It is not worth it anymore. He has nothing left. Voldemort can have this world as far as he cares, because he can not take it anymore. All this time he has been living a lie created by Dumbledore to make him the perfect weapon. His so called friends are just paid lackeys, who want to get his family inheritance. Ginevra, who was the girl of his dreams, is just a gold-digging whore after his money.
He is getting them all back.
He is going to leave them all.
Now that Dumbledore is dead, they look to him for answers. He is leaving.
Every one that ever cared for him his dead, his mother was killed by Dumbledore, Sirius was killed by Bellatrix, and Hedwig was killed by Vernon.
He is going to get payback, but he wont be here to see it.
The Potters aren't even his biological parents.
He stepped into the circle, for the ritual.
"Take me to a place where I may find my father,
A place where the wild is still wild,
Tame and tame,
Free to dream, and away from wizards and Witches," He said before a bright light surrounded him. He was leaving this plane. He is never coming back.
"Lord Voldemort," said a Goblin walking into his house with a suitcase.
"What do you want," Voldemort demanded at him.
"I am here to inform you of the last will and testament of Harold James Potter," said the Goblin before sat up quickly in his chair.
"How did he die," demanded Voldemort in anger.
"It appears he found out that the Potter's weren't his parents and he slit his throat. He was a friend to the goblin nation," said the Goblin before Voldemort mention for him to continue.
"Mr. Potter has left everything of the Potter, Black, and Le Fay vaults between three people. With each person he has left certain instructions. Since all three of them were here, I came here," said the Goblin before Voldemort raised an eyebrow.
"Here,' said the Goblin before setting down a Diamond like stone. He tapped it twice and a holographic Harry Potter stood in the room.
"I am here to do my Last Will and Testament. My name is Harold James Potter but I was born as Kyuubi the 10th. Dumbledore stole me aftyer killing my mother. I am killing my human body so i may continue on to find my father," started harry before turning to one of the Deatheaters. Voldemort waved his hand and the deatheater removed his mask. Draco Malfoy stared at the hologram.
"Dear Draco, you were the only Person besides Voldemort to speak the truth to me. For that you are one of the people that will get 1/3 of my inheritance if You take All the Wealsey's money, even the hidden vaults they don't know about. Then use the bond they broke with my line, and make them into slaves. There are only two Weasleys I want you to spare. Fred and George have been trying to find a way to get with you for years, so go make lots of Kids and don't become poor," said Harry smiling at him.
"That I will," said Draco as a blush came across his face.
Harry turned to another deatheater, which happened to be Severus Snape.
"Severus Snape, Lily loved you with all her heart. She was going to propose to you but James Potter raped her after you took her virginity. He thought he was stealing her precious flower. Lily Evan did give birth to a child, a little girl, who became known as Hermione Granger. I want you to tell her and take her in. She is going to be raped by Ronald soon if you don't. She knows she is not a Granger and she is still trying to find her family. That is the only reason she was sorted into Gryffindor, she was using everyone to find her parents. Dumbledore used her as my guard but she returned every cent she got, even though it angered her muggle adopted parents. They have not treated her well. Also she has has a crush on Blaise Zabini. Treat her well, or I will return and hurt you," said Harry with a smile that scared Severus.
"That I will," Severus said bowing to the Holo.
Finally, Harry turned to look at Voldemort.
"Voldemort, I used to hate you but I want you to rule this world. Just don't be so vicious to your Deatheaters and stop screaming, sometimes, it is hard to hear you. Do me a favor and kill certain people, The Dursley family, Bellatrix Lestrange, and kill Rita is all I ask," said Harry smiling at Voldemort before the holo vanished.
"That I will," said Voldemort before the Goblin pulled out three rings. He gave one to each of them before leaving.
Harry landed on a soft path of grass. He stood and walked around to a pond. He his long black hair with reddish-orange streaks. On top of his head is black fox ears with both of them having one red streak going straight down.
Standing, he looked behind him to see 10 tails, red fox tails. Looking down, he is almost starkers except of a pair of Boxers.
He needed cloths.
He gasped as he was suddenly trapped by vines. They wrapped around him and he felt them merging.
Within a minute, he has on black pants, a black trench coat, and a bandanna. He had no weapons on him but he somehow knew that he had to hide his tails, so using Fox magic, they became a large tattoo on his back.
"You there," he heard before looking up at the tree.
He saw a man in a mask standing in front of him.
"Hello," he said smiling at the masked man with silver hair.
"Who are you," demanded the silver haired man.
"My name is," started Harry before something told to him not to mention the name Kyuubi.
"My name is Harry," he said smiling at the man.
"How did you get here," demanded the man again.
"I have no Idea, I was walking around my house and then I know I wake up out here. Can you tell me where I am," asked harry as he stared at the man.
"Konoha," said the silver haired man.
"Never heard of it. Do mind if I stay here a few days, I am looking for my father," said Harry before the man stared at him shocked.
"Your father," asked the man.
"Yes, he was seen around this area. I didn't know there was a town here,' said Harry honestly before the man sighed.
"What is your name," asked Harry with an innocent look.
"Kakashi," sai8d the man before starting to walk away.
They came to a huge wooden gate.
"It appears this traveler was robed of his papers most of his belongings," said Kakashi to a man with a scared face. Harry came up to the men.
"What is your name," he asked with a smile.
"Ibiki," said the man with a grunt.
"You have recently killed someone, a women," said Harry with a sad smile.
"How do you know that," demanded Ibiki at he pulled out a kunai.
"You reek of death and torture. A males blood scent is different then a females. You better be careful, low class demons love the smell of death," said Harry smiling at him before Ibiki had him pinned against the wall.
"Start talking now," demanded Ibiki as Kakashi was ready to attack him.
"My grandfather was of demon descent and left several scroll of about demons," said Harry casually, he is not lying but not telling the complete truth.
Ibiki could tell the boy was not lying.
"So you are here to search for your father," asked Ibiki before Harry nodded.
"How long will you stay," demanded Ibiki looking over him.
"That depends if I dig something up," said Harry casually before Ibiki nodded.
"I will allow you entrance but don't trying to do anything with the Chunin exams,' said Ibiki before releasing him.
"One question, what is a Chunin," asked Harry before the were both looking at him shocked.
"You don't even know about Shinobi," asked Kakashi before Harry shook his head.
"I'll explain it while we get something to eat," said Kakashi as the gates opened. He lead Harry into Konoha telling him about ninja system.
Harry walked into the Konoha library to see a women giving him a ugly smile. Some humans are so hideous.
"Can I help you with anything," asked the hideous women at him.
"I heard that the Kyuubi attacked you several years ago, I was wondering if you had anything about that," he said smiling before the Lady froze in shock as he looked around at the scrolls. he knew she snapped out her daze before pulling a scroll.
"Here you go," she said handing it to him.
"Thank you," he said with a smile, that melted her heart.
He opened it and looked at it. It has a picture of his father in his beast form attacking the village.
Kyuubi was killed by the fourth Hokage, who lost his life in battle.
Harry froze before reading it again.
Didn't Papa tell me to never attack a ninja village. Why would he attack a ninja village? Oh no, he didn't. Papa was going to kill himself. He was attacking so they would kill him.
Harry closed the scroll, walked out of the library and to the nearest park.
He sat down beneath a tree and started to cry.
Anko was watching the boy Ibiki was worried about. He has never done one thing suspicious. She watched him go into the Library, ask the librarian for a scroll. The Librarian was shocked, this raised alarms.
The librarian gave him the scroll.
The man sat staring at the scroll for half an hour before reading the scroll. He seemed shocked before closing the scroll. Her eyes widened as she saw the name Kyuubi.
The suspect walked to the nearest park, sat beneath a large tree and started crying.
Ibiki said the man was coming to look for his father.
What does Kyuubi have to do with his father. Maybe is one of the man that died.
She watched him cry himself to sleep.
Something just felt wrong, like when someone just loved one.
She is going to find out what this man knows about Kyuubi.
However, right now she is going to have to turn in her report.
Sarutobi looked at the report from Anko. This man named Hari is researching Kyuubi. This is not good. However why would this man cry over a fallen demon.
Something makes him feel like something very wrong happened.
He is going to find out...later. Right now he has time to read Icha Icha Paradise.
A knock was heard from the door.
Damn it, so close!
Harry woke beneath the tree. He stood and looked at the play ground.
He saw a little boy being picked on by a boy in a black outfit.
"Release the boy,' he said coming beside the man.
"Why should I," demanded the boy.
"Let him go," he heard before a boy in orange and a girl in pink were beside him.
Then he smelt it, his father's scent.
It is not the time to be distracted.
"Release the boy, or you will not live to regret it," Harry said with enough malice, the boy dropped the kid, who ran to him.
"Who are you," said a boy with red hair.
"My name is Harold and please tell Lord Shukaku that little red says hi," said harry before walking away from the shocked red head.
Shukaku looked at the retreating Fox demon.
"Boy, don't you dare harm him at all," said Shukaku to his host.
"Why," thought Gaara.
"That boy is not human and is extremely powerful. I don't want to die," said Shukaku before realizing he doesn't want to kill anything. Little Red broke the berserker seal on him.
"Shukaku, why aren't you demanding," asked Gaara shyly.
"The seal that made me insane broke and now I am going to train you," said Shukaku before giving a wicked smile.
Gaara felt like he was going to be in a world of pain.
Naruto ran up to the man.
"Hello, what is your name," he asked to man without his loud voice.
"My name is Harry. Who are you," asked the man.
"I'm Naruto and I wanted to thank you for saving my friend. Can I buy you lunch," asked Naruto before the man gave a heart warming smile.
"Very well," he sad before his smile turned sad as they Ichiraku Ramen Bar.
"What's Wrong," asked Naruto looking at him.
"My dad used to make me Ramen. I just found out he died here," said Harry with a sad look.
"This is all I can afford,' said Naruto before Harry noticed he was lying but he didn't say anything.
"Some Miso Ramen," Naruto said smiling before two bowls were brought out. As soon as they were out Harry and Naruto began to eat really fast. Everyone that walked by stared them them.
"How can they eat like that," asked a women looking at them.
Harry sat back with a full stomach. He looked at Naruto again before it hit him. His father is sealed. He saw it slightly when Naruto patted his belly and his shirt slightly came up. He is not human so he can see without Chakra forcing it to be seen.
"That was good,' he said before Naruto pulled out money. He grabbed his arm. Grabbing out ten gold coins.
" I know this may be much, but I believe you deserve it,' said Harry as he handed the gold coins.
"I can't take this," said the owner.
"Many bowls of Ramen will this buy," asked harry before the man'd daughter counted it up.
"1,000 ore bowls of Ramen," she said.
"Then this will pay for the next 1,000 bowls Naruto-kun will eat here," said Harry before the owner nodded at him.
The owner looked at him again before smiling and said," that is very nice for you to do."
Harry turn to Naruto smiling at him.
"Are you okay," asked Naruto before Harry picked up.
"I am very happy now. Naruto, thank you for giving me the will to live again," said Harry before setting him down. He started to walk away.
"Hey Harry, will you come watch me while I take the Chunin exams," asked Naruto with puppy eyes,
"I wouldn't miss it for the world," said Harry before vanishing.