It was cold when he was away, and Falkner hated the cold. He hated the feeling of not being able to breathe and the goose pimples that marred his skin and the stark loneliness the cold brought along. So when the electricity went out in Violet City because of a snowstorm, and Morty wasn't there to comfort and warm Falkner, the flying-type trainer sat in his gym, alone and shivering. Morty had only left an hour earlier, but it was already too long and Falkner didn't ever want the calm, cool and collected trainer to ever leave his side. However, duty called and Falkner wasn't included.

Falkner glanced at his arms; they were bumpy and shaking. His teeth chattered and his legs quivered. The cold began to reach his bones. Slowly, he stood, rubbing at himself for warmth that he knew wouldn't come. He was going to just pace around and hope that the movement would warm him, but he stopped as he noticed a pile of purple in the far corner of the cold room. His eyes squinted against the darkness, trying to determine what it was. Falkner walked over and picked it up.

Soft, familiar fabric brushed against his palms and Falkner sighed into the frigid room, breath clouding and curling around. Morty had left his scarf in the gym, and for some reason, it was still heated as if Morty had only just left it there a second before. Falkner lifted it to his cheek, rubbing his face against it gently, inhaling Morty's unique scent. A small smile grew on his face as he realized Morty could keep him warm even if he was far away.

And that was good enough for Falkner.

Author's rants: First HonorShipping story/drabble/thing ever! So, how did I do?
In case you're wondering, the photo that was my inspiration and muse for this is located here: http:/bluewolfie17(.)deviantart(.)com/art/Honor-Scarf-Snuggle-155781384?q
Please review and tell me what you liked/hated/loved/wanted to improve on. c: