Story: Flickering
Author:stargaze Trixiequeen
Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Danny Phantom nor any character and/or locations associated with it.I do, however own a Killer right hook. Anyone wanna try it out? I also own this song :) Enjoy...Review...maybe nod your head occasionally saying " so true" at random times

I feel like I`m fading in and out of existence
I try so hard but its difficult to keep up this resistance
Sometimes I think it would be easier to let darkness consume
I feel like a bomb, some day I`m gonna go boom

I flicker in, flicker out
Like a messed up TV- wanna shout
Always flickering
Flicker in, out, back and forth
One half says south the other north

Doomed for the rest of my life
to balance on the point of a knife
On one side Death on one side life,always hunted, someone always wants to sack ya
That's what it`s all about in the damned life of a halfa

Forever flickering

Like it? Hate it? Let me know. Press the little button. Which one? you may ask. So many glorious buttons to choose From! Well fear no more! I come bearing a gift! A clue! It has the word "review" in it :) I also come bearing a second gift! The First 5 people who give me a review on my other story ( Death and a Decision)( and is logged in- sorry I can`t really talk to Anonymous Although I DO Accept Anonymous reviews) will get a Preview ( unedited though) of the next chapter I`m working on for it AND If I get 10 reviews on That story ( Logged in And/or anon I don`t care) Before I do release the next chapter of said story I will devote all of the time I allot myself to write on it and try to make it slightly longer than was originally planned.- pretty fair Hmmm?

~*~*~*~*~Dream of the stars And with you they will Always be ~*~*~*~*~

- Stargaze