A/N: Hey guys! I'm backā€¦.no month wait this time! I'm getting into the swing of things now. I'm in a good place and I feel so good about my writing.

My Tsunami Piece is also going to be my next wolf pack story. It's Paul/Bella and it's called Chasing the Swan. If you review this chapter, I'll send you a teaser!

I have a kickass beta now-KareBear1965 check her stuff out!

I'm on twitter now- princessxoamber

And on Facebook Princess Amber Fanfiction

I'm working on tons of contest stuff, so I won't tell you which ones, but check out www(dot)thetwilightawards(dot)com and check out all the contests on there. And vote when the time comes!

Previously on The Dream Catcher:

"Can I talk to you?" he asked shifting on his feet nervously.

"As a friend, as my sister's boyfriend, or as my pack mate?" I inquired wondering which way the conversation was going to go.

"Um, as my Alpha, girlfriend's brother, and my friend," he sighed, "Do you think that I should ask Rach to marry me before this battle?"

"Are you asking me when you should propose to my sister?" I was shocked, "That's on you dude, yeah I want to be around for the wedding and all, but I wouldn't ask you guys to wait for me."

Paul's eyes went wide, "Oh shit I didn't even think, Jake, I'm sorry. I didn't even think."

"It's fine, really." I patted his shoulder and started looking around for Bella. She would make me feel better. She could always make me alright. As if she knew what I was thinking, Bella turned to me and smiled. She excused herself from the conversation with the girls and made her way towards me.

"Wanna go for a walk?" She asked, and I was happy to get away for a while. "We're going to be fine Jake. We have to be."

I didn't say anything, but I hoped she was right. Suddenly time was moving way too fast for my liking, and I just wanted it to stop. I had so many things going on that I was sure I was going to lose my mind if I didn't catch a break. I held my wife's hand as we walked and just reveled in having her, for the time being, and had to stop myself from asking how much longer I would actually have her.

Chapter 18:

Bella POV:

Recently, we've all gone back to school, and things are just crazy there. Sure we all are doing fairly well, but the rumor mill was in full swing. Somehow it was already known throughout the school that I was pregnant; add in that Brady and Collin were signed over to us now, and the always running gang rumors. We were the most talked about, subject in school.

When the weekend came, my mother corned me and told me I had to go shopping. She said my bump was starting to really show and that I couldn't just wear Jake's clothes anymore and needed to get my own maternity clothes. She also said something about picking up a few outfits for her grandson.

Between school and practices with the Cullen's after school, the pack had somehow built the extension on the house and got Brady and Collin all moved in. The Cullen's were kind enough to buy all the furniture for the baby's room. While I was shopping with my mom (and bringing all the girls with me) the boys were going to set everything up.

We all met at my mom's house and drove in her new car, courtesy of Police Chief Swan. After her wreck, he bought her a giant crossover thing, it had tons of room, and if she was hit again, the car would help keep her safe. Jake was apprehensive about sending me without too much wolf protection, but I told him that Leah was coming, and she'd know if something was wrong. He wanted at least Brady to come with us, but I told him the boys needed to set up their room together.

Bonnie, drove to Port Angeles, and we walked to the one baby store they had. I found all kinds of boy's outfits and fell in love. Then I got really scared when I saw how small they were. I found bedding set with wolves on it, and knew we had to get it. Bonnie nodded her head and giggled at me.

The girls found lots of maternity clothes that they said were cute and adorable and made me try all of them on. I did my own little modeling for them, and they cheered when my bump was on display.

When I tried on an actual dress, Angela squealed and exclaimed, "Oh Bella, Jake is going to jump you when he sees this!"

I got enough clothes to last me throughout my whole pregnancy, and we ran off for lunch. As we sat around the girls decided it was time to find out more about my dreams. Angela was the first to ask if I'd seen anything about her. I tried to tell her that I didn't see everything that happened with the pack, and that she would be better off asking Alice, but she wanted to know anyway.

I had seen little snippets of Embry and Angela, and they scared me. Sometimes they were alone, sometimes they were together, but they were fighting. Before I answered her, I asked, "Angie what's your plans after school?"

"College of course," She shrugged like it was nothing but the girls and I all let out a collective gasp.

"That explains it," I said slowly.

"Explains what?" Angela asked.

"Why I see you and Embry alone, or why I see you guys fighting," I replied sadly.

"You mean I can't go?" She looked around at all of us, and our faces must have given us away, but Emily came to the rescue with an answer.

"Angie, you should talk to Embry about this." Then Emily turned toward me, "Hey you remember when you said Sam, and I, were going to have a little girl, I was wondering if you knew when, or how old your baby was when it happened."

I just stared at her a long time before my eyes started to tear up a little, "I really don't know Emily. I wasn't really paying attention to them then. I was so angry."

"It's okay Bella that just means that Sam will be okay after this fight, right? That's a good thing." Emily started and then started to apologize, "I'm sorry Bella, I'm sure Jake will be fine."

I put my hand up to stop, her, and we called it a day. Kim and I didn't get to have too much time alone, and I made a note to find some alone time for the two of us. On our drive home Carlisle called and asked me to set up a time soon for him to check out the baby and me. I told him our plans for the day, and he asked that I come by the next day. I was kind of excited to see the baby for real, the first ultrasound I was passed out for, so I didn't get to see him move.

I was excited to get home and see what the boys had gotten accomplished throughout the day.

Jacob POV:

Today I was setting up my son's bedroom. It was a surreal experience and one I was enjoying thoroughly. The whole pack was here, helping to set everything up and move Brady and Collin's stuff into their room. I wanted Brady and Collin to go shopping with the girls. Bella fought me on it, so I suggested just Brady, and again she shot me down, telling me that the boys needed to set up their room. I caved, of course, and off she went with just the girls, at least Leah was with them.

The Cullen's bought most of the furniture for the baby's room, crib, two dressers, and some changing table thing. As I stood in the room with all the boxes, I realized something was missing from the walls.

I looked over at Seth, who was sketching in his notebook and called him over. "Seth, can you paint like you draw?"

He looked at me, then the walls, then his notebook, and a giant smile grew on his face. "I have the perfect idea."

Seth ushered us out of the room, enlisting the help of Kala and Koda, and we went down to the kitchen to scrounge up something to eat. Bella had, of course, pre-made sandwiches for us, and had a giant bowl of fruit salad with a sticky note that had a heart on it. Kima was kind of hanging toward the edges, never really engaging anyone, just observing. The others paired off in their usual groups. Quil, Alex, and Nate were battling on the game system in the living room, Brady and Collin were showing Embry and Paul their room, Sam, Jared, and Zahn were huddled at the table looking at a battle plan that Jasper had given us the other day.

I joined the boys in their room and observed the little things they had done to make it their own. They had two twin beds separated by a nightstand, and on that nightstand was a picture of the two of them with Bella in between. All three of them had giant smiles on their faces, and I would love to see them like that all the time. There were posters of cars, and movies all over the walls, it looked like the perfect room for two young teenage boys. They were happy about it and showing it off. Embry caught my eye and nodded toward the outside. I followed him outside, and we sat on the front porch.

"Angie's going to school," he started, "in Seattle."

My head whipped around at him and my mouth gapped like a fish, "What, why? How can she? You told her what it'll be like right?"

"I don't think she even understands what will be happening with Bells, by the time she leaves, there's no way I'm going to be able to help Angie settle in, when Bells is here with a newborn baby and no you to help her." His hands went to his hair, and he tugged at the ends in frustration.

"You know if I had a choice, it wouldn't be this." I assured my brother-in-law.

Kima's voice made both of us jump as he spoke, "But almighty Alpha, you do have a choice. We can all be happy. I'll imprint, you and Bells will have the perfect baby, and it will be utopia."

"For how long though Kima?" I glared at him, "I'm not willing to risk Bells, or the baby, for whatever guidance the spirits think I need."

"But you'll end my life for them?" He countered.

"Without a doubt." My answer was simple, and I would stick to it.

"Then maybe you do deserve her." He walked away and I began to worry about him for the battle. Too many things relied on Kima, and I didn't like it.

I looked at Embry and he shrugged, probably as confused as I was, and then glared at the ground. "How am I going to do this Jake? Especially without you. You've always been there for me."

I clasped him on the shoulder, "We'll figure it out, Em. It's going to happen for a reason. The spirit's have something they want done, and unfortunately, we have to deal with all this."

He nodded and picked at the strings hanging from his shorts, "I'll take good care of them Jake. She's my sister, my twin, and I won't let anything happen to her."

"I know you won't and I'm thankful for it. I'm just worried," I sighed before continuing, "It's just so much that I'm going to miss. I mean what is so important for the spirits that I miss the birth of my first son?"

"I don't know man; I just hope you come back from it okay." Embry stood and moved to go inside, "I think Paul wants to talk to you, he's pacing in your living room."

"Send him out." I felt like Alpha shrink today and I really just wanted to see what Seth was working on.

Paul stood on the ground, not even bothering to sit next to me, so he must be serious. "Alpha, I am requesting an audience at the next council meeting. I know there will be a meeting to decide what to do with Joshua Uley, and I would like just a moment of the council's time."

I felt a big smile come across my face, then coughed into my hand and put my Alpha mask on, "For what Paul?"

"I want to ask you sister to marry me. The only thing is, I want to do it for Valentine's Day, so I want the council's time without the imprints." Paul looked up from the ground to meet my eyes for a brief moment then they met the ground again.

"You know my imprint will always be present correct?" I loved messing with him and this was the most opportune moment to do it.

"As long as she can keep a secret," he responded, and I gave him a small growl.

"You speak ill of my imprint?" He jumped from my Alpha voice, and I busted out into a fit of laughter. "Oh Paul, it's fine. Yes I will grant you an audience with Elders, without the imprints."

"Hey Jake, I was thinking. We could all give our girls a special pre-Valentine's Day date, because you know, everyone thinks that this thing is gonna happen that day or right before, so I think we should give them a romantic day right now, but if you don't think it's a good idea, then we can forget, but that's how I want to do it for Rach," he babbled on and on for a good two minutes, before I placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

"Paul, it's a good idea, go tell the rest of the pack. I'm going to check on Seth." I ran towards the baby's room and when I walked in I saw the beginnings of a field on the walls. It looked exactly like the field we trained in with the Cullen's. On the center of the floor, was Seth's sketch, and when I saw it, I felt a little emotional.

On the paper, was a pack of wolves, he'd sketched each of us in wolf form, and gotten the colorings just right. If this transferred from paper to the walls, I knew that Bella was going to cry when she saw it. I decided right then and there, that this would be Bells' Valentine's Day present.

The girls arrived home, late into the afternoon. The sun was starting to set, and the guys were all hungry again. They hit the kitchen and started cooking up a storm. I pulled Bella to the side to make sure she was okay.

"How was your day?" I tucked a stray hair behind her ears, then my hand rubbed absentmindedly over her baby bump. I noticed that she was wearing new clothes, and I was glad that her mother had taken her for some. It was a very good bonding experience for them, plus I loved how my little pup was now on display.

"It was okay, a little sad, but pretty good." She placed a hand on my cheek, "Carlisle wants to see us tomorrow, he said he ordered equipment and stuff for the house so that we can see the baby again."

"I'd like that." We went back into the kitchen to find our whole giant family together and laughing. It was a great scene to be in the middle of everyone so carefree and happy. Brady and Collin were gushing over the outfits the girls bought for the baby, and everyone just seemed to have a place. The one thing that scared me the most was Kima, lurking, watching every move everyone made, and he had a calculating look in his eyes.

We turned the dinner into a movie night, and all hung out until the late hours. Usually we would have been at the Cullen's training, but we had taken the day off for the baby's room and extended it for a family get together. Eventually, everyone went home, and Bella had passed out on the couch fifteen minutes into the movie.

The next morning, Seth showed up bright and early and started back on the mural. When Bells woke up, she tried to get in the room to see what we had done the day before, but I anticipated her actions and told Seth to lock the door.

"You can't go in there. I'm working on a surprise." Seth let out a protesting scoff that only I could hear and a chuckle.

"Why, not? I want to see what you did yesterday," Bella argued.

"Bells, honestly, it's going to be a good surprise, so let me do it. Now go get dressed, the faster we leave the faster we can see the baby," I said in a sing song voice.

Bella rushed off to the bedroom and got dressed. I chuckled at her excitement, and I knew that it matched mine, if not surpassed it. She emerged from the bedroom while braiding her hair into pigtails, "Jake does you think we can call him by his name now?"

"Well, I thought we hadn't decided, yet." I scratched my head and admitted to myself that I had forgotten about the two name thing.

"More like you didn't decide. It's up to you whether or not you put your father's name into your son's." Bella gave me a look that said I needed to decide, or I was in deep shit.

"Yeah, but do we have to call him J. Web, or can we still call him J.J.?" I asked.

"We can call him whatever you want Jake, now let's go. I wanna see my baby!" Bella clapped her hands and ran towards the door to leave.

The drive to the Cullens' was full of Bella's hums and giggles. I wasn't sure why she was giggling, but she was just so damn happy. I wasn't going to do anything to stop it. When we arrived, we were greeted with a bubbly Alice, like usual, and a pensive looking Jasper.

"Guys, I just wanted to let you know, that Joshua Uley is in the living room, and he's asking to speak to you, Jacob." Jasper tried to report gently.

Bella started to shake and at first I thought she was cold, until I realized she was crying. "Bells, we can go. You don't have to see him."

"No, I'm fine, just remembering something." That was code for, this happened in my dream, and I didn't mention it, but I didn't like what happened.

We walked into the living room and did the usually greetings. Emmett commented on Bella's bump, and Rosalie hit him. Esme gave us both hug and squeezed me so hard she almost popped a rib. Suddenly, a throat was cleared and Joshua Uley stepped out from behind everyone. "Isabella, Jacob, I was wondering, if you would allow me to watch the ultrasound Dr. Cullen is going to perform, I'd like to see my grandson."

Bella's face went really pale and her eyes got wide. I noticed I was shaking, but before anyone could stop me, I was launching myself onto Joshua Uley, and punching him mercilessly in the face.

A/N: Eeeeekkk, Semi Cliff hanger right? Haven't had one in a while. This chapter was a little baby filled, I know, but I was feeling nostalgic because my youngest baby turned one April 22nd.

Remember there are tons of awesome contests out there for everyone to vote in!

If you review I will send you a teaser for my Tsunami Relief post of the Bella and Paul story, "Chasing the Swan."

My next update will be: My Love is Yours.

Expect an update for this story, by May the 6th =)