthur said quietly.

Robert shook his head no, not believing it. Why did he have nothing but monsters in his family? His mother, a raging drunk, had killed herself with pills, hence his father's "Robert there is really nothing left to say" speech the day of the funeral.

His father had been an unemotional guardian, expecting that Robert would just follow in his footsteps even though all Robert had ever wanted to do was paint. And his uncle, his once beloved uncle was a rapist and a murder.

Robert felt empty, hollow, and numb. He was responsible for this, he could forgive his uncle hurting him, as it was a trend in their family, but to hurt an innocent person, it was unforgivable.

"Eames, I know that you're going to kill him, but I will also accept any punishment you deem fit for the crime committed by my family." Robert spat the last word even as pain flashed across his face.

The room went dead silent. Saito growled wishing that his lover would be a little selfish. He did understand even if he did not agree with it, family honor, no matter on what terms, was the foundation of a lot of family businesses. Whether or not Robert had been part of Browning's acts, they still had ties that went beyond blood.

Arthur turned to look at Eames with a look that said 'If you hurt him, I will kill you.' Eames ignored it going to stand in front of Robert understanding the situation.

"Kneel" Eames said, and Saito gave a little growl and started towards them only to be stopped by Dom, who shook his head. Dom knew that Eames would do nothing to harm Robert, they were all aware of how fragile Robert was without the identity of his father's company.

Robert fell to his knees and Eames began, "you'll accept any punishment I give you?"

Robert nodded, "then your punishment is to forgive yourself, because you are not responsible for what your uncle has done. "

Eames ruffled his hair, something that annoyed Robert just as much as it did Arthur.

Eames gave a strained smiled, "you're uncle has much to answer for, Robert, for his crimes against Arthur and his crimes against you. Saito and I are going to kill him. I'm sorry but he's crossed a line and there can be no forgiveness."

Robert nodded, as Eames held out a hand to help Robert up.

"You did not do these things Robert, you have no reason to feel guilty."

Robert shook his head, "I'm sorry, I just... my uncle, my uncle, God I'm so sorry."

Robert turned and ran, going towards the stairs that lead to the basement of the warehouse.

Saito sighed, "I should have killed him when I had the chance, I am sorry Arthur, Eames, if you feel someone else needs to be punished let it be me." Saito gave a bow of apology.

"It is my fault that man is still breathing." Saito turned and went after his lover leaving the five behind to ponder how to go forward.

Eames turned back to look at Arthur as he massaged his temple.

"Darling?" Eames questioned replacing Arthur's hands with his own as he directed Arthur to sit again.

Eames watched as Arthur flinched before slowly relaxing into the chair as Eames worked magic on the headache that had brewed from all the tension in the warehouse.

"I'm fine," Arthur, said, his new answer for everything.

Arthur was exhausted, and his eyes closed of their own accord. Eames looked at Cobb, and Cobb nodded taking Yusuf and Ariadne and leaving the room.

"Darling, I'm taking you back to the hotel come on." Eames helped Arthur up even as he began to protest.

"No, we have a job to do, just because I" Arthur trailed off starting to fight Eames.

"Just because you're what? Hurt? Trying to shut us out? You what? Damn it Arthur that man attacked you and you couldn't even tell me? Why? Do you really hate me that much?"

Arthur froze, and Eames swore hoping he hadn't scared Arthur, he had shouted that last question.

"No, I trust you, I just don't trust your anger, we have a job to do we can not afford to be distracted." Arthur tried to reason with Eames, which only made him madder.

"Fuck the job, fuck everything but the fact that you are hurt, and you couldn't come to me, am I really that undependable?" The hurt ringing in Eames's question was like a sucker punch to the gut.

"What are you talking about? I didn't tell you because I didn't want to hurt you. You don't think I don't know how you feel about me? Or how I feel about you?"

Arthur turned in Eames's arms to inhale the scent of sandalwood and oranges, "I didn't want you to feel guilty."

Eames's arms tightened around Arthur, and Arthur winced, he had not meant to say that, "why would I feel guilty darling?"

Arthur squirmed, trying to move away from Eames, from the memories, but Eames wanted answers, and was not going to let Arthur go until he had them, and even then he wasn't going to let go.

"I took your place." Arthur finally whispered, and Eames growled, knowing exactly what Arthur was referring too, it had been almost six months ago, when they had a job.

Eames had suppose to have been the one in with Cobb but had caught the flu, and Arthur had made a new plan and became the distraction that Eames was suppose to have been while Dom extracted the information they needed.

But it didn't make sense, Arthur had been fine after the job, had taken his paycheck, and disappeared the same day and Cobb and him. He had seemed fine, a little more aware of his surrounding, but still Arthur.

But what did Eames really know; he had not seen for two months after that, what had Arthur been through alone, without someone to lean on.

"Arthur did it happen then?" Eames stared into Arthur's eyes, waiting to see if Arthur would lie to him.

"No it happened three months later, he… he set up a meeting time and place, I had to go… to protect you all." Arthur's whisper was full of pain and Eames allowed the subject to be for the moment, there would be time later to get it out of Browning before he died.

Eames just held Arthur, his lips occasionally brushing against a cheek or his forehead, and Arthur held back, feeling lighter.